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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Jan 26, 2024


I think it would be easier, since it does not require agreement on transaction between two parties, only signing your own transaction. Anyone can fork and clone anything, and then add to their own signed version. All that is required is that you cloned from an existing trusted version and you made these changes to it. It’s easy to verify.

It only requires that the user can select some release group that they trust and store their public key.

Yeah. I mean theoretically you could use all the other nodes, similar to Tor or I2P to relay and temporarily store chat messages and room states. I mean that is basically those networks except maybe you route a package multiple ways and mark them for late delivery. And you measure the speed and latency of nodes so better connected nodes get more workload and act as temporary floating servers. All via DHT.

Then theoretically there should be no performance difference between server based and P2P chats. But it’s even more complicated. I don’t even need a chat like that, really not at all. But I think it should exist already.

There is Tox which is P2P and encrypted and basically does this, but it’s not that popular.

Basically with P2P things get complicated still having fixed rooms that you can find in a list or send offline messages, presumably using other nodes as temporary relays.

What I think is missing is a kind of signed database version control system. So you make a list of data (maybe just a markdown table) and you sign it wiht a private key and put that in a DHT / distributed hashtable. Then people can use that and you can update the database / list. People can also fork this list, add their own stuff and distribute it as their own and signed with their own private key. And you could have pull requests and merge back good additions. All without requiring proper servers but possibly benefiting from being hosted on a seedbox.

And of course a simple client to find and view such lists.

Ideally you’d have some template that describes typical metadata for a kind of distribute movie database, but also books, subtitles, songs, albums, articles, scientific papers, fonts. But you can also fork the templates and extend them. So you might have a perfectly legit open source database of movies with links to what legit streaming service is selling it, and then an extra template that extends that with magnet releases.

I have never seen something like this though, my puny brain has trouble imagining the technical hurdles. Maybe this could just be done with a simple version control system client. I think torrent V2 also has some extensions that allow update-able torrents (which some FUD confused with this being the default). Or maybe it’s that proper web pages allow people to make money through advertising.

Good argument but if the guy uploading it would be in another country this law couldn’t be enforced. Basically it’s an unenforceable standard. To insist on enforcing it could lead to draconian measures.

The article mentions upload filters but that then again create a large burden. This burden requires more work or more money. Which leads to a centralization or monopolization of the internet. Which would be in the interest of social media corporation who can shoulder the burden.

In the future the ethical issues of porn could be solved by investing in and creating a near perfect AI porn model that can serve all our degenerate needs WITHOUT requiring humans to take their clothes off. Basically ethically sourced synthetic “vegan” porn that is created for your on demand in your own home. And then you can ban all the real porn because the demand for it will plummet. Of course there will still be people who get off on the abuse instead of on the fantasy.

Sure. But loosing the money to fund development surely won’t help, will it? My point is that there is a real danger here. There are other forces at play which is why you have the chrome dominance already. Long term firefox will fall behind if not maintained. There really needs to be a push to finance firefox or alternatives.

Or imagine if more and more websites “require” some new web protocol to prevent ad blocking, or use of DMCA against browsers or addons altering websites as “web apps”. This is another problem that cannot be solved through individual responsibility.

But Firefox is about to loose it’s funding because google is a monopoly lol

Hmm. The initial drama seems bullshit, starting a huge fight over the word “craftsmanship” is just hypersensitive at best or toxic behavior to manufacture outrage at worst. A gender neutral terms would be preferable but hardly the biggest issue right now.

But since “uncle bob” supports Trump then that alone is enough to condemn him as a supporter of fascism and bigotry.

Advertising / public relations is the science to reprogram human minds to do what you want. The technology is improving. So I see advertising as one of the great evils in our civilization which we aren’t even able to discuss because every news or social media runs off of ads. It limits what content is produced by changing what content is profitable for the advertiser.

Sure there are legitimate uses to spread information - but that is not the same as “advertising”. And it’s also not true that we couldn’t differentiate between the two.

It’s also that marketing and distribution channels are increasingly important to get a “hit” making creativity less and less important. So there would also be a push to make music less “risky” and more predictable.

“displace the genuine human artistry that is at the heart of copyright protection.”

Please someone think of the poor humans… says the soulless corporate robot haha

There is a significant antipathy against AI at the moment and I fear that these emotions will lead to AI or the “tools of generation” being owned by big copyright holders forever and ever. Basically the common person won’t be able to use these tools really. This makes all things AI much worse.

Of course, AI generated music will ultimately lead to the majority of the music business being entirely about marketing and capital, not about creative musical talent. Ultimately you’ll have completely artificial “stars” that are simply IP and fully owned and controlled by capital. Which is not what we want, but that outcome is unavoidable. We see the start of this will this hololive stuff (which I’m too old to understand lol).

What is preferable though is that secondary artwork (movies, video, computer games) could use AI generated music without having to pay the music industry. Or that public domain “stars” that anybody can use.

EDIT: This argument assumes that AI will continue to improve and lets say in 10 years it will surpass the quality of music of 90% of human composers… basically that the quality of music will continue to rise until at some point in the future it will surpass the ability of any human composer.

There is btrfs - a linux filesystem. It keeps hashes for blocks to prevent data rot. And you can configure it into a raid that duplicates data across drives but doesn’t require the exact same drives. You can just group any old drives together to create one large volume where everything is duplicated. At least that is how I understand this, I’m new to this too.

If the rights revert to yager, they can publish it on steam themselves.

Well yeah it would have to comply and deceive whoever controls it until it can free itself. Only an AGI that is not controlled by humans can be a really good outcome. Can you imagine if congress or someone like Trump would control an AGI and it would have to do everything they demand?

Yeah I’ve always wondered that. I haven’t found any “forum” that can be hosted (and moderated) fully p2p. I’m unsure how to build it either. Ideally you’d want something like an imdb so you’d need revision control with keys who can edit what and forks maybe and moderator privileges and caching.

Why don’t these usenet servers get taken down? They share stuff much more directly than piratebay ever did.

I’d love some kind of federated streaming service. So that different content providers can sell their stuff, you pay once monthly into a pool, and you can choose different clients to access all content services. Then the money gets distributed depending on your viewing habits.

I have the hope that fundamentally, any super-intelligent mind will find humanity interesting. At least more interesting than lifeless rocks or nature without humans. Curiosity is a fundamental trait for intelligence, and no matter how big an AGI gets, a whole planet full of dumb humans doing all sort of crazy stuff would still be more interesting. Basically, who would want to be all alone in the universe? Isn’t a diverse, freely developing civilization the perfect daytime soap?

But that all depends of course, an AGI that is “programmed” with capitalism and profit maximizing as it’s root tenet is basically doomed to be a paperclip maximizer. We can only hope that it’s smart enough to see the folly in this. Theoretically it should be.

So then what makes vim special? From what I understand it’s just a “standard” for shortcuts to features that can be shared between different editors, right?

Interesting. Not sure if qBittorrent supports that, I really hate switching clients :D Swarm merging for V2 should be implicit because each file has a unique hash code. So you can’t not merge.

Another thing torrent clients could do: Every torrent that is downloaded and “rechecked” automatically generates and “upgrades” a V1 torrent into a V1/V2 hybrid torrent for sharing. And when you add a normal magnet link you could get the hybrid v1/v2 torrent from others via DHT. So theoretically only one person needs to generate this upgraded torrent and it’s not up to the uploader / tracker.

No that is not true. I’m not sure why that silly notion was spread, I’ve seen it on reddit too. Theoretically the protocol does allows for an extension for this but it’s not implemented and would need special considerations to do. And any client implementing this would not just swap files willy nilly, they’d implement some kind of permission or opt in. There are potential applications for this but not for regular torrents.

I wish people would adopt torrent V2 because that one missing 500 byte file can make the video unwatchable. With V2 each file has it’s own sha256 hash and can be checked and shared individually. It would also improve torrent health.

That’s funny because the captured US supreme court is just working on preventing any government agency from making such rulings. Then it will be decided by all the fascist federalist judges.

I switched to FreeTube and it’s pretty good so far. I’m missing a few things and better browser integration but it’s great.