She/Her, Also

Academy Award nominated character actress, clown psychiatrist, Duchess of Bay Ridge, and plastic doll.

She is all of us, yet I’m not her, but sometimes I play her on TV.

So what will be my ending?

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


I, for one, thinks she’s pretty cool.

Baldur’s Gate 3 isn’t exactly open world in the strictest sense, but the maps are so massive that you can get the same sense of wonder and exploration as something like Skyrim or BoTW.

“GNU is Not Unix Image Manipulation Program Tool Kit” is still a better name for GTK than “GIMP ToolKit”.

It’s a name that will definitely raise some eyebrows in the less technically inclined circles. (and maybe a few “Pulp Fiction” references about “bring out the gimp”)

It looks like an upside down funnel to me!

Word of mouth. Friends. Internet.

Speaking of which, have you seen Barbie yet? I heard it’s pretty good.


Hey, it goes to help everyone get paid during the strike, so it’s for a good cause.

No, That’s “Thanks, esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie” to you!

Instead of giving your money to Amazon to rent this mediocre looking movie that I know nothing about (so this is not a promotion), why not watch it elsewhere (cough cough) and use the same 25 dollars of your hard earned money to support the people who actually worked on the movie and buy a shirt here instead?

I’ll go into it briefly since I’m a bit bored.

The role of woman in society is, as with all things, an inherent contradiction (Pretty sure everyone has seen or at least read about that monologue from the movie by now), and society progress through the development and resolution of these inherent contradictions.

You can view the role of the femme fatale, then as an response to seek resolution to said contradiction: what if these extraordinary women are now free to be as smart and pretty and as dangerous as they want?

I don’t think it’s an obsession, as long as this contradiction exists, this idea is always worth exploring.

It’s almost as if an award winning professional actor would be really good at playing roles or something.

As an actress, that’s nonsense, if hacking scenes in movies are fake, then how do you explain this documentary I watched where this hacker man hacked a kung fu fighting cop back in time to kill Hitler (and David Hasselhoff was there for some reason, too)?

So, anyone here want to name a git branch after me? 😊