• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


Spoke with 2 co-workers the other day about the Carbon Tax Refund. Both said it was bullshit and neither were receiving anything.

I said bullshit, check your ‘My CRA’ and it’ll be there.

Turns out one guy owes $6K so his carbon tax refund is paying that off and the other’s wife is collecting it as only 1 person per household can receive it.

Both clueless but both were very vocal about something they don’t understand. We’re truly fucked as a species.

The first case is for people who have no access to a charger at their home (primarily condo dwellers, since home owners can easily install them) This should be regulated by the government, every condo should be required to upgrade their parking to include a certain percentage of chargers. We don’t need more chargers at random places around the city like we have with gas stations, vehicles should always be charged wherever they happen to sit overnight.

Do ICE vehicles owners have a gas station at their house? Why are EV’s an issue for this but not ICE vehicles? As long as you’re near some form of fast charger, you don’t need a Level 2 charger at home, though it would be nice.

Thanks for that. Doesn’t sound too bad when they put it this way.

Apple phones are made in China as are most laptops, servers and pretty much most electronics we use.

I just read that Ford is trying to patent a technology to report speeding directly to the police.

I don’t like the Chinese Government but it’s not like all North American companies are altruistic.

Mopar or no car. Title is total clickbait but glad he got arrested for speeding and running red lights.

In late March, Poilievre had suggested during a campaign event that digital currencies could help Canadians “opt out of inflation” because they are not influenced by central banks.

That’s arguably one of his worst comments because he was finance critic under Harper, the master of economics.

Imagine if anyone took his advice then, they’d be broke.

I care more that Pierre hasn’t bothered to get security clearance so he can read it himself.

I don’t understand Singh because May said it wasn’t that bad and when questioned repeatedly, Singh refused to answer the simple question of, ‘did the report contain names’.

Nothing will convince your family if they think PP is great. Similar to Trumpers, they’ll never admit their guy has any issues. There’s a YT video where they talk to Trumpers and they quote Trump but attribute the quote to Joe Biden. Once they give their opinion, which is of course crazy, the interviewer reveals it’s actually a quote from Trump and they do a 180 so fast your head spins. They don’t even see anything wrong with what’s said as long as Trump is saying it. PP fans are the same.

and of course… Pierre tries to spin this as saying he was kicked out as a result of calling the policy whacko, when he damn well knows that’s not why he was kicked out.

“Today the Liberal speaker censored me for describing Trudeau’s hard drug policy as wacko,” Poilievre wrote in a post on X.

Of course he posted on X.

This is the same government that thinks if they leave the CPP, they’ll get 55% of the value that’s in the CPP.

Clearly, math IS hard.

I appreciate that. We can ill afford a PM who’s never had a job in the real world.

Singh is smart but if he actually drops support for the Liberals, he’s ensuring Squinty McProudboy will become PM and there’s no way Singh gets any concessions from a Conservative.

1 library and movies are all 4K if newer than 2010. Otherwise it’s 1080p just like TV series.

Wish someone would put Danielle Smith in their crosshairs.

EDIT: For those downvoting, you clearly didn’t read that Danielle Smith asked to have Federal Minster Steven Guilbeault put in Tucker Carlson’s crosshairs.


Something tells me the opposition will jump on this to say how ‘nice hair guy’ is bad for Canada.

This wasn’t really about free speech though, it was about actions and if you blockade a city, waiting for the PM to resign, you should be not allowed to do that. If the Ontario Police Force or Ottawa Police did their job at enforcing rules, the Feds wouldn’t have done anything.

What’s the limit on protesting? Can we all form a blockade around Pierre’s house and shout loudly until he quits as leader of the CPC?

It’s crazy to think that knowing how badly the Province and City fucked up to the point the Feds had to step in and now we’re told they didn’t need to?

Bullshit. These people wanted Trudeau to resign and for the US mandate on truckers entering their country be lifted.

I’m sure I didn’t miss the point and I still believe anyone who doesn’t vote Conservative is left leaning.

As is tradition. If you lean left, how could you vote for Conservatives?

That’s one thing the NDP/LPC/PQ don’t seem to have, stupid crazy supporters willing to ruin their lives based on emotions towards the ‘other side’.

Rot in jail douche bag.

TBA are nothing but crazy fucking losers. Can’t wait to see them crumble under their own incompetence.

We’re not talking about price increases, we’re talking about discounting nearly expired food.

Dedicated i5 desktop running unRAID, Plex and the Arr’s and I stream using my Chromecast with the Netflix button reprogrammed to launch Plex. No TV, No Streaming services and it’s pure joy.

Safeway never did it. At least not the one I go to and I’m there 2-3 days a week. Just bought stewing beef with a 5$ off that was expiring next day.


Revenue was $18,265 million, an increase of $877 million, or 5.0%.
Retail segment sales were $17,982 million, an increase of $852 million, or 5.0%.
Food Retail (Loblaw) same-stores sales increased by 4.5%.
Drug Retail (Shoppers Drug Mart) same-store sales increased by 4.6%, with front store same-store sales growth of 1.8% and pharmacy same-store sales growth of 7.4%.
E-commerce sales increased by 13.6%.
Operating income was $1,065 million, an increase of $74 million, or 7.5%.
Adjusted EBITDA(2) was $1,926 million, an increase of $80 million, or 4.3%.
Retail segment adjusted gross profit percentage(2) was 30.6%, a decrease of 20 basis points.
Net earnings available to common shareholders of the Company were $621 million, an increase of $65 million or 11.7%. Diluted net earnings per common share were $1.95, an increase of $0.26, or 15.4%.
Adjusted net earnings available to common shareholders of the Company(2) were $719 million, an increase of $56 million, or 8.4%.
Adjusted diluted net earnings per common share(2) were $2.26, an increase of $0.25 or 12.4%.
Repurchased for cancellation 2.9 million common shares at a cost of $341 million and invested $676 million in capital expenditures, net of proceeds from property disposals. Free cash flow(2) used in the Retail segment was $663 million.

And they want us to pay more? Fuck Loblaws and fuck the rest;

Atlantic Superstore, Dominion, Loblaws, Maxi, No Frills, Provigo Le Marché, Valu-Mart, Real Canadian Superstore, Wholesale Club, Your Independent Grocer and Zehrs.

Exactly. I watched a YT video about Vancouver’s issues with stormwater because they paved over land that would have absorbed it. Not sure what they’re going to do about it but it won’t be cheap.

In Calgary growth is out of control to the point new communities have major drainage issues because they didn’t let the ground settle so they have massive puddles of melted snow and the city has to pay to extend all services so far from the heart of the city.

Building houses is easy.

Building houses properly with future considerations is hard.

Which means Bitcoin Millhouse will be practicing his attacks using this information.

Could Bitcoin Millhouse be even less likeable? Yes, the answer is yes.