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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


This might be a shit complaint on my part because these games are specifically for those type of people but I’m playing ff14 atm and they fuggin make me go across the world to talk to someone through a cut scene then make me go across the world again to rinse and repeat and that’s the game. I understand repetition is to be expected in mmo questing, I played wow for 17 years but at least for wow there’s some actual world exploration to be done to some degree and it isn’t usually forcing you to cross the world constantly. Ff14 doesn’t even have proper world exploration, they have teleport stones everywhere so you don’t truly get to see what’s up beyond following the quest lines. Glam, posing and rp saves that game.

Dude, it’s not even just people who pirate might go and watch something. They’re more likely to buy merch which they make more money off of. I’ve bought plenty of merch for stuff I pirate.

Fucker is rallying right now saying he doesn’t need any votes to win lul and that this is the last time his people are gonna need to vote. Somehow we’re still allowing it. Clowns all over.

They’re gonna do the delay tactic too but this is more insidious.

The amount of money the husband is asking for isn’t all that much, pennies to them and in the greater scheme of things this is a nothing suit to them, low stakes. Since it’s low stakes they’re trying this tactic first to see if it’ll stick and create that dangerous precedent. I don’t suspect it’ll go through but with all these right wing pro capitalist judges it might, and it’s worth trying for them since it’s such a low stakes suit.

Might be a bit dramatic. All sectors of industry are using more and more tech, we have more people in the workforce now that are tech literate than we did decades ago.

These are random numbers to explain my point. Look at it this way, in the 90s maybe 20 percent of people knew how to use computers but 12 percent of those were truly tech savvy and knew the ins and out of using a pc.

Now a days 90 percent of people know how to use a pc (regardless of the form it presents itself, be it pc, phone, tablet, etc) but only like 30 percent of them might be truly tech savvy.

It’s still a step up from back then, and because of the nature of tech in industry there’s always gonna be plenty of people who know how to use pcs well and if there aren’t then that’s just more money for us who do know.

They’ll literally never lower prices. Look at what prices for everything are right now. Their excuse was that covid was driving up prices, now that covid is over they realized they could charge more so here we are.

I find that to be a good thing. The less centralized institutions that can control what we do the better. I say that while social media is the biggest it’s ever been.

They’re making the same argument people make about music. There’s plenty of good music out there of all genres. Radio just doesn’t play it and you have to go out of your way to find what you like.

They’re not smart enough it figure out anything not mainstream. I heard most of the big sites blocked recently were live TV feed sites.

The cerveza crystal edit wasn’t a meme edit. Iirc it was a totally legit copy of the movie aired in Chile decades ago when they got the rights to air the movie on their local TV. They wanted to make extra money and that company paid the TV station to do in movie product placements. They’re hilarious.

We could get Kim Kardashian. Iirc wasn’t she trying to be a lawyer by working at that law firm?

I mostly pirate games that don’t have free trials. I’ll play them a bit and if I like em I’ll just buy them legit and often buy them for friends so we can play together. I’ve bought like 3 copies of terraria and 2 of minecraft way back in the day in addition to a bunch of other smaller names. I also pirate AAA games because fuck em, they don’t need my money.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason behind no open source is some stupid legislation for ‘reasons’.

Same, I blame games not having a trial version anymore. Streams free weekends are actually great for this. I’ve bought a couple free weekend games I’ve played in the past.

I didn’t know that was a thing. I just upgraded to a new pc but before my old hhd was nearly 14 years old. I’m still using it as a back up but wasn’t aware they could fail so quickly. I should get a new one for backups.

Dude fucking same. I uploaded a 5 minute clip of my buds and I at a league of legends tournament we were participating at and it got striked because someone was playing a shitty song in the background for 30 seconds while we talked over it. Some minor who’s who artist. It was low quality audio too, they must have an amazing system to be able to pick it out from all the rest of the noise.

I may have misread, Its not clear to me if it’ll be a staple of their free email service or will be added as part of their paid subscription to all their services but it still sounds neat. It very well could be bullshit but I’m interested in learning more.


The proton vpn people are either using or working on using block chain as a sort of email verification. Iirc it won’t have any cost or change in usage to the consumer, just an added layer of security. I’m not smart enough to understand how but it sounds neat.

Lots of androids already have an accessibility setting to make things easier too. Gets rid of settings and lesser used options on screen, makes things nice and big and simplifies the UI so it has a few things that older people might want/use.

Ah good to know. Might need to look at the tutorial menus or something.

More than likely they’ll name the game exactly as it is for easy finding but include a crypto miner. It’s already happening anyways, it’ll make it easier.

I have to use an apple phone for work and it’s sorta annoying to use. Like sure it’s fast and snappy but there’s no back button and it isn’t as intuitive as Apple users want you to believe it is.

You’re definitely right. That’s why I stopped buying those games.

That used to be the case like 20 years ago. All games automatically change to the best quality setting based in your pc when you launch them. The only things that MIGHT cause issues are when you have multimonitor setups but that might also be the case for multimonitor console setups so it’s a mute point.

The problem with all these ‘pc gaming is more expensive than console’ comments is that they’re always talking about the latest most expensive pc when a lower end one could easily match the latest console generation at a fraction of the price. Nobody really needs a 30k ti series graphics card Unless you’re doing vr or some intensive work. My 1066 that cost me under 200 bucks is plenty to play pretty much all games at a reasonable quality.

I’m not saying this as a console hater. I’m saying this as someone who owns both and has always owned both. I’m not even loyal to any particular pc or console manufacturer. I just buy whatever fits me the best at that particular time.

Because most people aren’t tech savvy enough or have the need for port forwarding.