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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


Obviously there would be exceptions, but in general for the last few decades, we have been mainly engaging conflicts outside of the US. So until it is in our home territory, it a good idea to put a limit on the military and divert fund to education. Don’t Let the Perfect Be the Enemy of the Good

I would say democracy is less of a problem, the problem is lack of accountability at least on constitutional level. One of the biggest thing I’d add to the constitution is a rule that mandates for every dollar we spent on the military, another dollar must be spent on education.

I knew putting Ubisoft on the blacklist was a good idea a decade ago. Everyone should blacklist them as well, just let them die as a company.

I would say Project Zombiod the closest one on that list. Just need a few mods to raise the hunger rate, more comprehensive nutrient stats, and farm difficulty scaling. The game already laid out most of the groundwork.

Yep, streamlining the process to write a new compiler. Most compiler development utilize something like Bison/Flex or by handwriting their own lexer/parser, but those things doesn’t generate AST tree and you still have to read/modify that AST tree before reading it to generate the final resulting code.

The sheer absurdity in scale of development increases when you realizes that you also have to do the same for LSP server.

Melosynthos is came up with to think about streamlining all of this in one unified workflow.

This is a Pandora box situation, when potential use for malicious purposes on AI on the ponderance of evidence outweigh the goods, one have to conclude that it is necessary to ban it from the purpose of monitoring. This have immense impact on disabled workers for instance.

It’s actually superior to ChatGPT, because of much higher context memory of about 100,000 tokens whereas GPT-4 only got at most 32,000 tokens. Plus you can upload doc and then query on it.

Microsoft: “Gotta keep all of the telemetries and AI running 24/7 of course!”

I don’t think it’s possible for them to do so, because that would means killing the gaming aspect of Windows. GPU on cloud is stupidly overpriced and expensive, just look at Standard_NV6 for an example, it easily cost $10,000/yr according to this (Just look for anything that have “N” in it’s name for GPU enabled VM and they are all expensive.)

If they try to ban everyone from being allowed to use their own computer hardware, I really doubt people would stay on Windows, they most likely would be in the 5 stages of griefs and then contemplate on switching to either Linux or Mac OSX.

I would honestly hope you bring it up to your agency to start offering chat channels that are end to end encrypted and have all history wiped clean after certain period of time.

Probably both and Network Effect is still a thing that he would consider.

I think it’s better to create a division between corpo-social media and public social media. Everything that corporation does just muddle the water.

This seems to be intentional disinformation. The prefix ‘dis-’ implies intention, whereas ‘mis-’ suggests unintentionality.

I think we need to start curating a list of writers that aren’t intentionally spewing uninformed craps. We need to start posting legit writer’s articles and blacklist all other hostile writers.

Same, it’s like we’re watching from the sideline seeing all of the sheep going head fast off the cliff.

Theoretically, by wiping out the rich would create instability within the wealthy class, they wouldn’t have the time or the means to herd the politicians to serve them or to effectively disrupt democracy.

The inheritance that kid collects would amounts to “Congratulation, you won the lottery, now what? You haven’t own any corporation yet, know of anything about how to make connections with other politicians and wealthy class of people and so forth. You’re pretty much on your own.”

Like 70% of the time, those people wouldn’t even bother with politic and would just spend the money vacationing where-ever in the world and having fun with the newfound wealth, not busy trying to disrupt democracy. People tend to be very shortsighted when they amasses huge wealth, in fact, according to some statistic, it ranges from 44% to 70% of people who gain huge amount of money end up losing it all within the next 5 years.

That amount of time would basically give the common people enough time to go about fixing the political system.

But they won’t force the fkers that took out PPP loan out on all of the younger people stuck with student loan and further cause inflation to get worse.. I am honestly at the point where I think all of the younger generations need to band together, stop paying taxes and tell the government to just fk off already, they are not a legitimate government institute since they don’t represent the will of the people and that we should establish a new government to replace it (using constitution and laws from saner country.)

We legitimately have tried to change this country through Bernie Sanders and instead only for DNC to say, “Lol fk all of you, Hillary Clinton!” in such a non-democratic notation and then they basically hand over the election to Trump and consequentially the 3 Supreme Court Positions to basically permanently screw us over. Even if we voted to get all of the Democrat’s majority chairs in congress, they did nothing with it.

I’m tired of all of the double standards, some of my friends have been killed by this institute, because they went homeless, didn’t get the medical coverage and all that during covid. To everyone telling people to go and vote, sure, but as long as the current political system is in place, America’s only destiny is to further radicalize to the extremist right and democrat party is helping them do it. American government is NOT legitimate and it’s not a democracy.


Well, I’ve worked for the government (as contractor), corporations, and small businesses, I could count a few times I’ve seen people using Apple Mac Pro devices on one hand (more often seeing Macbook Pro rather, but very rarely for development) and more time than I can count on either Linux or Windows workstation computers.

We use Linux desktop often, because most of our servers are running on Linux so it helps to have version conformity when matching up with server’s versioning and we occasionally use Windows for Visual Studio, proprietary software and so forth. But there are a few times where we get discounts for buying software for Linux rather than Windows.

Employees in my office switched from Apple Macbook Pro to Windows/Linux based laptops like Framework Laptop, because Macbook Pro often time lacked GPU that you would find on Linux and Windows workstation. Apple is going off on it’s own little world with their own Metal API/GPU and it doesn’t reflect the reality in real world emerging technologies. For instance, there are some computational challenges that in my office, we make use of Vulkan Compute so that we can purchase both Nvidia GPU and AMD GPU to generate real-time data, had we used Metal API and Apple’s products, it would’ve been cheaper to purchase cloud compute servers. (We wanted to ensure each developer can test the given Vulkan code on their own desktop/workstation.)

They would try to alleviate the cost on running GPU by making an AI accelerator chip like Tensor Core, but it’ll get bottleneck by limited VRAM when Neural Net models require steep amount of memory. it’s more productive to have something like NPU that runs either on RAM or by it’s own memory chips offering higher amount of capacity to run such neural net and avoid the roundtrip data copying between GPU and CPU.

Absolutely, I would suggest looking into two separate devices that focuses solely on AI acceleration:

Analog Neural Accelerator


Neural Processing Unit

I think so long that the community is on an invite-basis community, it raise the cost of botting the website much higher than other platforms so it can de-incentivize them from gaming the platform.

Yeah, but when someone is completely new to programming, it’s best to start somewhere easy where there are quite a lot of tools to help them fix bugs in code. In C# IDE, it have a lot of visual indicators to help them identify bugs, debugger is pretty comprehensive and integrated, and there are quite a lot of resources to introduce them to programming in forms of videos and documentations and community. The goal of learning C# is not to only program C#, but to get them acquaintances with general programming such as for loop, memory management like using disposal in C#, recursion functions and so go on. They can use C# as a starting point to just basic programming and then once they are comfortable, they can move on to other language that they are curious about.

One of the thing I recommends is to start small. Going from Python to C is quite a leap, because C language requires some fundamental computer science understanding when you write codes that offers no railing or safety net when you make mistakes. I would actually suggests that you start with C#, it is very forgiving when you make a mistake and have various tools to help you identify the bug in your program.

Big part of C# is that there is available video tutorial on an introduction to C# provided by Microsoft and it have subtitles. The biggest reason why I would recommend C# to beginner is simply that they offers a lot of resources to help beginners understand the fundamental of programming in general. They have tons of books, video tutorials, vibrant community, and so forth. Also C# can run on wide range of platforms, Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, Raspberry Pi, and so forth. Once you master C#, you’ll find that a lot of the knowledge you gained from it is transferable to C, C++, Rust, DLang, and so forth.

It’s one thing if he died alone and another when he took other 4 people with him. I would still chalk it up to greedy asshole, because he cheap out things that would’ve saved the four people.

You’re right that telling people to quit Reddit could come off as hostile.

Beehaw seems to be easy on sign up from my experience, so it’s here when July 1st rolls around when Reddit terminates API for third party apps. I think significant amount of users of Reddit use the app regularly, so they might leave Reddit once the app no longer works and I imagine that some of them would be unaware of the ‘old’ reddit UI so they would likely get a really negative impression of the current ‘new’ Reddit Ui that they would likely be deterred from using Reddit going forward.

+1 on your advice!

Powerless to change Reddit, yes, but not powerless to find a new community!

To everyone hanging in the fediverse, I just want to say, I am proud of all of you!

A lot of our criticisms on this plan is that we have tried the 400 billion dollars plan and the promise never materialized. So naturally, we’re a bit jaded toward corporations.

I agree that we need accountability and I suggested here that anytime we fund a company with public money, we should demand non-sell-able shares of that company (basically we never sell that shares and company will have to repay dividend to the public.) If we practically gave money to them that we would’ve own 50% or more of that company, that company should then be a utility since we literally paid tax money for it, it’s a service at that point.

It’s frustrating, because we are not only in an economic squeeze, we are also bleeding money left and right with money inflation going out of control.

I would imagine that it would give everyone a VERY valid reason to start a civil war right there and then and my money is on the people since Americans possess more guns to population than the rest of the world. Oligarchy trying to push this is going to quickly realize how good they had it until they piss off enough people.

How about a new policy all of us should advocate for:

Every time we bail out or give public money to corporation, the public should own the share of that company. If public own enough share of that company, it should automatically be turned into a utility.

7900 XTX recently got support for Stable Diffusion and LLM, on paper, it’s faster than 4090 RTX for FP16 computation, it does seem faster judging my experience using rented 4090 RTX on Runpod and my 7900 XTX GPU. 14 seconds (4090 RTX) vs 6 seconds (7900 XTX.)

7900 XTX is an option if you want $1000 cheaper than 4090 RTX and have similar sized VRAM and having comparable performance to that of 4090 RTX.

What more, if they over-litigate, then the economy of the country that over-litigate will fall behind compared to the rest of the world as other country would overtake USA. There is no if or but in this scenario. For instance, poor people in third world country would absolutely leverage this technologies to boost their ability to make an income.

Assuming both means more jobs at the factory which suggests more labor involvements and automation in the process of manufacturing, I would advocate against the former until we have universal healthcare and stronger safety standards and laws.

Yeah, MIT license is absurdly free and flexible, so basically you just need to retain copyright notice and license copy.

But it definitely screams the death of a town when corporate find a way to game the system.

Just that I don’t bother to care about them for years until now that they are trying to mess with Fediverse.

I assumed over the years that users count would have been evaporated, so do we have current user counts for it?

Russia cuts off radiation sensor access at ZNPP to Ukraine
>Invading Russian forces have ceased the transmission of radiation sensors at the occupied Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) to Ukraine, Chief State Inspector for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Ukraine, Oleh Korikov, said at a briefing on June 14.

Rethinking Compiler Design - Melosynthos
This thread delves into contemplating the concept of "Melosynthos," more aligned towards being a compiler generator rather than strictly a parser generator. Initially, I was engrossed in a Python Lark fork while concurrently developing an unique shader language, primarily for Vulkan Compute (SPIR-V, to be precise), aiming at Machine Learning (intending to replace the Pytorch framework). Python Lark's parser generator appealed to me due to its simplicity-centric grammar syntax, prompting me to create a fork in C language. This new version was designed to support a top-down LL(k) parser algorithm and generate corresponding AST trees. Upon successfully getting it to function, it dawned on me how complex and challenging the iterative development of a compiler could be. The task of designing a programming language and writing the compiler implementation, along with the eventual Language Server Protocol, seemed daunting for a single developer. This realization sparked the question - could we streamline the entire process, right from the parser generator to the compilation output target? This led to the inception of the Meta-AST and subsequently, the Melosynthos project. The Meta-AST scripting language is essentially conceptualized to interact with the generated raw AST tree, providing traversal and visitor syntax. This enables users to enhance, refine, or rectify the "Raw" AST with more comprehensive data, such as type information or context-free grammar support. The Melosynthos compiler generator project primarily involves three stages: the standard Backus-Naur Form grammar for generating Lexer/Parser and raw AST, the Meta-AST script interacting with the AST, and the final compilation output reading the AST and printing it out. Envision a scenario where everything is streamlined from the start, enabling the generation of any dialects or features in the language as a full compiler in the output, accompanied by an LSP server. Despite searching extensively, I couldn't find any existing tools to accomplish this. Consequently, I began musing about the potential structure and function of Meta-AST, emphasizing its readability and familiarity for compiler designers. It borrows elements from Regex (like "^" for the start of an array and "$" for the end), functional programming for pure function transformation and analysis, and differentiation between "dialects." Consider the following example of an AST tree represented in JSON: ```json { "rule": { "HELLO": { "Content": "Hello", "Line": "1", "Col": "1" }, "WORLD": { "Content": "World", "Line": "1", "Col": "6" }, "SET_OF_EXCLAIMATION_MARK": [ { "EXCLAIMATION_MARK": { "Content": "!", "Line": "1", "Col": "12"} }, { "EXCLAIMATION_MARK": { "Content": "!", "Line": "1", "Col": "13"} }, { "EXCLAIMATION_MARK": { "Content": "!", "Line": "1", "Col": "14"} } ] } } ``` For a basic analysis of this AST tree, we could attribute the AST with the following script: ``` local myAST = .; // You are making a copy of the current AST myAST.rule.SET_OF_EXCLAIMATION_MARK.summarize( MarkCount = this.Count, StartColumn = this[^].Col, EndColumn = this[$].Col, StartLine = this[^].Line, EndLine = this[$].Line ); ``` This would add counts for exclamation marks, start and end columns for this particular rule in the grammar, and the start and end lines for diagnostic purposes. I share this here to muse over the concept and encourage some discussions surrounding it. I hope it sparks some interests in this topic.