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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


No, the adblocker usually blocks the request before the data gets sent to the device. It’s why pages load faster with an adblocker

If you have time then try working out and doing sports. It sounds asinine, but I’ve found that exerting yourself increases your levels of energy in the long term. Even something small, a little bit at a time will be greatly beneficial. Also try doing it with someone else and try having an active social life that will motivate you to go out of the house and stop spending all the evening alone on the couch watching YouTube (which is really detrimental, ask me how I know it).

Like the Romans said “mens sana in corpore sano” (you need a healthy body to have a healthy mind)

It’s like sex education and education about drugs and alcohol. It’s necessary information for kids, even if you don’t want them to do it, because if they don’t know anything about those things, they’ll end up with lots of problems.

Teach them how, why and why not, be honest and then trust them to make an informed decision on their own

I mean, it’s great for audio and video chats. What I never understood is why people started using discord as a forum, as documentation or as some kind of program (like, why is Midjourney on a public discord chat? It’s probably the worst possible interface).

Discord is excellent for chatting with your friends while playing games, and that’s it.

bit, Nibble, Byte, Word, doubleword, longword, quadword, double-quadword, verylongword, halfword

They check all Imperial criteria:

  • confusing names
  • some used only in some systems
  • size depends on where you are
  • some may overlap
  • doesn’t manage to cover all the possible needs, but do you really need more than 64 bits?
  • would probably cause you to crash a rocket

The number of job applications using Java as a shorthand for Javascript…

Yes, but I’m not sure if we want to open the “programming language can of worms”.

There’s B, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, D, E, F, F#, F* and so many more. Also, they may or may not have anything to do with each other

Ok, I’m a c# developer and I use async await quite extensively. Is it different in JS? Or am I missing something?

I’d wager that it will get pushed to 2026, release half broken, good to play in 2027

Take Twitter, change the logo.svg file, change the main color from blue to black, Ctrl+F all instances of Twitter, replace with X. Done

I mean, I bet it would just be impressive enough for Musk. The biggest hurdle would probably be getting the update through the AppStore in just one day.

edit: apparently they’ve already change the logo file on the website (at least in the login screen, I don’t have an account)

Probably in the sense that if it’s not me that posted it, then I don’t have any way of truly remove it (which I think is against the EU’s laws).

What I can think of right off the top of my head is revenge porn and doxxing. Furthermore there’s also the right to be forgotten.

I think they tried to trademark it, like intel tried to trademark the number 86.