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Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


Man I love it when billionaire assholes finally figure out what the rest of the world has been saying since the beginning.

He’s not better at golf. He cheats blatantly. People play with him just to claim trump cheated against them.

Logitech hardware: pretty good!

Logitech software: worst shit I’ve ever seen.

Logitech AI: Dead-drunk Skynet telling you to lick your fans.

Wonder if a parent company could own them both.

Pornhub should buy a VPN service. Just cut out the middle man.

Why would he get in trouble? Sony only owns 15% of From. And who the hell would fire him? That’d be like firing Kojima. And we see how that turned out for Konami.

but what happens if Cara get’s sold and the new company decides to change it

Same thing that happens if a federated instance goes bad: you leave?

Yeah. With non-pixel phones you can still get SD cart slots, headphone jacks, etc. I think motorola still has cheaper phones that has those things.

It wouldn’t because USBC doesn’t have those expensive standard requirements.

Wow that sucks. I’m glad I’m not in the apple ecosystem.

Two of the court’s conservative justices—Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito—are in their seventies, while Sonia Sotomayor, a liberal, will turn 70 next month.

So we need to replace Thomas and Alito with progressive justices and either keep Sotomayor or replace her with a progressive justice as well to get to 5 non-conservative justices.

That’s a big IF. 4 years for 4 SCOTUS justices to retire? And the conservatives know this? I bet Alito and Thomas won’t retire just to fuck the country up longer. Especially Thomas. He hates this country and every non-rich person in it.

Which is weird because neither of those things are illegal. You can absolutely tape the radio. You just can’t distribute it. Just like you can copy your own media for your own use as much as you want.

This may just be a semantic argument. Media production can consider it piracy, but that’s irrelevant as it had no legal standing. Without a law prohibiting something, it’s legal. And the fact that they sued and lost means it was never illegal and the media companies can declare it “piracy” or “treason against Columbia Pictures” or whatever they want until they’re blue in the face but no one cares.

The VCR was invented, marketed, and sold to do this very thing. When the VCR first came out (same for betamax) they didn’t sell pre-recorded tapes because the only way they had to make those was to manually record them individually in real-time which was prohibitively expensive. That’s also why movie rental places caught on: early VHS movies were too expensive for most to afford. But not too expensive for a business to rent hundreds of times.

Suffice to say: if recording TV was piracy, it wasn’t illegal and the people bitching had no way to enforce their will.

Until we get rid of FPTP voting nationally, 3rd parties cannot win and can only spoil. The best we can hope for is a third party is popular enough that they displace another party. Which would be a years to decades long change as local, state and national representatives get replaced slowly.

More likely what would happen is what the GOP did to the 2 contenders: the Tea Party and Insurrection Party. The GOP just absorbed and changed to meet them.

Anyone not voting for Biden because of Gaza is a fucking idiot. Trump will be 10x worse for Palestinians. Remember who moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. That was designed as a provocation.

Completely different discussion. We aren’t moving away from them so not being able to produce them only hurts the us.

Foreign countries flooding the market with subsidized cars will end up killing local production. Then they can control the market.

Really we should be subsidizing EVs from our own manufacturers.

I’m getting Pixel 8a ads and I usually trade-in my older a if I start having problems or the new one has a feature. 8a finally has wireless charging (7 mightve, was too soon) but it has this bullshit now. Damnit.

Ooh, good scores for a new dev and publisher. I was interested before but now I’m excited to try it.

Discord should be used as an easy way to keep people up to date and host links, like a replacement for Twitter. Not too be the sole source of hosting info. They should still have websites the discord points to.

VPN is very available but this would probably still stop the majority. It’s like locks: it won’t keep everyone out, just enough not to try.

Yeah it’s very effective. It has a big downside of people losing the pegs and then those addresses are “lost” but all that means is that 2 users can’t reliably connect and when they report to IT they will be asked if they had the correct peg. And I guess quarterly do a review for unused addresses that have pegs out and create new ones for lost pegs.

Good. The rest of us hate them already so it’s nice to have some common ground.

Most likely main news outlets want to gain favor with the impending fascist takeover so if Trump wins and the takeover does happen, they aren’t seized or gone after or imprisoned. While they KNOW a Biden or other sane president would never dare attack a newspaper or news channel without clear felonious activity. It’s an effort to play both sides that WILL end with fascists attacking them regardless of how much of Trump’s chode they suck.

It’s equally routine for Biden to be campaigning as an incumbent and due to his competition is age is also routine at this point. While Trump is actively currying favor with fascists (Orban, Putin) and trying to overthrow democracy. Which is objectively a massive new development in the history of America. The fact they aren’t covering it like this shows inherent bias.

Ah ok. I just checked Wikipedia for demographics but that makes sense.

Feb 15 (Reuters) - The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission allowed Donald Trump’s media and technology company to merge with a blank-check acquisition vehicle in a deal that currently values the parent of his social media app Truth Social at as much as $10 billion.

So someone is essentially gifting Trump billions for a “merger”.

So that’s how much they value their current and future data gathering operations to be. Because we know it isn’t going to turn a profit, ever.

This reminds me of that bit in Asteroid City: selling tiny plots of dessert out of a vending machine that have no infrastructure.

Politis said more than 3,000 calls have come in from individuals and companies interested in the program. In addition to discounted land, buyers will also receive property tax relief.

The town has a settlement area of up to 1,500 eligible lots.

The goal is to have development companies build a majority amount of the housing needed to accommodate the town’s growth plans.

So for the low price of $15,000 a corporation can own a substantial part of a Canadian town. And the town wants a corporation to buy and develop housing. So they want to turn part of their town into rent-seeking corporate homes?

Exactly. Cars that didn’t deform from damage were death traps. I think there was a Mass Men episode with this in it too.

Ten years of bird shit and no stains. 2 days of water and it rusted. Lol.

No the whole point of a truck in America is for men who have self confidence issues to feel better about themselves. You think people are hauling shit on the reg in a cyber truck or those other lifted shiny shits people drive around?

Maybe. I read my manual cover to cover and nowhere did it say you had to immediately wash off bird shit. And I haven’t and it hasn’t stained or rusted. This car is pathetic.