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Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I’m at a Data Engineer and I alternative caps lock and non caps lock at random

What if users find the article itself to be misinformative, is that something moderators will look at if reported with evidence?

I feel like there was a big push for quantity of content on Lemmy, so everyone set up bots to push content to Lemmy and now we’re stuck with a bunch of shitty content on Lemmy lol.

What are you using; notepad?

(I don’t know what semicolons are for in English)

It doesn’t even apply to software standards lol. It’s a dumb “playbook” probably made by some coked out Microsoft middle manager in the 00s that wasn’t even widely successfully used. Lemmy’s crappy example of it is Google “killing” an extensible messaging protocol, which is nonsense because they didn’t kill anything (you don’t “kill” a protocol), they extended it into a proprietary version. You know, because it’s extensible.

The only relevance “embrace, extend, extinguish” has in today’s society is as an excuse to spread FUD and ragebait on Lemmy.


Not how the writers strike went either, it’s ending and has nothing to do with the other IATSE contracts.

Engineers striking for the cleaning staff? What? That’s not how it works

The decision for tech to unionize has nothing to do with how the cleaning staff is treated

Why on earth do you think I’d continue this conversation at this point? You’ve called me an anti-vax flat earther, I don’t know why you decided to resort to insults before sources, but it’s clear you aren’t discussing this in good faith. No thanks.

Nice buzzword answer, but nobody here is against your right to unionize

What are you arguing about exactly? Not a single comment in this chain is anti union at all, and the comment you replied to even argued for unionization where it will have the greatest benefit, i.e. all the jobs you just mentioned.

Why are you acting like this is some sort of prisoner’s dilemma where either everyone unionizes or no one does?

I’m in the same field as you are with years more experience.

Lol is this the point in your argument where you call me a kid?

Collective bargaining may not be risk free, but it’s lower risk than individual bargaining, by definition.

Lower risk often means lower reward, and I already consider individual bargaining in my field low risk.

There’s plenty of proof, and I don’t see why I need any more.

You’ve provided exactly zero links in this thread.

like a flat earther

And there it is! Again! So far you’ve called me anti-vax and a flat earther because your unlinked evidence and shitty anologies aren’t convincing me of unproven theories in my field. This conversation is over and you’ve done more to hurt your cause than help here you condescending prick.

My point is that skilled individuals in specialized fields already have strong individual bargaining power, something that you continue to underestimate in this thread. Collective bargaining is not risk free with one outcome, this is a fact that all the nuance free analogies in the world won’t change. If the sector is overall happy with individual bargaining power you’re going to need more proof than supposed “self-evident” claims.

Let me fix your analogy. A power tool salesman walks up to my door and tells me I have to throw out my hand tools because I can build cabinets much faster without them and then calls me an idiot for not wanting to throw away the tools I’ve mastered over the last decade.

You’ve sent zero statistics and I’ve yet to see any statistics or even anecdotal evidence that pertains to my industry. All you’ve done is promise ridiculous benefits like 50% salary increases through unrealistic analogies. My experience is purely anecdotal, but frankly it’s better evidence than pipe dream analogies.

But sure, go around calling people anti-vax because you don’t know how to put together a proper argument, I’m sure that’s how you get people to change their minds about unionization. Why would I continue this conversation at this point? If this is something you’re passionate about I’d rethink your strategy.

… did you not read the rest of my comment?

And frankly that’s not how this works. You’re the one trying to convince me that a union is in my best interest, the burden of proof is on you and you’ve given no substantial evidence.

Right, and what percentage of unions are successfully negotiating 50% pay raises? Surface level nuance free thought experiments aren’t going to convince me here

Like I said, hand wavy at best

Edit: Lol this dude ran back and added sources to previous comments after I called him out on not providing sources. Before the edit he claimed collective bargaining can get 50% raises for everyone.

That’s great, I’m finally at a point in my career where I think it’ll be the same. As long as there isn’t a major culture shift, I could see myself staying at this job for the next 10+ years

I don’t know about discrimination, you’d have to provide actual statistical evidence of that for me to believe it.

I do get yearly raises, they’ve beaten inflation by a lot every year except for one. I left that job and took a 30% compensation increase elsewhere.

I rarely see crunch time. I have no problems whatsoever with the frequency and intensity of it, but if it became a problem I’d leave and find a job elsewhere.

I don’t work in silicon valley, but they make a lot more than I do and my wage doesn’t feel suppressed lol.

The job market in tech is alive and well in my experience. There was overhiring during the pandemic which ended with some layoffs, I don’t see that as the market turning, but we’ll have to wait and see.

I know Lemmy wants everyone everywhere unionized, but for me in my industry the arguments for it are hand wavy at best. I find it disingenuous to tell people in this industry that they don’t have bargaining power as an individual.

I already negotiate. Every couple years I interview around, I get a job offer, I take it back it my employer and they either match it or I leave. I’ve personally increased my salary 6x since I’ve joined the industry about a decade ago, I know people who have increased it more. I don’t know anyone in a unionized field who’s managed to achieved anything like this. I don’t know that it’s impossible, just seems to be much more rare. I’m a specialized individual in a specialized industry, I already have bargaining power and I definitely reject that my compensation, benefits, job stability, and WLB would be better if I had been unionized this whole time.

I’d be interested to learn more, do you have a source or anything?

Like I said, first hand. Purely anecdotal, I’m sure it isn’t the case for all union jobs.

Eh, more of a case by case basis in the tech industry imo. Most game studio devs should probably unionize, but it’s not all horror stories everywhere. I’m not against unionization by any means and it’s always on the table, but when me and my coworkers already have great pay, great benefits, stable careers, and great work life balance I don’t really see what additional benefits it would bring. It’s an over-generalization to say that you’ll be earning more money as a union employee when you’re already making more than 90% of the population, I know first hand that some trades even make more than their unionized counterparts in my area.

Your analogy has absolutely nothing to do with how LLMs are trained. You seem to think GPT is just prompt engineering…

Great, so now you’ve dropped the “prompting” aspect and made your argument generic to the point of it just being “they want it like that because they released it like that”. Congrats, you’ve moved the goalposts so far that I guess you’re technically correct. Good job?

Right, and that statement itself is a massive oversimplification of the process. I feel like I’ve explained that in detail many times already.

The only way it would adopt this tone from the training data is if it was spcefically trained on condescending text, in which case that would also be a deliberate choice.

Do you know how much data these models are actually trained on? Do you really think it’s all specifically parsed for tone?

And that’s not necessarily true either. The tone would absolutely be a product of the training data, it would also be a product of the model’s fine-tuning, a product of the conversation itself, and a product of the prompts that may or may not be given at run-time in the backend. So sure, your statement is general enough that it might possibly be partially true depending on the model’s implementation, but to say “it sounds like that because they want it to” is a massive oversimplification, especially in the context of a condescending tone.

Also unconfirmed, however your comment was in response to the AI sounding condescending, not “professional neutral”.

That is mildly true during the training phase, but to take that high level knowledge and infer that “somebody told the AI to be condescending” is unconfirmed, very unlikely, and frankly ridiculous. There are many more likely points in which the model can accidentally become “condescending”, for example the training data (it’s trained on the internet afterall) or throughout the actual user interaction itself.

Riighhht, because your browser popping an image into temporary cache is the exact same as downloading a pdf into your downloads folder, as long as you ignore the security implications of holding random pdfs in long term storage, bypassing browser security features, and relying solely on your pdf viewer.

I mean semantically sure, you’re not wrong, but you’re well aware of what I meant and your condescending attitude reaks of someone stuck on the first peak of a Duning-Kruger chart.

This link is a pdf that autodownloads just in case people don’t want to download some random pdf.

Real talk, if this is happening to you often you’ve gotta decline more meetings.

Yep. Doug Ford is dismantling our medical system in hopes that we start begging for privatization.

I think Jordon Peterson is a giant pile of shit, but you’re being downvoted for calling out a shitty article for misrepresenting obvious sarcasm, and that’s bullshit. Misinformation is misinformation regardless of whether or not it confirms our bias, if the Fediverse community doesn’t want to learn this it has no business pointing at misinformation on other platforms like Reddit.

You have a massively inflated view of Lemmy’s importance in the social media market.