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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


It truly baffles me how teachers could morally justify that. I would immediately think “Wait, if I make my students buy my textbook for the unit, I’m just fleecing them and they have no choice in the matter.” and you would naively hope that anyone else would also feel the same way.

Here I was thinking a new revision of Power over Ethernet was announced and I was thoroughly confused

For me, my default browser is LibreWolf with several privacy hardening extensions, but if I do come across a website that fails, my usual route goes LibreWolf > Firefox > Ungoogled Chromium

If it doesn’t work beyond that then I just won’t use the website.

This all happened two weeks before I started, so I don’t know the exact details. If it was set up the way I think it was, I’d say yes, the DC was in it’s own VM and then a separate VM would’ve been used as a NAS. Of course being hardware RAID the whole host server went down when that card failed.

They probably didn’t have a second DC set up due to the DEFCON 5 levels of “We can’t work!”

They were ultimately planning on going to the cloud anyway from what I heard and that catastrophe just accelerated that plan ahead

I got a server from ewaste because the RAID card did fail and having SAS drives they couldn’t even pull data from it with anything else. It was the domain controller and NAS so as you can imagine, very disruptive to the business. As they should they had an offsite backup of the system and so we just restored onto a gaming PC as a temporary solution until we moved them to M365 instead.

I just use software RAID on it now and so far so good for about 180 days.

Short answer: GeyserMC sidesteps that player authentication process Java players need to do

Long answer:

I’ve used and set up GeyserMC before. It sounds like the server you’re joining has online-mode on, which requires all Java players who are joining to have a valid Java account and current authentication.

GeyserMC, being a mod to the server, entirely sidesteps this entire process. Your Bedrock cracked client requests to join and GeyserMC, being the way your client communicates with the server, just let’s you in. It just sends your client the chunks, the entities, etc. and lets you interact with them, and Java players are shown an additional Player entity (being you).

GeyserMC actually has authentication a server owner can set up that does require a valid Bedrock account or valid Java account, but it seems the server(s) you’re playing hasn’t set this up.

For the phone bit, I started off with really old smartphones like a Galaxy S1, but basically any old old phones are really built like mini laptops and are usually pretty modular as they weren’t often water resistant or actively anti-repair

However I fully get your point and fall into the same boat with cars

Not OP, but I’m aware of it just from seeing it mentioned in threads like this. There might be a community or list available showing all these cool things but a lot of the time it just goes around by word-of-mouth.

23yo zoomer here. Like everyone else, I was stuck on the Michael Cera one for a while, but it was because I never heard of the guy and even after googling I didn’t realise he was in one of the other photos.

Gosh texting on the Nokia felt so normal and equally a nice reminder on how nice the mobile keyboards we have now are.

I’ve never heard of a boomerang, the comments here filled me in but I’m not an Instagram user.

The iPod was fucking magical by the way, always wanted one as a kid growing up, even begging my parents just for the nano but they didn’t see the value in that compared to the cheap knockoff MP4 players. I still want one nowadays but they’re all stupid expensive.

There’ll be a modloader in the next 5 years that will have you load .js scripts as mods

I mean the minute you see “Copilot bad, from windowscopilot[dot]news” should surely raise some flags

So I have been getting bored of Minecraft but felt like having a twist on my own new single player survival world.

So last week I started out in Minecraft 1.5.2, which was the version I started playing on, and I intend to slowly upgrade the world, along the way collecting mobs, blocks, items and world generation not possible in later versions (dubbed Discontinued Items).

My latest endeavour was actually switching to the 2013 April Fools version, Minecraft 2.0, and obtaining things like enchanted signs, creating setups for floating blocks (ladders, torches, floating sand/gravel, etc.), things that will survive the upgrade to 1.6.

Just a note to say that PolyMC has previously proven itself a troubled project, with the project owner Lenny at one point completely removing all other contributor’s access as he “purged the leftoids” (or something to that effect), and PrismLauncher is a fork made by those contributors

Hey, I just want to say you’re a real one for actually coming back with the Reddit comment and even a source essentially debunking what you said. This is why I love Lemmy, thank you.

I did a quick bit of research on this, and I wasn’t really able to find anything to corroborate this. I’d be interested to know if there is a proper source to this though

Edit: there can be some concern for those metal particles, although this is no different for any metal dust by the looks of things https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/do-old-hard-drives-contain-toxic-materials.1623183/#post-11646780

Steam also has so many features that cracks usually can’t or don’t offer. Friends system, anticheat, workshop modding, cosmetics, multiplayer (although this is actually a case of it usually being locked behind Steam), fast updates, Proton, just to name a few.

I still have a early 2000s (I think that’s the era anyway) LaserJet 2200dn and it’s done nothing of that sort, even on my spare actual Windows XP laptop. Insanity that their more consumer brand printers had those problems by '07

I’m not sure what does and doesn’t control it, but I’ve installed nano on some Linux distros and it has no syntax highlighting at all, then other distros (currently using LMDE) just have it by default.

I was pleasantly surprised by how good the error messages are in Rust though on compile time. I agree that having an IDE flag them before I compile is much better though.

I thought so but as I’m not a huge vim user myself, I thought maybe vim had some error detection like VSCode that could be set up and that’s what you meant.

In any case, VSCode will probably be the go for me

Well, in my defense I just wanted to initially try out Rust and on this particular computer, I don’t have any IDE set up on it yet. However, definitely seems like an IDE is in order for me haha

Text description (for those with screenreaders): A portion of a prime number checker written in the Rust programming language, where the first few lines are written correctly including the first if statement in the program. However, the following if statements are written using Python syntax instead of Rust, as the author slipped back into his native tongue.

I’m not 100% in the loop on things they’ve done, but I think the main thing is that there are better alternatives out there such as Signal for keeping in touch with friends and family, but oftentimes those friends/family just don’t want to have yet another messaging app so it leaves you needing Discord to keep in touch.

I’ve got one of those cheap Rockchip rk322x TV boxes and it took me fucking literal hours to get the Mali driver working and the performance, while noticeably better, was still way worse than if I ran it’s stock Android image on it.

Basically that’s how I use it, just a secure VPN tunnel to my home hosted stuff while I’m out. Painless to set up.

For me it’s gotta be Portainer, Vaultwarden, and Tailscale. Everything else (FreshRSS, Heimdall, Paperless) is just cream.

THANK YOU. I’m someone who loves Linux and daily drives it, but it feels like Lemmy’s userbase is just those who moved from r/linuxmasterrace who don’t understand that just because Linux doesn’t cost you any dollars, doesn’t mean it doesn’t cost time, time which people just may not have.

Good grief, I had a lady behind the counter try to berate me onto the store’s rewards card and she wasn’t as pushy as this comment.

Just from my observations from owning a 2015 MBP with 8GB of memory, it is easy to be fooled into thinking memory management is much better on macOS because you can effectively have more open than you would on an equivalent Windows laptop with 8GB memory.

From what I understand though, the SSD is used to compensate as swap a lot more than Windows, and I believe this is causing a lot of ewaste with the M1 Macs in particular being effectively binned because the SSDs are worn out on them from swapping and they’re soldered.

My sister found that it outright blocks her. She is signed in.

^But she also found that the player loads a split second before the message so if you full screen the player before the message you’re good and can keep on watching away with no ads…^

I’m in the same boat whether on Windows, macOS, Linux or Android. But my sister, in the same household, also using uBO on FF, has been getting the message constantly

I respectfully disagree. Based on what you’ve said, it sounds like you’ve asked your friend multiple times to use something else, and there’s a chance they’re trying to be respectful to you by politely declining to hear more suggestions.

I’ve been on both ends of this, I’ve been pushed to look at games I could’ve been interested in but just didn’t feel like giving a novel back to my friend as to why I’m not going to buy it, and I’ve tried to push friends onto Linux and that ultimately resulted in them getting pissed off with me.

It took me a while to realize, there is no wrong operating system to use, there is no wrong social platform to use. People are willing to try new things, but at their own pace and if they can see that there’s an easy transition, but it’s more than that.

I used to think the more people I get onto Linux, the more I’m doing my part for the market share and in turn the software gets better for me and for them, but what I failed to realize is that I was no different to a Jehovah’s Witness, and I certainly came off as annoying as them to my friends. I don’t care what they use now, but if they’re ever interested in help on something that I’d love for them to use, I gladly help them and answer any questions they have, and so far, that’s worked better anyway.

I just fear that you’re going down the same path I did. I fear your friend isn’t copping out of wanting ads, Chrome, iOS, etc. They just want to avoid a confrontation with you.

Maybe I’m looking into this too far, but I think if someone’s happy to have things the way they like them (ads, Chrome, etc.) and clearly doesn’t want to elaborate on it, they have every right to not elaborate further.

Let them find it their own way. Or maybe they won’t, but it’s their choice to make.

I used to be a KeePass user, but moved away because I was ultimately syncing the database using OneDrive, which I felt at that point it was a cloud password manager, which I didn’t like for being open to the internet and entrusting the security of the company hosting it.

And yes, I moved to self hosted Vaultwarden with Tailscale and haven’t looked back.

Oh my gosh. I have been trying to figure this issue out with my docker containers for months. If this is the fix, THANK YOU.

Yes, it’s probably pretty demanding of the hardware but my Pi4 4GB runs:

  • Heimdall
  • Portainer
  • Vaultwarden
  • Flatnotes
  • ownCloud
  • FreshRSS
  • Paperless

Yeah, it would be a fantastic thing if it showed a permanent history of parts and their serials in the settings, as well as a date on which the change was noticed, so you have an idea of the history of the phone and what’s been replaced. And, of course, not locking you out of features.

Unrelated to this post at all, I’m a bit out of the loop on this, is there something wrong with PDFs? Just wondering what the PDF warning is about, this just being the first I’ve ever seen that.

Edge has some genuinely nice features, like vertical tabs and split window browsing.

But I wouldn’t suggest either personally, especially in the context of all the crap going on with Chrome. I imagine anything Chrome implements will be immediately back ported to Edge, such as WEI etc. I can’t see why MS wouldn’t.

WTF? This computer’s CPU fan is powered on by only a HDMI monitor
I actually intended to post this to Reddit but I thought I would contribute content to here instead to get the ball rolling here and do my part. Anyway, this is a Windows XP-era machine I have at work for testing, and I had just this monitor plugged into it and saw the CPU fan trying to spin. I spun it a bit myself and it just kept going. I disconnected the HDMI cable and it stopped. The monitor is actually DisplayPort, with a passive adapter to HDMI which then goes to the HDMI cable connected to this PC. The GPU is just PCI-E. The computer has some old ~2007 AMD CPU in it. The GPU actually doesn't seem to work anyway, the PC posts normally but there's no image from either the GPU or onboard, but when putting either another GPU or no GPU, there's an image from the appropriate output.