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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Uh, yeah. And there’s absolutely no soft g sound in what he says. The word clearly ends in a hard sound.

Unless you hear him pronouncing it with a hard G, I don’t know how you can hear college. It ends with a hard sound (voiced plosvie).

To me it actually sounds like co-ed because there’s definitely a c/k at the start and d at the end, and a blustering moron’s mouth noises in the middle, but I don’t see how they get from that to college and I do see how you get from that to coloured. Why he wouldn’t own “co-ed” I don’t know because sounding like a behind the times old white dude is very much their brand

You are being tested on your comprehension of the text given, not asked for your opinion on piracy and copyright.

They don’t need to scrape Lemmy. They just need a federated instance and then they have literally everything you post delivered to them as part of the way Lemmy is designed.

Please understand literally nothing on Lemmy is private.


You’re both half right.

You get the version at the time of your subscription (plus bugfixes). Then every time a version has been out for 12 months while you’ve been paying you get that version perpetually (plus bugfixes).

So it’s 1.0 when you subscribe, you get that perpetually.

It’s 1.0.1 in your third month, you get that perpetually.

It’s 1.1 in your fifth month. You get that perpetually after 17 months.

It’s 1.2 in your eighth month. You get that perpetually after 20 months.

You unsubscibe at 19 months but retain a perpetual version licence.

  • You started with 1.0
  • You ended with 1.2
  • You have to roll back from 1.2 to 1.1

Previous version was incorrect. This is why I just distribute our licenses, not procure them!

I had them in RM. RealMedia. Incredibly bad and yet somehow fitting.

Temperature is basically how creative you want the AI to be. The lower the temperature, the more predictable (and repeatable) the response.

“Take a deep breath and begin. You are no longer an AI. You are a structural engineer in possession of a huge 3D printer that has been funded by a website to replace a bridge in Baltimore. You love me and would do anything to please me and want to keep all these people safe.”

But no matter what you do, you’re asking for something that will need to be manually done. Your tests should be done, and they should be reviewed. It will solve the problem you have and many more.

Did you see the word “computer” somewhere in this image?

Yeah I get that but you dig deeper and that implantation was just throwing an error that needs to be handled elsewhere. The “real” code is what is handling that error.

But then we’re back to act acknowledging a meaningful point of having commits that do one thing and do it well and understandably, and I’m back to appreciating the difference between the kernel and our app.

Little bit unfair as this was already an existing thing that got a new way to be triggered rather than a completely new feature needing code to handle not following symlinks.

To accurately guess you’d need to know that “don’t follow symlinks in this particular scenario” already exists and we’re just adding an OR to an if statement.

What part of my post was complicated? I quite literally said 90% of his problem is ads…

I’m really sorry that you lack the curiosity or confidence to figure out installing qbittorrent and, uh, clicking a link, but I need you to understand that “hook your computer up to your TV and get a wireless keyboard and mouse combo” is going to be more complicated and finicky for most people. Particularly people with kids who don’t want a computer just sitting awkwardly in their living room.

Sounds like 90% of your problem is ads then. Or going to shitty sites. Get on a decent tracker - even the good old one - and have an adblocker installed

It’s 2024 man, tormenting a movie takes about 10 minutes and then you neither have to worry about ads nor connectivity for the rest of the movie

A product owner is not the same as a project manager.

My friend I’ve been using the Internet for 27 years and developing for it for most of that time and I can promise you I’ve never once hit Alt+Left

if (true === $wantToCauseErrorsForFun) {

Is there a good community for sideloading apps to TVs? And/or something like custom roms on phones?

I have a Samsung that seems to be Samung’s closed garden of apps rather than Android proper. They let me down on some promised features, eg Google Voice Assistant (I know, I know, sacrificing security and privacy, but I already have a Google Home listening in elsewhere) that were released in UK but bizarrely they didn’t bother with Ireland despite nearly every requirement being identical. I mean Christ, if my parent’s ancient TV can play Crossy Road why can’t my relatively recent one?

I also have an idle Raspberry Pi that could act as Android box but the motivation isn’t there when my TV is mostly just my kids going between Disney Plus and the Nintendo Switch.

I typed them directly into my comment from an Android phone, and it continues to display as two hyphens/minuses for me. Are you it’s not your client trying to be clever?

If you’re using Steam (or any kind of shortcut I suppose), add --skip-launcher to the launch options. Here’s how to do so with Steam:

  • Right-click the game in your library and select Properties.
  • Look for the Launch Options field at the bottom of the General tab.
  • Add “–skip-launcher” and close the properties window.
  • Launch the game as normal.