@Kichae@kbin.social @Kichae@tenforward.social @Kichae@kitchenparty.social

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 18, 2023


YouTube has been an alt-right pipeline for a very long time now. If you so much as smell right-leaning content in the next room, it wilk start serving you truck loads of right wing and alt-right recommendations.

Unfortunatey, it’s very difficult to actually decide what an election will be based on. You usually try and figure that out by polling the electorate and framing your election campaign in its terms, in a form of political judo.

This is going to be a cost-of-living election. Milhouse is just trying to turn that into an anti-tax thing.

If there’s that much of an issue, then rail employers should actually acknowledge the power of the union, negotiate, and fucking deal. The state stepping in to kill collective action here, because it might affect people over there is done not to protect the people over there, but to ensure they don’t get any ideas of their own.

But with the US electing swinging to what we laughably refer to as the left, I wonder if it could cause the CPC trouble in the upcoming election.

No. We lag behind the US’s shifts here, which is why it’s important to PP to get the election rolling before the year is out. While he’d still probably win an election next year, in all likelihood it would be a much smaller victory should the Yankees actually send any kind of message rebuking the naked fascists running this year.

The canon is anything that appears in the games. There are clear timelines between many of the games, asserted within the game text or game subtext.

Producers have gone on record echoing what’s states in the HH, both before and after it was published.

Do not mistake the canon for something the producers and designers feel in any way bound by. That’s not what the term means when discussing media.

Well, further end, at least. There’s been very little in the way of movement leftward in the last 40 years.

Giving a sliver of a shit about PoC and vulnerable minorities is not a shift leftward.

Federal government has the means and responsiblity to persuade and cajole provinces in certain directions when it comes impacts of policies they are implementing.

I’m not going to defend Trudeau. Not on any front.

But this is a bad take. Any federal government taking a take-it-or-leave-it approach to the provinces is attempting to operate as a dictatorship, and it’s something that should be actively resisted or rejected.

The problem right now is that there are a lot of Conservative Premieres, and they can taste blood in the water, so they’re circling and stonewalling.

The Liberals have been unambiguously pro-business since Cretien. It’s just which businesses have been the focus of their support that’s changed somewhat over time. Neoliberalism has been at the heart of the party since the Red Book.

The current administration has been throwing all of its support behind big city “businesses businessing businessly” businesses. Think of Bill Morneau and his family enterprises, or anything B2B where it seems like something the client company could just do on their own, but they gain a lot of connections by working with the other business.

You know. Rich people bullshit.

Sounds like some corporate offices and some parliamemt buildings need to be burnt down

Remember folks, you have the right to strike! Unless doing so actually meaningfully impacts anything.

But these workers are not. These workers are fighting for their rights, and that’s going to inconvenience everybody else. So, they’re going to highlight that inconvenience, rather than the underlying cause.

Albertan minister, a Chamber of Commerce guy and a CN rail official. No union representation. This is a bit shameful from the CBC.

This has been par for the course for a while now, unfortunately. The CBC’s most used lens is “How does this inconvenience the average Canadian?”, followed by “How much does this impact shareholders?”

Oh good! Does this mean the government’s also going to protect my stock portfolio and guarantee those investments always succeed, too? Because if so, I should start having a stock portfolio!

If it’s still 9 months away, there’s no real reason to announce it publicly before the Christmas season. The fact that the original Switch’s sales are flagging is not a reason to announce, since it’s not launching in time for the holidays. Its announcement isn’t going to spurr Switch 1 sales.

When it’s announces will be entirely deoendent on when retailers need to know launch details. Once it’s outside of Nintendo, they’ll have to announce things publicly or risk losing control over the narrative.

“The government needs to stop people from doing a capitalism, but it had better not stop anyone from doing a capitalism, that would be tyranny.”

Commumusm is when gubmint no give tax credits to rich and when hair

Then the OP just rented the software.

Adobe should pay more than the inflation-adjusted price - multiples of it, even - so that the repayment is actually punative.

The policy rate is sitting right around where it was prior to 2008. In the years that followed, the economy went nuts, and a big part of that insanity was masked by the essentially free money capital was able to get from lenders. Venture Capitalists managed to gain immense influence over so much of our daily lives, and employers masked their ever growing share of the pie with ever cheaper and lower quality consumer goods that got cheaper relative to overall inflation.

Rather than fix the underlying problems, they’re signalling that they want to go back to sweeping them under the rug.


It’s great for gaslighting people into thinking they don’t know what a bicycle looks like!

No, they’re happy to pay their friends from the public purse, too. They’re just not also above throwing those friends under the bus when they think it’s politically advantageous.

Especially if they were someone else’s friend.

It’s not “widely misunderstood”, it’s been widely hyped by the people actively selling it. The tech bros are pumping and dumping it, just like with every other tech panacea.

It’s not the public, it’s the snake oil salesmen.

Ah, the dichotomy of Linux users:

“wHy DoEsN’t EvErYbOdY uSe LiNuX???”


“gEt On My LeVeL nOoB”

Musk <-------------------------------- LYs -----------------------------------> Self-Driving car

Any questions?

No, what they want is to be able to coax more money out of their sales numbers. Retention is correlated with future purchases, both of paid DLC (if the game has it) and of future studio titles.

And it’a an easy metric to point to when talking to a publisher and negotiating funding.

It’s something that should be publicised not because OpenAI has promised privacy, but because a lot of people seem to assume it where it has not been offered, and they need to be reminded that they’re kind of out to lunch on the issue.

Like, people in companies keep using these things to write reports with privileged information. People need to be informed as gently but alsonas firmly as possible that they’re sending this stuff over the internet to an organization that considers everything it can see to be its own.

“Are 13 year olds too young to exploit monetarily?”

“Are 13 year olds too young to take on the glorious privilege of earning their own money?”

Hey look, it’s propaganda in action, right there on the CBC.

Yes, that’s how leverage works. I think they know that when they themselves are negotiating from a place of power.

Oh fun. Who is Elon going to just haphazardly drop the ISS on top of?

Depends on what kind of input logging your employer is doing. Some of them are monitoring keystrokes and mouse activity, not just whether your system is locked or asleep.

I’ve been saying this for a while now, but AI articles read like bad high school essays. “State your thesis. Write a paragraph that echos your thesis. Say something that may or may not be related to your thesis. Finish by repeating your thesis.”

BC doesn’t exist, as far as the Cons are concerned. Western Canada is Alberta (and sometimes Saskatchewan), and Eastern Canada is Ontario.

Hey, if we don’t have any cargo to transport, maybe it’s just… not a factor worth discussing for the vast majority of us?

Same. My car’s turning 18 this year. It’ still in good shape. I should be able to get a few more years out of it. After that? Who knows?

They’re way more ok with the CPC taking power today and getting it back tomorrow than they are with potentially having to broker compromise dels to maintain government in hung parliaments forever going forward.

The potential for regaining total control down the road is way more important than things like the poor suffering, and minority populations losing rights and standing.

It’s Press Progress. This is less a “poor farmer” article, and more a seat at a wrestling match where everyone hates both guys.

I kind of suspect this was an attempt on the IA’s end to get parts of copyright struck down by court ruling. Laws can be clear and still found to not be in the public’s interest, or in violation of some other legal doctrine, and sometimes you’ll see groups come at them sideways.

Ownership laws are really tough ones to chip away at, and IP law in particular has been getting worse and more unassailable over time.

It’s totally a “remote communities” thing, likely by someone who has never been to the remote communities. You want to meet people where they are and work within the context they live in.

This is meeting people where you imagine them to be.

Sure, but if you install DR, then you have DR to do other things. Like chase that YouTuber dream, or field annoying calls from your great aunt who knows you can edit videos to digitize her parents super 8 family videos that are have rotten.

Crazy how the only one of these airing criticism that says the budget isn't doing enough is the publicly owned one.