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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I wanted to build a duplex but “zoning laws” say that wasn’t allowed, only single family detached houses with at least X amount of land.

Most zoning laws are serious bullshit and work as defacto segregation to keep the dirty brown poor people away from the nice good rich folk. It’s why suburban school is a totally different things from poor urban school.

Zoning laws are why developers in LA can’t afford to build anything other than luxury condos. Land is literally too expensive to build. As an example: a requirement to have at least X parking spots per X units, even when it’s built right next to a metro and a bus depot and you’re building low income housing for people who are less likely to own cars in the first place.

Too many NIBYs whining about things.

Y/Y is year over year. M/M is month over month

How? I don’t see what could find dns-over-https in the middle of other https traffic?

PiHole with upstream dns-over-tls or dns-over-https.

Anybody who wants to can get around DNS blocks. Sure it’ll stop Aunt Sally, but anyone who cares will get around it. It’s a really dumb way of doing things.

they’re actually just drafting Russian citizens who happen to work at Unilever

This. Someone needed some rage bait.

Yeah, for enterprise you aren’t going to roll it out yourself. They’d use a partner company to help you set it up and configure it for their needs to ensure that it can continue to scale and provide monitoring solutions. It’s too much for one person to do that.

Where are you hosting it? Onsite? Megacorporation’s clod solution? Your cable line? What’s your data recovery plan? 200+ users can generate a lot of data. What’s the security plan? You do know how to harden every aspect of each subsystem, right? What’s the monitoring plan? Not just “is it down” but way more granular for each subsystem. How many tech and phone support people will be on call to help?

You could probably roll it out in a way that would work, but at that scale you should really be using a pro. Especially for a “friend”. Don’t want a tech problem to kill that friendship.

Works the same as M-b for me (backwards-word)

Make sure your /etc/inputrc or ~/.inputrc contains

# mappings for Ctrl-left-arrow and Ctrl-right-arrow for word moving

"\e[1;5C": forward-word

"\e[1;5D": backward-word

"\e[5C": forward-word

"\e[5D": backward-word

"\e\e[C": forward-word

"\e\e[D": backward-word`

Most of this stems from a misunderstand of how LLM work.

The original work is not stored anywhere. No copy of it has been made. Just tons and tons of statistics used to inform models.

Since there is no copy there is no violation of copyright. Again, no copy of the book is getting made. The content of the books is not stored “verbatim”. The book is not copied. I don’t know how many other ways to put this.

Summarizing a book also does not require one to have “read” it, contrary to the complaint. I never read “The DaVinci Code”, but I can give a summary of it.

With assertions in the complaint being clearly false it’s hard to take it seriously and it’ll get chucked the first time a judge has to deal with it.

Maybe Silverman would have a point if it were standard practice to pay royalties to people you get inspiration from. But she doesn’t pay everyone who wrote anything she read, said anything she heard, or other comedians who influenced her. So why should someone influenced by her pay?

If I read 100,000 books how do you determine “which one” I got inspiration from? Same situation here.

I just do it the easy way: I’m using Signal. If you want to text me or receives texts from me then use it.

Now it’s not just my friends but my neighbors now. SMS is straight garbage, I won’t use it.

You left out IRC. It’s #channel drama was fantastic back in they day. Using net-splits to take over channels. Finding some jerk’s running an open proxy and using it to get the IP klined.

I was struggling to remember FIDOnet! UUCP kept NNTP keept popping into my head.

I can’t speak to the sub, but many Navy ships were retrofitted with systems to be controlled by XBox 360 controllers. Turns out training new people on the controller had huge improvements over the old systems.

EOD also has robots controlled by a “game controller”. So do many drones.

This isn’t a “crazy” thing to do. (except if it’s wireless. Keep that cable)


I’ve been using Plex forever. Got the lifetime subscription a million years ago.

Is there anything I’m missing out on by not using Jellyfin? Anything I’d miss on Plex moving to it?

I just uninstalled BaconReader. Long time user. Deleted the accounts that weren’t banned for wrongthink.

It’s just like when email blew up. Email is a federated system as well. These are basically the same arguments I was hearing in the late 80s, early 90s about email. It’s too confusing, nobody will ever use it.

Most servers did zero authentication for incoming emails. When spammers suddenly struck huge ip blocks were banned including innocent bystanders. Any “home” machine was often port blocked from running a mail server.

They developed tools and techniques to mitigate problems and now nobody cares where your email is.

The tools for this area known and the devs are working on it. Early adopters experience some friction.