

Freedom to Ukraine

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Yeah, quantity over quality right here. If my favourite game doesn’t run on Linux, Linux is dead to me. Even if I had 5 favourite games and 1 doesn’t work, it’s still dead.

So for a lot of people it’s either 100% or it might as well not exist.

You shouldn’t dismiss it just because you can’t get it to deliver what you need.

The garbage I see on the internet is enough for me to not use it. Let me hire a “prompt engineer”, I’m sure that’s more useful than a junior graphics designer. In your world, maybe.


You are fucking high on your own farts. Learn to generate garbage images if you’re so scared, I don’t give a shit.

I know how it works, since we’re always hiring and looking for new talent.

I really don’t care what a passer-by-AI-is-the-future rando thinks about me.

I’m talking from a perspective of reality. What you “predict” or “feel” or imagine the industry is or going to be, doesn’t really interest me much.

No, I ate shit the first few years after uni, making coffee and changing texts on visuals.

Are you truimg to imply that a crappy image generator that can barely make text and has trouble generating the appropriate amount of fingers has taken over THE ENTIRE visual design industry?

We probably live on different planets.

You’ve made it clear, but it seems you’re unaware of how the design industry works.

You cannot beat a Nurburgring lap record with a slow, cheap car. You CAN do laps, but “doing laps” is not what the high-end companies want & need.

You cannot replace quality, expensive work with cheap work and expect the same result. Otherwise, companies would hire 1st-year-dirt-cheap freelancers, or outsource to fivr. Companies that do that are mostly starting themselves or are so cheap, that they are of no value to the designer.

Stop the “AI” dooming that’s only beneficial to the prople who sell it.

None of the highly successful people I know within the industry is worried about the generative garbage, because it’s all that is.

Yeah, quality is expensive, welcome to Earth.

That’s not capitalism, that’s economics. It’s the way it should be.

I invest half of my life’s time studying and honing my skill. I will charge accordingly for it.

Most clients don’t understand art or graphics to begin with, I guess.

That means shit prompts and shit visuals.

They just wanted someone good at Illustrator.

Well, that’s where the “not very good at graphics design” comes in. If you’re only hired because “you know illustrator”, that says more about you than the client.

Precisely what designers do - they make the visuals Pleasing. Doesn’t mater if it’s for goat sacrifice service or granny’s muffin shop.

It is a skill that can barely be learned by a person. Often very good designers have ‘talent’ or ‘good eye’.

Even though art is subjective, you can still pretty much rank designers.

My dude, I’m literally replying to a person who said “rip graphics designers”. Of course I’m talking about my on field.

BTW, I have no problem with “fuck around and find out”. Fuck those companies layinf off people because of LLMs. I’ll watch them go down with a grin on my face and balls in my hand.

Nah, I’ve just been in the industry long enough to not be scared of competition. Quality is something that a lot of well-paying businesses very much appreciate.

A crappy visual generator is on-par with an intern, at best.

The people who are startled the most, probably have never actually done design large-scale.

Yeah, not a high-end business.

These days they’re aware that good marketing & design = $$$.

I could not care less what low-end suits decide, they’re not what brings designers money.

More “AI” garbage means that good designs will have an easier time crystalising.

High-end businesses that need high-quality design would never use output from an “AI”.

If they do, that means they don’t take design seriously, and are fine with “not a very good graphics designer”. So my point stands, IMO.

If current “AI” is taking one’s job as a graphics designer, it means that one isn’t a very good graphics designer.

My coherent thoughts are for people who are capable of underatanding them.

Rightwinger nutjobs and things that never happened. There isn’t a more iconic duo.

Did you know that a redneck dies each time another redneck opens a book? That’s why they avoid it like the plague.

Oh wait, we just had the plague and the rednecks didn’t try ro avoid it and a bunch of them died because they thought it was a hoax LMAO.

Also, your first sentence is a word soup, I’m not poluting my brain with that garbage.

“God dayimn multiculturalhism, on my god dayimn countreyh, ain’t darn good. Dahnuld Truuuuhmp, yeeehaw!”

Big celebrity of the “maker” space. Often showed signs of protest against the CPP, while living in China. Often controversial due to appearance.

What is a safe space except a place where one can be protected from that which they fear?

Again, so condescending. And you hold yourself as one of the “good ones”? Lol. You’re just helping the .art admin’s case, the more you talk, the more the defederation makes sense.

“Fear”. Okay. That’s either a projection or… I don’t know, stupidity. Your inability to put yourself in others’ shoes is staggering, but not surprising. Do you think that just because I walk around a pile of dogshit on the ground, I’m afraid of the dogshit? What is this logic?

Let me really chew this for you: wanting to avoid something, does not equal fear. I’m not on facebook because I fear 5G-anti-vaxx-GOP Karens, I’m not on facebook, because I don’t want to read that shit a.k.a, I WANT TO AVOID IT.

A safe space, is a space that is safe from idiocy & hate speech. A safe space where you cannot hide behind “muh free speech”. It’s basically like any other privately-controlled space, where the owner decides what is “safe”. If you enter a cafe and start giving out flyers with your own agenda, you will most likely be asked to leave. This is not because the owner is afraid of you, it’s because the owner doesn’t want you or your bullshit in their space, that they’re keeping safe. Privately held mastodon instances are not a public square. You hold no rights. You are entitled to nothing.

Defederating an entire instance based on one boost of one fairly innocuous news article

That is not what happened.

but at the expense of stepping on so many others’ toes.

Toes of fragile ego folk? Otherwise, nobody’s toes are stepped on.

I hope it’s worth all the drama.

Drama that you literally create out of thin air, just because an instance you were on got defederated? Now that’s fragility if I ever seen it.

Mastodon is a social network that’s designed to be eerily similar to Twitter

Mastodon is an open source project. It’s designed to be used in ways people find it useful to be used. Some create instagram-like experience (Pixelfed), some create Twitter-like experience, some create Behance\Ello\ArtStation experience. Your expectation of what Mastodon is and how it should be run is narrow-minded and simply incorrect.

If the aim of the instance isn’t close to the average use case for Mastodon

“Average use of Mastodon” sounds very similar to “Normal people”. Sure, let’s change the domain name, because of your expectation of how Mastodon should be used.

Imagine, being about… wait for it… art? On… let this sink in… Mastodon?

Administrative actions can hurt people’s feelings, too.

Ah, there it is. It’s all about YOU. Again. Petulance & Entitlement. I’m done, it’s a case of terminal fragile-ego-techbro-ism that any time spent at the keyboard will not mend. But thanks for making me side with the .art admin even more, even though I have no horse in this race.

I do feel bad for the folks that feel they need her protection, as they are living in fear, although I suppose that’s their choice

That’s incredibly condescending. Not everyone wants to doomscroll on every single social media they’re on. Why is it so hard to understand?

Why do people understand that Behance, Art Station, etc, is a social network for art, but can’t comprehend that .art is for primarily for art as well, and not for twitter shit throwing?

Not everyone wants a muskian “everything website” that just bombards you with all types of content, like some sort for 4chan.

What is BBC going to bring to the table that cannot be accessed though their website? It’s just going to be a barrage of their articles with clickbait titles, just like it is on all the other social networks.

A slur is a slur, no matter how you dress it.

If I made a program named “Fag*ot”, I’m sure, nobody cared about my story how it’s just a bunch of sticks.

If you want to change it, then join the project and change it

That’s not how it works. But there’s an effort to fork the program and rename it.

don’t harass volunteers

The ‘harassment’: “can we join your instance?” - “no, your program name is a slur”.

No, I mean it’s literally not up to you to decide what’s racist, from the .art point of view. If the admin smells racist dogwhistles, or even uses intuition, they’re free to use their judgement to act as they please.

Not everyone in the instance is misbehaving.

“Not everyone” works for everything in life. Shit argument. If your contra argument is to deal with this on a “per-user” basis, I’m pretty sure that would require a medium-sized team to do that for all users on the Fediverse.

“Abusing power” LOL. I mean, this is just pure petulance and entitlement.

A person trolled (not even clearly in a racist way, sorry), and the Firefish dev/ admin happened to boost a news article posted by the once-troll

  1. Not for you to decide what’s racist and what’s not.
  2. If I was running an instance, that’s would be a red flag for me as well.

Don’t like to be associated with Firefish dev or want to contact people on .art? Migrate. Or contact the admin and ask for stricter moderation. Don’t want to migrate? Stay. But accept that not everybody want to share their toys with children from a sandbox that’s misbehaving.

Honestly, I really do not get what the fuss is.

Why is everyone calling it drama. How difficult it is to understand a dumb rule that says “no slurs”?

“Gimp” is literally a slur. The makers were aware of it and did for the lulz. Now they’re denied an account in an incredibly moderated instance because the name is a slur and everyone’s “why the drama11??11”

What the hell is this comparison. Yeah, moderation = death, people. That’s why I’m on twitter, sorry, ex-twitter, where they respect muh free speech, that has never hurt anyone! /s

a messy bitch with a catty and overdramatic attitude

literally the opinion of a handful of people. If that was true, the instance would collapse.

There will always be people unhappy with something. You can’t please everyone. The .art admin chose to please people of their instance, instead of maintaining a “look” that is expected from randos on the internet.

I’m 100% with the admin, and I’m glad the admin isn’t peer-pressured into being whatever people need them to be. Again, there’s a reason why the instance is so popular.

Sure. But, reading the comments under the .art admins posts on .art, .art people don’t find it petty, nor stupid. You’d see that they are thankful. And they are the only people who are affected by the defederarion.

I’m sorry to say, but it really does not matter what other people think. It’s like me, who has never been at your house, and never planning to be, thinking that your house rules are weird, arbitrary and petty. I’m also weirded out that you didn’t let that or this person in your house.

Would you care about my opinion?

The way I see it (especially since regsitrations are “pls let me in”) .art is admin’s house.

If they ask you not to wear shoes inside, you either abide or leave. Petty or not, that’s the rule.

If they catch you or your friends with shoes inside, you and your friends are getting kicked out, since everybody else is barefoot/eating off the floor.

There’s really nothing weird, petty or childish. You get a warning (suspension?) if you don’t fix the problem, you get defederated.

“bUt mUh frEey speyCh” doesn’t work in a super-protective, highly moderated “safe space”.

I don’t get it why tge commenters are upsetti of the way .art admin cleans their house.

If they smell anything fishy, it’s their duty to protect their instance’s users. It’s what is promised for joining .art.

There’s a reson it’s such a humongous instance. Because the admin is doing a stelar job.

It’s not to my taste, that’s why I’m on another instance. But my lord, leave people be.

If the admin is doing such a poor job, the instance will collapse, and people will simply migrate.

To me it looks like fragile egos are all around, and somehow get “offended” when defederation happens.

Also, GIMP is both a slur and a shitty graphics software. I’d personally block it as well.

I was under the impression that he pins random shizzle to his YouTube videos. Sometimes he pins something and then replies to it, expecting everyone to see it.

I might be wrong here.

Well, that’s not in YouTube’s interest, so I don’t know how you can blame them for not being publicly owned.

If it somehow magically becomes publicly owned, your bills/taxes will reflect that (as they do with TV in many countries, it just gets added to the monthly electricity bill, whether you use it or not).

I really don’t think it’s greed. Can’t blame em for trying to win the cat/mouse game of adblocking. I’m sure it’s not the end of the world, and new ways to circumvent this will show up.