
I’m just your average Canadian wolf. I’m a siren enthusiast and railfan as my main hobbies. I run the Civil Defense Sirens Wiki, and am working on restoring a few vintage sirens (such as a FS&S Model L and a rare Sterling Siren MOD. F) as well as a 1970s Safetran mechanical crossing bell.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Picking them up will absolutely get you more spam calls. That proves to them that it’s an “active” number and you’ll get inundated with a bunch more calls. If it’s actually someone trying to reach me, they can leave a voicemail.

Even the cheapest, most bottom-of-the-barrel LCD monitors from 15 years ago seem to still be 60. Matching the refresh rate to AC cycles per second makes sense.

Especially as it’s being flown from a giant oversized pickup truck.

They’re a religious organization that supports causes that hurt marginalized groups of people. Awareness should be spread about it.

Out of everything out there, aircraft are NOT something to skimp and take shortcuts on. These fucks don’t care if we die on their aircraft if it means making shareholders a bit more money. God, I can’t wait for this system to fall apart.

It’s a private company. They don’t have shareholders to report to, so they’re not remotely as scummy. Fuck the rich, but choose your battles and go after the ones who are really the problem.

Someone like FRED was on top at one point. Which is insane looking back on it. All it took was running around being obnoxious with a high pitched voice to be the largest channel on YouTube back then.

We should ship you off to China and let you see what an actual dictatorship looks like.

Everyone can agree when I say fuck the Irvings with a rake.

Fear, uncertainty, and conservatism go hand in hand. There’s a lot of that in the world right now.

Well, he’s not wrong. He will certainly be remembered for the rules he broke, but not at all for the reason he thought he would. This will go down as a classic example of why qualifications matter, and that you do not know better than industry experts.