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Cake day: Sep 13, 2023


HBO also noticed this bonus episode through its anti-piracy partner Marketly and took action in response. A takedown notice posted in the Lumen Database shows that the company asked Google to remove an “infringing” link to the non-existent release earlier this week.

They’re claiming to own the copyright to the Trojan horse?

Most open source projects rely on volunteers, and few technical writers volunteer.

Mozilla is notoriously pro censorship, they blocked dissenter a while ago.

Yeah, after that I’m not really interested in what the grifter thinks.

I’m surprised it lasted this long. It was always kinda just a marketing gimmick for broadcom that got out of hand.

Apple puts a DRM chip in their peripherals, the fault for this happening is mostly on them.

I don’t see how that makes sense as a statement, an ai with access to a 56k modem can send a fax. It feels like they’re just using ai as a buzzword.

IMO the XZ thing shows the strength of open source, some turbo pedant found the backdoor within about an hour of it being released because a program took 0.3 seconds longer to start. That wouldn’t be possible in a closed source app that can’t be debugged properly.

I’ve long thought that if politicians want to see our whatsapp messages, all politicians’ whatsapp messages should be published publicly.

How is he controversial? the only negative thing I’ve seen about FUTO is the proprietary license grayjay is under.

the large ecosystem of commercial crap which has tainted by association the open source core of it

Isn’t the main shop plugin (woocommerce) heavily infested with that though?

I don’t think you can simply say something tantamount to “I think you’re an evil person btw pls don’t reply” then act the victim because they replied.

If the CEO had been sending multiple e-mails etc, I would agree with you that it’s harassment, but from what I can see at any point the blogger could have just disengaged, but he seemed more interested in getting the last word in.

I agree, both of them seem like a bit of a dick.

Although the blogger doesn’t appear to be a journalist, so things like “right to reply” doesn’t legally apply, it still seems like like basic good manners to offer that to someone if you write a hit piece on them. The comment section on blogs were traditionally a good tool for that, but the blogger seems to decided to not have one on his site.

I know he’s doing this entirely out of self interest, but it’s interesting how by being such an obvious bloody bastard, but the lesser bastard in several cases, he manages to highlight how terrible some of the bastards with good PR departments actually are.

It’s amazing that a company who’s primary product is a DRM system managed to make so many people think they’re the “good guys”

Looks like it should be simple to make in most CAD programs, personally I’d use fusion360 or openSCAD since that’s what I’m used to.

he does stick to his principles well.

He’s an open source advocate but made his grayjay app closed source.

This whole thing has seemed weird since he announced it was going private, but had no way to make an account.

Did the feds get to him?

Defederation really should be last resort, a lot of admin use it as a first one. (Even dbzer0 censors 187 instances)

They’re probably betting on the majority of zoomers being too tech illiterate to know how to pirate having raised them on streaming.

I guess we will see if they are right.