• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


Does Google no longer want to pay for the Greenland .gl TLD?

I’ve had that happen before lol

I was like wait this sounds familiar

Submerge America under the ocean and terraform Greenland to be the shape of a maple leaf.

As you might imagine, all this snapshot recording comes at a hardware penalty. To use Recall, users will need to purchase one of the new “Copilot Plus PCs” powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite chips, which include the necessary neural processing unit (NPU). There are also minimum storage requirements for running Recall, with a minimum of 256GB of hard drive space and 50GB of available space. The default allocation for Recall on a 256GB device is 25GB, which can store approximately three months of snapshots. Users can adjust the allocation in their PC settings, with old snapshots being deleted once the allocated storage is full.

Oh no my computer doesn’t meet the hardware requirements whatever shall I do

I would have hoped that before putting this implant in the guy’s brain that they had a plan for what to do in this situation. Like coming up with a method to potentially reseat the retreated “threads” it without invasive surgery. Especially if this it’s a recurring issue.

Loblaw should have restricted their business to Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog.

Yeah. Lemmy’s entire population is about as large as some of the smaller gaming subreddits. Even /r/mildyinteresting has over 200k subscribers (4x as big as Lemmy), and that subreddit is a misspelling of /r/mildlyinteresting.

I hear that ReiserFS is actually pretty decent from a technical perspective, particularly with large numbers of small file handling.

Why hasn’t it just been completely renamed and taken over by other developers?

And actually stand up. Otherwise it defeats the purpose.

According to Adaria and Invenda, students shouldn’t worry about data privacy because the vending machines are “fully compliant” with the world’s toughest data privacy law, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Then they should have no issues releasing the source code for independent public audit, right?

They’re also stonewalling his relatives who are trying to claim his body for burial. It seems intentional, as if Putin wants to get across the idea that if you oppose him, you won’t only just die but your family won’t be able to see you one last time for burial.

“Cave Johnson here. We are implementing a new policy, effective immediately. The git blame command will now be used to blame individual programmers. The blamed party will temporarily be reassigned to our home appliances division to test our new line of giant washing machines by riding the spin cycle. Don’t worry, it’s perfectly safe, but we are not liable for personal injury or death.”

At least with your assembly code it’ll go brrrrrrrt because of how fast it’ll be.

Legal questions are very case sensitive, no pun intended. It’s like asking an extremely specific programming implementation question. LLMs don’t do very well with those types of prompts because the narrower the focus, the less of its training data applies to it and the more likely it’ll just straight up hallucinate. And they don’t yet have the nuance necessary to determine that an area of case law may not be settled and is in a legal grey area.

Cut costs now, but they’re not gonna get sales later. Have fun explaining the lack of exponential growth to the shareholders.

OCR’ing a book before uploading saves so much hours on the user end of things. I wish it were done more so I don’t have to leave my computer running overnight to batch OCR stuff.

For companies to say that they can’t find workers, it’s curious to see why so many don’t even give you the time of day.

Aha but your breathing is now under my control now.

You are now aware of your breathing.

It’s all well and good until a cybertruck hits you in a crash. No crumple zones on that thing so your car is the only crumpling defense.

Safer for the cybertruck driver due to the sheer mass of the vehicle, but expect your own car (and you potentially) to be destroyed.

What the hell. The article has major show spoilers on the first damn sentence.

How could they mess that up? It’s so easily testable that they should have caught it during initial product design prior to mass production.

The point still stands though. Arbitrary time restrictions like this make it more difficult to enjoy the game because you don’t get to fly the cool spaceships anymore, now you’re stuck on land or in a station somewhere until the timer expires.

Waiting 10 whole minutes to get your ship back is the devs not respecting the player’s time.

I know why they do it though, they want people to buy more ships so that they have one ready while the original is in a cool down period. This is also a similar tactic used by shitty mobile phone games.

Started Kingdom Come: Deliverance yesterday and it’s pretty good. I only just got out of the tutorial phase of the story and I’m impressed by the realism in the game. It’s like a non-magical recreation of TES 4 Oblivion, and the Bohemia open world feels very alive.

NPCs have schedules. You can see them through the windows as they sit down, do the sign of the cross, then eat their meals. Although a lot of them are generic NPCs, the unique named characters can have speech skill checks (your character vs theirs) to determine outcomes as well as to haggle on prices.

I like the freedom it gives your character when it comes to making money like through thievery. That gameplay loop is pretty well developed, with noise and visibility playing a role in your success. Playing as a thief is almost as satisfying as in the Thief games, which is impressive considering that you don’t have any of the cool gadgets in those games and only have lockpicks.

The one thing I haven’t gotten the hang of yet is combat. I’m flailing around slashing and stabbing but my character isn’t strong enough yet to really hold his own against anything more than one or two bandits. Maybe I’m too used to the simplistic hack and slash style in Oblivion or Skyrim, but I feel like the combat system could be polished a little better (like let me switch focus between enemies a little easier so I won’t as easily get flanked.)

Could OpenAI refactor their code and algorithms to be more efficient? The more Instructions Per Cycle (IPC) that can be performed in the same amount of time can reduce costs to some extent when employed at scale.

That and computers are always getting more energy efficient, so if they can have these keep up or outpace user growth then it might become a little more sustainable.

For those too young to remember, the A:\ drive was for the hard 3" floppy disks and B:\ drive was for the soft 5.25" floppy disks. The C:\ drive was for the new HDDs that came out, and for whatever reason the C:\ drive became the standard after that.

Ooh let’s make it so that it the user has to manually add in all the time before January 1, 1970 in order for it to be accurate. That time is also in Roman numerals.

The program then does a system time check against NIST to see if the calculation is correct, otherwise it won’t let you proceed.

Membrane keyboards also just feel mushy. Add to that the general poor quality of most of them makes a very poor keyboard experience.