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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Huh, that’s actually super interesting. Thanks for the informative answer and the additional resources, I’ll do a bit more reading about the subject when I have time

Maybe I’m ignorant here, but how would delaying puberty do anything to help your height

Schrödingers USA is both the cause of, and the solution to every problem everywhere

My company exclusively deploys machines with physical coverings for the camera and hardware disconnects for the mics.

I agree on that point, nobody has the right to any information about me except for exactly what I choose for them to know. Speaking from an IT professional standpoint, if I deploy a device, I absolutely have the right to know anything that happens on that device. You have to from a security perspective.

That’s why I don’t use any social media on my work laptop. Ideally that’s why social media is blocked on work machines so it’s a non-issue. Kids should understand that concept early, you do have a right to privacy but you also don’t control that device.

We just fundamentally disagree on what rights someone is afforded on a company provided devices. They can’t opt out because obviously not, you don’t get to just opt out of information security policies.

It would be a different beast if the school didn’t allow you access coursework on a personal machine without installing their bullshit, thats a huge issue.

Sooo schools should just provide devices to kids with no monitoring at all?

There shouldn’t be an expectation of privacy on school/company provided devices, that isn’t how it works literally anywhere. It’s on the parents to teach their children not to use the device for personal reasons.

Ideally the school machines should be limited to only allowing coursework and limited messaging between classmates and teachers, it’s a tool not a toy.

Idk I just can’t get upset about this. Kids and privacy is kind of a tough one to begin with, I personally think kids shouldn’t have unregulated access to communication devices at all until like 14-15, maybe.

Seconding banished, it’s great with mods

Are you intellectually capable of seeing literally anything without complaining about Zionists? Like, anything at all? Every single comment you post is the same shit, we get it, be quiet.

Literally the only thing this guy posts is “but whatabout zionists”

Endlessly, no matter how irrelevant

No way in hell they let him speak to an adult that can string together coherent sentences in public

Worked in IT for over a decade, lawyers are the fucking. worst.

Parental controls exists, and it’s on the parent to use them. Easier now than ever before.

I think AI might, eventually, stop people from posting their entire lives.

Not having a ton of data floating around about your looks, your voice, that’s the only way to protect yourself from ai generated shit.

Blegh, I don’t have a better suggestion because we only have bad options. I share your reservations about voting for Joe, but unfortunately I am not in a blue state 😞

Hosting it is easy, making sure people pay for it is not

They added a bunch of QoL features from mods into the base game. Nice, I respect it.

That’s my take away from this. Living in that circumstance, it becomes more about whoever will give you a weapon to fight your oppressors than it does fighting for any one ideological goal.

Ah, right they don’t own it! It’s just stored on their servers, and they have exclusive rights to do whatever they’d like with it. But they don’t own it.

Uhhh… I mean no. I think the equivalency is both groups love to talk about something that Makes them feel superior- but actually just annoys everyone around them

iPhone app for browsing Lemmy?
Are we just stuck with browsers for the time being? I mean it works but fuck I miss Apollo already.