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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Divinity: Original Sin 2 with my wife. A holiday break cut off our first game at the end of act 2, so I hope we make it through this time.

Soulstone Survivors by my lonesome. I’m on a bullet heaven binge, and this one seems pretty good.

I’ve been on a “bullet heaven” binge recently and have put so. many. hours. into Brotato in the last week or so.

This is such a ridiculous post, it’s not even funny. I’ve gotten so many games for so much less in digital form than anything I ever got in physical form. There’s absolutely no competition, unless you’re looking strictly at full-price games.

Edit: swypos

So, serious question: why is “dick” okay and “cunt” is not? The former is much more common than the latter, both as an insult and (especially) as a reference to genitalia. While “cunt” is generally seen (in the US) as a more severely insulting word, it’s also rarely used in reference to genitalia (in my experience as a cis male).

The Elder Scrolls is the best series I’ve stopped caring about.

When escalation of this magnitude is your solution, you shouldn’t be surprised when your clients respond with violence.

I’m on vacation, so I’ve returned to my default Steam Deck game: Wildermyth. I love its storytelling, particularly with carrying characters over from one campaign to another. I’ve grown particularly attached to the warrior from my first campaign, now fully fire-transformed. However, he’s moved on from his first love, who is now far too crow-like.

For what it’s worth, most people would not agree with their assessment. To me, it’s open world Dark Souls, but better.

I still couldn’t limbo under the bar that sets. The bugs in Bethesda games are usually not game-breaking (in my experience), but they are legion.

I haven’t played Armored Core since AC2. I’ve since fallen in love with FromSoft games (except Sekiro). I’m very excited to try AC6… as soon as it goes 50% off.

Without the trackpads, the Steam Deck would be considerably less useful. They open up a huge variety of games that would be practically unplayable with sticks alone. Disregarding them simply for more power is foolish.

First off: normies?

Second, you’re absolutely right. Steam did a great job with the whole Steam Deck Verified thing. It ensures that the game “just works”, which is someone that can’t always be said of PC games. It makes sense, given the near uniform hardware of the Deck, of course, but it’s still important for reaching the console and/or casual gamer markets.

And let’s face it, the Deck is just convenient as hell. It’s the mobile gaming solution I’ve wanted for decades.

That’s a large part of why, with older games, I prefer to use emulators, even if they’re available to me in other ways. I love the “save state” option. It’s terribly exploitable, of course, but it sure is convenient to be able to save literally anywhere.

I know nothing about this game, but I hate that games can just kill their service now. There’s plenty to criticize about player-hosted multiplayer games, but at least they don’t rely upon the company maintaining it.

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