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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


They think teaching kids about sexualities and genders are “politics”.

Also please don’t leave out T.

Please stop bogging down the conversation with this every single time fairphone comes up.

It’s not like cameras and photoshop can vote either

My boss just mentioned 4 day work weeks… with the same amount of hours, I said that the idea is less hours, not the same hours crammed into less days and he absolutely refused that that is what people mean with 4 day work weeks…

It does so much good and all you can do is whine about the headphone jack that no other phone has either?

Source on billions of crop deaths?

Besides, most plants grown are used for animal feed.

Killing animals when we don’t have to is inherently cruel, farming can be done without harming animals.

I understand you want to keep it civil here and think it’s a great goal but what you’re saying would keep us from discussing serious subjects.

When there’s context which explains why something that sounds extreme is brought up you should look at the context, not just react to what you think is extreme.

I don’t think disallowing thought experiments/hypotheticals is positive.

It’s of course hypothetical, and I think, totally within reason, it’s a thread about animal abuse.
It’s one of the problems we run into when speaking up against animal abuse, people call us extreme when we are really just being up front about what happens in reality.

I try to keep it civil and respond matter of fact and explain but it can be hard when you get so much toxicity thrown back at you, all because you stand up against animal cruelty.

I just made a comment about animal cruelty on social media, in a thread about animal cruelty on social media.

Sadly speaking up for the animals provokes angry responses in many people.

I just don’t see reduction as enough or what should be advocated when it comes to something so serious as billions of animals getting needlessly killed.

It’s literally the same argument you’re using.

You don’t need to eat animals for survival.

I don’t kill insects on purpose.

Yes a life is a life and shouldn’t be wasted because you think corpses taste good.

Would you prefer people advocate for freeing all slaves or “slave free monday”?

Let’s say I thought your corpse would taste good and I killed you painfree and instantly.

We are animals who happened to mutate to be able to thrive with and without meat, we’re omnivores.

If we are animals and killing animals has nothing to do with morality I can kill you with no consequences and without feeling bad yeah?

(“reactionary fucks”)

After my comments were downvoted to hell lol.

I’ve not hijacked anything, I contributed to the conversation and everyone lost their minds because they don’t wanna think about the animal abuse they support every day.

convincing 5 people to cut their meat consumption 50% is better than convincing 0 people to cut their meat consumption 100% , no?

Would you feel the same about abolishing slavery?

Killing when we don’t have to is cruel, doing it in the forest doesn’t make it better, we can just eat plants.

There’s nothing fair about needless killing, nothing is provided to you, you’re taking it be force.

How do you humanely kill an animal who doesn’t need or want to die?

How does thanking someone after you needlessly kill them help anything?

Why not just eat plants when we can easily thrive on a plant based diet?
We aren’t “engineered” at all, we’re omnivores which means we can do just fine both with and without meat.

We get told this literally no matter how we approach the subject lol.
Which approach is it you think I’m using here and why is it ineffective?
It’s not like I’ve been especially rude or anything?

Which approach worked on you?

Oh no you had to think about what happens to the animals you other people eat for a few seconds!

Why is it better to kill a cow for profit/taste?

Both scenarios are needless killing of animals which is obviously terrible abuse.

Is caring about animal abuse insane?

Oh no you had to think about what happens to the animals you eat for a few seconds!

They’re both clearly abuse, the steak used to be a living being who was tortured and killed for profit/taste.

Why are you people downvoting me? Do you think steaks don’t come from cows who are killed?

Why wouldn’t it be serious?

Meat is cut up animal corpses.
Humans can easily thrive without meat so it’s clearly abusive to kill for profit/taste.

Could you reactionary fucks think about the subject for more than 2 seconds before you get angry and downvote?

I just use the kbin mobile site as a PWA, works great.

All social media is filled with animal cruelty.
There’s so many pictures and videos of cut up animal corpses with people going “yum” in the comments…

It’s a great game but definitely not a boomer shooter, what do you think boomer shooter means?

I’ve been using Pocket Casts for like 10 years at this point, great app

It looks very neat but I’m not used to the shorter mario yet

Critical infrastructure like this shouldn’t be owned by corporations

Please just save the image instead of taking a screenshot