Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Really very similar to Lemmy, where the identity of each group is tied to a particular server, e.g. lemmy has ! but Matrix has

So what happens if goes away or decides the server admin wants to be hostile to #anime?

Same thing that happens when a Lemmy instance goes away, right?

Why do you say Signal is no better?

Edit: misread as comparing to telegram, not matrix.

Something tells me you may not have read far enough into this article to get to the good parts.

I randomly scrolled to the right at the end.

I love love love that Fossil is a single executable.

All in all, the version control wars have ended and git has won. Mercurial is another one I sort of wanna try just to see what it’s like.

Re: rebasing, I think squashing / rebasing (in place of merging) is bad but I am also one of the few people I know who tries to make a good history with good commit messages prior to opening a pull request by using interactive rebasing. (This topic is confusing to talk about because I have to say “I don’t rebase, instead o rebase” which can be confusing.)

I think I looked into this before and it lacked a feature, but I don’t remember what it was. I might be getting it mixed up with another tool. There were a lot of tools that almost worked but were focused on making books with ordered pages rather than a tree. I think gitbook was one.

For folks interested in following in my footsteps, eleventy didn’t fit because it couldn’t convert relative links to markdown files to relative HTML links to the HTML files (out of the box, probably possible with plugins).

This just feels like such an obvious thing there would be a tool for but I can’t find one. Even most editors that render Markdown as a preview can do this out of the box.

My dream is something that can take a stack of markdown files with relative links and generate a static site from them. This is embarrassingly difficult. Right now I think that the GitHub Pages Ruby Gem is the best way but it has too many assumptions about being in a GitHub repository to work. Vanilla Jekyll is nice but I don’t want to deal with a bunch of configs to get the experience I want.

I have my workspace in Google drive synced folder and it’s worked fine.

Right single quote (’) in UTF-8 ( has the same bytes as ’ in cp1252 (which is more or less “ASCII” if we’re doing ELI5).

Sometimes your keyboard or program’s settings will use right single quote for apostrophes instead of a normal apostrophe. ’ you might notice how this one is straight and not bent a certain way. This setting is often called smart quotes.

You’d need to put ’ (specifically) in place of a quotation mark. That is the cp1252 encoding of right single quote in utf 8.

“Wonder if it’ll work?”

Just read the article, id hardly call that a “meltdown” lol. Sure, it was unprofessional, but it wasn’t a rant. This article feels like it’s trying to spin a narrative that doesn’t exist.

The post in question.

eh, i don’t really care. it was a huge labour of love from a lot of insanely talented people making an awesome game. why would i care about a bunch of talentless freaks hating on it? i’m sure having fun playing it, and i wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Note that this is the only post they’re talking about. It wasn’t like a drawn out thread with name calling.

Again, not saying it’s professional, but calling this a meltdown? Come on now… Y’all are being ridiculous. This is like the tamest fucking tweet.

Unless I’m uploading pictures to cloud storage I want GPS data filed off. I’d rather have some unnecessary bug reports targeting the wrong things then stalkers showing up at my door.

I’m fairly certain this is a reference to a joke tweet interaction that went something like

  • Fun fact: Oranges are the only fruit named after a color
  • Star fruit?
  • Close! That is a shape, not a color!

But nobody finished the end of the interaction or it wasn’t in the screenshot.

Further, just because a name like that came be “copyrighted” doesn’t mean the rest of the game isn’t lmao.

If I made Nuclear D.C., a post apocalyptic game set it the Fallout universe in Washington D.C. as a followup to Fallout 3, I wouldn’t magically be okay just because it’s set in a “real” place.

After dealing with tcl errors trying to test sqlite, I feel I’ve never seen a more scathing criticism of fossil.

Sorry, I meant for a “normal” A to B cord lol.

I have some time now, I’ll grab it and edit it in

Ctrl F for “block”. There were only 5 usages of the word and that led me to the section.

The joke is that A to A doesn’t make sense.

They’ve literally said ad blockers are a threat to their revenue

Risks Related to Our Businesses and Industries


New and existing technologies could affect our ability to customize ads and/or could block ads online, which would harm our business.

Technologies have been developed to make customizable ads more difficult or to block the display of ads altogether and some providers of online services have integrated technologies that could potentially impair the core functionality of third-party digital advertising. Most of our Google revenues are derived from fees paid to us in connection with the display of ads online. As a result, such technologies and tools could adversely affect our operating results.

Pretty sure you drag it to pico 8 to open it. The game is in the image. Then once it is loaded you can save how you’d like.

So you can access your router’s config page without blasting your password in plaintext or getting certificate warnings. It’s an optional feature.

A lot of things that “run doom” are just streaming the graphics from another place. In that sense it can probably still “run doom”

You cannot buy .internal domains. That’s my point.

People can talk about whatever they want whenever they want. The discussion naturally went to the challenges of getting non-self-signed certificates for this new TLD. That’s all.

How do you propose to get LetsEncrypt to offer you a certificate for a domain name you do not and cannot control?

My Asus router is actually able to get a certificate and use DDNS which is really interesting.

Good guides for the security you need to set up for self hosting?
Opening your router to the Internet is risky. Are there any guides for the basics to keep things secure? Things like setting up fail2ban? My concern is that I'll forget something obvious. Edit: I haven't had much of a chance to read through everything yet, but I really appreciate all these long, detailed responses. ❤️ Thanks folks!

This thread is frustrating. Everyone seems more interested in nitpicking the specifics of what OP is saying and are ignoring that a forum sends you your password *(not an automatically generated one)* in an email on registration.

Elastic tabstops: A better way to indent and align code
[Archived link.]( I think this is a good read to learn about what tabs and tabstops *really are* regardless of whether you agree that tabstops should be at different positions per line or with the controversial idea of using proportional fonts *(this would work with monospaced fonts too)*.