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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


If I stay in my house for my retirement, why would I care how much it is worth? I would only care about monthly costs like energy or insurance, what am I missing?

I would say in most videogames you can play against the computer (Age of Empires, Call of Duty, etc.), which use human-set rules without machine learning. Computer enemies show the same behavior, regardless of your specific knowledge of the game. I think nowadays there may already be some games where the computer learns from your behavior by machine learning, but this is not the norm.

There were also chatbots before ChatGPT existed, which in their most basic form give human programmed answers to specific questions.

When people talk about AI, they’re generally referring to systems or machines that can perform tasks which typically require human intelligence. These tasks might include things like recognizing speech, translating languages, or making decisions. AI isn’t about simulating human consciousness or emotions but about replicating the ability to perform specific intelligent tasks.

AI systems can range from simple, rule-based algorithms (which might seem like glorified if-else statements) to complex, learning systems. This is where machine learning comes in. Machine learning is actually a subset of AI. It’s a way of achieving AI where the system learns from data. Instead of being explicitly programmed to perform a task, the system is given huge amounts of data and learns patterns or rules from it. Over time, it can make predictions or decisions based on what it has learned.

So, not all AI is machine learning, but all machine learning is AI. Hope this clears things up a bit!

I also have a steam deck, don’t like to play without buttons, so phone is a no go and the steam deck screen is too big for such pixelated games, so I got myself a RG35XX for 50€ from AliExpress and am super happy with it. It plays anything up to the PS1.

Well this can get quite complicated to implement I suppose. I heard letterboxd works nice for discovery if you are lazy, but I don’t know if they have a jellyfin plugin.

Which is good, they still produce a few good shows per year, so be glad that enough people are throwing their money away so that you can pick their fruits.

I understand wanting them to go bankrupt (or be punished some other way) for their business practices, but they still produce a handful of good shows per year, so is it so bad that someone pays them for it? Be glad that enough people are throwing their money away so that you can pick their fruits. Maybe some day it’s too expensive for your dad and sister and then you are there to show them a better way.

But is that so bad? Someone has to pay for the content they produce. Just not me.

If you are just interested in Netflix recommendation algorithms, you could start here

Would it be also evidence for the simulation theory that there is a maximum speed of information (light speed)?

I can’t give you a clear answer, maybe bots? Something is “missing” here on Lemmy, as somedays I spent as much as 8 hours on Reddit, whereas I spent 30 min at most per day here on Lemmy. It feels like Lemmy is mostly informative for me and not so much entertainment. But good riddance, I have so much more time to read books now!

Thanks for the insight, this is crazy. We are looking for houses right now here in Germany, and and the last one we visited was 269 m² for around 500.000€ and 30 minutes drive away of the inner city of the next major city. I hope politics does something about your problem, it can not stay like this.

How bad is housing in Canada right now? This is not a prominent topic here in Europe, so let’s say you look for a 200 m² house in the outer parts of a bigger city, what would be the price for that?

I never used dating apps in my life, so just a short question: Is Tinder only about looks? Or could you also be successful if you have a good job or house or something like that? Do people look at the profiles or do they select only from pictures?

The only major reason I can think of is people playing on PC and Steam Deck, using the cloud save to play on both. Sometimes I want to play the same game on the big screen and sometimes in bed.

Exactly, it feels like 50/100 is the baseline and 75/100 is mediocre. 75/100 tells me I have to be a fan of the genre to enjoy it. This rating inflation really shows how dependent reviewers are. This is one of the reasons I like organisations like Stiftung Warentest instead of depending on some biased product comparison blogs.

I can also recommend Everything (1.5a) as it’s the only tool I know of where I can search not only for file names, but also for the contents of pdfs, docx, etc on every drive, including network drives.

You could use word filters, for this case “Republican”.

How do I find input profiles and how do I install them? Only way I am doing it right now is first to install the game and then looking in the controller settings if there is a community profile.

This doesn’t seem to be about busting users for torrenting, but Texas ISP Grande apparently made no attempt to stop torrenting and these users would be witnesses in this case. Either way, it’s a win for privacy that the information is not being released.

Could I reach people using WhatsApp with this?

What do you think about Zorin? It’s Ubuntu in a Windows Skin if I remember correctly, so target audience are Windows and Mac OS users who want to switch.

I I have been programming with Matlab for 8 years and am switching to Python. I’m focusing on deep learning applications and have been using ChatGPT to answer general questions about Python as interactive documentation. Would you say Copilot would be better for this use case or only better when I am a bit more advanced with Python?

Can you give an example how you use copilot? Why is it better than using chatgpt and how exactly do I use it?