I block fascists & other stupid assholes

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


These networks should be air-gapped from the internet. Full fucking stop.

I know the largest local power company in my area has (had?) a completely separate fiber network for monitoring & WAN communications, because I helped design it.

It’s way past time to break Alphabet up into smaller companies.

Doug Ford would have been a better politician if they had found him dead with a crack pipe in his mouth 10 years ago.

Oh no, not the foreign investors that have been driving up housing costs all over North America.

How about fuck those guys. I hope they lose everything.

I wasn’t sure about that one since the game switches protagonists & I couldn’t be bothered to finish it.

If you give a single shit about the opinions of the #fascist #GOP, get your fucking head examined.

No one who enjoys the Internet should be using Chrome for anything.

I self host gitea because I don’t want to pay Microsoft $160 a year.

Every single time Ubisoft opens their stupid mouths, it reinforces my decade old decision to boycott them.

restrict it to force you to use a login to harvest data on your profile (see also Windows).

FYI, there is no forcing here. Heavy suggestions, but no forcing. I’ve never used a MS or Hotmail account to log into Windows 10 or 11.

I love Firefox, but if you have a non-rooted phone, DuckDuckGo is better.

I bought this to play after I’m done with Cyberpunk, glad the reviews are holding up.

Something, something, work makes you free…

Silicon Valley Bank imploded, taking the easy money away from them.

The Fairness Doctrine only covered public airwaves.

Currently, it’d get rid of AM talk radio bullshit, but that’s it.

Clowncom can charge whatever they like, the market will quickly decide the actual price.

In a better society, Gosar would be sitting in prison for insurrection.