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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2023


And many people here seem to misunderstand why Plex is doing what they’re doing. Quite obviously you have no clue what you’re talking about.

lmao The whole game literally feels like DLC to the first game

You’re putting a lot of trust into these services that can just disappear one day. I’d rather rely on my own TrueNAS system, thanks.

Unless it needs a day one patch, then you’re SHIT OUTTA LUCK

Not entirely. Sony doesn’t have the best margins on console sales. Sure, the PS5 hardware sales is technically profitable now, (used to not be) but Sony relies way more on game sales to make up for those thin margins and now it looks like they’re also trying to rely more on subscriptions, so the boycott can actually be effective.

Gas companies faking sustainability numbers? Someone tell them that ‘CO2’ stands for ‘Caught Outlandishly Overexaggerating’ now! Looks like they’ve been emitting more hot air than their own exhaust pipes!

Ahoy, matey! If ye be lookin’ to improve the seedin’ of yer torrents, I’ve got a few tips that’ll make yer digital treasure spread faster than a sailor’s rumor in a tavern. First off, make sure ye be havin’ a proper port open on yer ship – aye, that’s the port-forwardin’ business. Next, check if yer ship’s crew, I mean, yer torrent client, be allowed through the firewall. Ye don’t want no scallywag blockin’ yer signal.

Now, here be the trick to gettin’ more swashbucklers to join yer crew – keep that torrent active, savvy? No need to be a lazy landlubber and abandon ship as soon as ye finish downloadin’. The more ye be sharin’, the more likely others’ll join the ranks.

And let’s not forget about those trackers, the navigational stars of yer torrentin’ voyage. Find yerself some trackers with plenty of hearties on 'em, and add ‘em to yer torrent – that’ll give ye more chances to connect with fellow buccaneers sailin’ the same waters.

Last but not least, be mindful of yer upload rate, matey. Don’t be a hog, sharin’ is carin’ in the high seas of torrentin’. Set yer upload rate to a fair share, and ye’ll be well on yer way to becomin’ a respected seeder in the pirate bay. Arrr, happy torrentin’ and smooth sailin’, ye digital pirate! 🏴‍☠️

So xbox went back on their policy. Good. It was a stupid policy anyway. Why should the Series S hold back gaming?

Who’s going to maintain that infrastructure of free old game downloads? Companies don’t like to work for little benefit. It’s way harder than you think.

All that’s going to do is encourage more people to use the tools you don’t want them to use lmao

I think it’s more wrong how writers make pennies while the fat suits at Hollywood make even more absurd amounts of money. Fuck them. Pirate.

He’s painfully overrated and only gets the roles he does now because he luckily got the Starlord role.

Sure, it wasn’t the MCU or Nintendo IPs that put the asses in seats, it was Pratt. Yup. /s

Start by calling your local authorities and tell them you plan on hosting a torrent site, but it’s definitely not illegal content.

Game platforms… I probably shouldn’t say this, but I wish there was only one," Yoshida said, translated by IGN. "It would be better for both the developers and the players.

“and the players” 🤡 🤡

And yet you just yeeted all this attention to the troll, so congrats. You got played.

letsa fucking GOOOOOOOOOO-

I always love when the ignorant calls other lazy for not understanding basic things about game development. They understand perfectly well what scaling is and they’re not lazy. Have you played a single second of BG3? They’re literally the opposite of lazy. You sound like a salty xbox fanboy.

well, he was banned from youtube and his rumble views have been tanking, so no, it’s not all that crazy to believe.

That is definitely overkill, so you must be an enthusiast.

That’s OK. I have a old Dell Poweredge that I use for simply torrenting and backing up everything I ever torrented.

This is why I pirate. Disney buys exclusive rights to kdramas that would otherwise be on multiple streaming services just so we have the privilege to overpay for their shitty subscriptions.

Disney can go fuck themselves.

“I am altering the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further.” - Darth Gates