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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 26, 2023


Mautrix Discord (look it up)

Yes. Although that is valid and could be an actual thing. I don’t know but I think US law “entitles” copyright holders to the value of pirated things and then some. Which technically profits from piracy.

Invalid grammar in the headline. “It” is Google not the lawsuit as regular grammar rules would dictate.

Thank you. I thought it got hugged to death with all the schools starting up.

The links themselves can’t really be copyrighted.

I think they might be referring to a specific Poscast. They’re generally free and finding one that doesn’t have ads is easy. If it was Spotify they would have asked for Spotify.

And OP is it is Spotify and you’re on amdroid there’s patches apks that block ads.

Edit: Holy fuck my grammar is bad.

That is malicious, whether ir affected you or not. Maliciousness is entirely within intent.

That’s “automatically turning domain names into http hyperlinks” but even worse.

I guess they did DMCA source code for legal software (youtube-dl). But long live yt-dlp

Internet shutoff orders (including for nonpayment) should require a court approval IMO.

Simple Cal.And CardDAV server. Woks very well.

If you want to use a computer you’re going to need to learn how to use it.

It’s not reasonable to expect maintainers of a very nice Python CLI tool to also maintain a GUI that works perfectly with it. Just look at the manpage if you need to find an option.

WDYM you’ve had difficulty?? Isn’t it just --embedded-subs or something?

Yes you can do this. Two problems:

It isn’t fast. Watch your MTU.

Youll have to make sure return packets come through the VPS on their way back. You’ll have to set up those packets to masquerade on their way out, otherwise you’d see internal IPs on the internet (they get dropped immediately). You can either masquerade them on the inside so they appear to be coming from your VPS (internally), or if you want the destination computer to see the real Internet IP, you’d need to set up rules on the destinarion computer which routes packets through the VPS otherwise they’d return via the default gateway.

Blu-Rays would be good if a write drive didn’t cost $130+ (for the 100GB models)

You can add multiple peers WireGuard but not multiple interfaces. If the IPs line up well it can work. You can also NAT through a device if the IPs don’t line up well.