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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Feb 18, 2024


I honestly don’t think so. Again, single-issue non-voters are already not counted in the demographics- as I understand. I could be wrong, but I think this has always been a thing. This is why most polls aren’t accurate- because they don’t account for this. The remaining numbers are a result of who is expected to vote.

This doesn’t mean that the gEnOciDe jOe kids can’t help America from falling into absolute chaos, and Palestine from becoming a golf course…

But it’s already assumed they won’t. Again, they’re part of status quo and they don’t even realize it.

Holding democracy ransom because one feels the need to virtue signal about something they more than likely didn’t care about a year ago?

Yeah. Shame.

100% agree these people need to be shamed. And it needs to happen as often as it can’t until it’s understood what is at stake.

Action isn’t initiated by the lack of action. The mere thought that by doing nothing- something will happen is so incredibly ignorant… I can barely hold on to the concept of it let along try and sympathize with those that subscribe to it.

The SJWs that refuse to vote every election year because of single issue nonsense are already counted out with regards to polling and forecasts as I understand.

This is why their votes actually can count. Because any vote from them will help tip the balance in favor of democracy over dictatorship-

but should they all make good on their threats to pout and stay home-

It’s just going to be status quo.

You just stood directly in the way of a perfect whataboutism….

Now you apologize right now!

Remember this when everyone tries to tell you that AI is beneficial. We have enough ignorance and racism. We don’t need computers pushing the narrative.

But how? Buying out Bethesda and turning them into an exclusive-only producing shitshow was probably the most business savvy move of the century!


The minute I see some tool praising the glory of AI, I block them. Engaging with them is a futile waste of time.

Because if I remember correctly, Trump had asked him for money to bail him out. Being denied that in favor of bailing out another douchebag?

That’s the type of thing that infuriates him.

Places like r/jailbait and r/fatpeoplehate existed under the guise of free speech.

No matter how hard you try, you cannot beat America at being America. So it’s probably best to stop trying and go back to being cool. There’s no need for more people to die.

It’s pointless. There’s a copy of everthing you say on Reddit. Even if you edit it, they have the original backed up.

Republicans complain……

Seemingly all news regarding them involves this in one way or another.

That there’s such thing as “crypto influencers” and that they’re awarded for pulling people into the scam not only blows my mind, but also indicates how fucked we are as a whole, when it comes to being able to think critically.

Tell that to the Russian bot campaign that’s here convincing these dumbasses that there’s an actual reason to not vote.

ALL Trump supporters are a threat to democracy. Because TRUMP IS A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY.