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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Friendly reminder that you don’t need to buy WotC/Hasbro products to play 5e. The 5e publishing ecosystem is pretty strong and there are lots of options so that you don’t have to get rid of your old books. Level Up Advanced 5e has free PDFs online of their whole books, but the books are fantastic quality. Tales of the Valiant is coming soon, and there is a huge catalog of Kobold Press content before that. And then there are hundreds of smaller presses that also support the ruleset. I haven’t gotten any WotC products in years even before the OGL, mainly because quality seemed to be taking a turn, but there is still great content out there.

This, the OGL, the Pinkerton incident, the continued decline in quality products. Talk about squandering the opportunity of a lifetime with the renaissance of D&D.

On a whim, I decided to start a Total War Empire campaign as Poland-Lithuania. I saw a meme about playing games in your Steam library instead of buying something on sale, and I felt justifiably attacked.

It is a fair criticism. There is a limited number of historical conflicts/periods with multiple factions, large troop structures, etc. Do they continue to refine past entries or explore more into fiction and mythology? Personally, I’d love to see a more finely polished Medieval, but I think it is more likely that they will follow the Warhammer model and do more licensed products.

Not Australian, but looking through the proposal, it seemed pretty basic. It’s pretty sad that even a relatively toothless measure like this couldn’t pass. Though I’m definitely not throwing stones, I’m in America.

If you haven’t played the Robocop: Rogue City demo yet, you have 10 seconds to comply. Your move, creep.

Especially after he backtracked on the compromise with Biden and then loudly announced he would not concede anything to Dems. The guy went to Home Depot and bought the rope himself. Like, it wasn’t going to end well for him either way, but it isn’t sad. He constructed this situation, he shouldn’t be surprised it blew up in his face.

A damn shame. KOTOR 1 & 2 are still, IMHO, one of the greatest Star Wars stories/experiences. I’d really love for something to revisit the time period.

“Reset the board!” 14 0 days since a classified document leak

Only? The US accounts for 40% of all military spending in the world. We are at nearly 3 times second place, China, $876 billion to $290 billion. Considering the US has the most billionaires and compilation of billionaire wealth, I really don’t think GDP is the great earmark you are portraying it as.

Definitely see what you saying. Some yellow flags in there, but it ultimately seems supportive of progressive, ethical moves by government. Demos seems to be very focused on this issue. As a Michigander, Big Gretch has been doing a great job and I’m really happy to see the state put its money where its mouth is.

No worries! I’m a big fan of FROM and you are absolutely right, they just aren’t for everyone. I honestly wish more people would see that a game can be good but you don’t have to enjoy it. That’s me and a lot of strategy games like Crusader Kings.

I’m not going to hunt down formal sources for these, because they’ve been pretty widely reported on, especially back during the 2022 election. We know COVID disproportionately affected older, conservative communities. In less populated, more rural areas, even a few dozen more deaths could affect outcomes. We know youth turnout was higher than in previous years, and certain Republicans’ push to raise the voter age is a reaction to that. Biden is still challenging SCOTUS about student loans and is currently working on getting Medicare pricing for lots of medications. I’m from Michigan, and our state government has recently passed a lot of progressive policies, same for my local city and many of the cities near me. So there may be some bias there, but there have also been a lot of public success in Minnesota and Hawaii. And Jim Inhofe just retired, and between McConnell’s freeze and Feinstein rambling during a vote, it’s clear these elderly reps are having health issues. They can’t live forever.

I empathize with what you are saying, but the red wave didn’t happen because a bunch of Republicans died from COVID and youth voters mobilized in big numbers. The best solution I see is, as someone else said, changing our voting system to ranked choice. It will create more freedom of choice, parties will have to develop stronger platforms, and it will be easier to stomp out fascists. And Biden has made some moves to help progressive causes, and there has been a lot of success on local and state levels. Even if that isn’t satisfactory, the old guard is shuffling off slowly but surely. It is a miscarriage of democracy that Diane Feinstein still has a seat, and the politicing over filling her space is doubly shameful. I would certainly hope that establishment Dems know how fragile their voter coalition is, especially after losing Roe after decades of doing nothing to codify it. As much as it is fuck around/find out time for the GOP, it’s put up or shut up time for Dems.

I hope you are right. More end-user freedom is a good thing and, if it is a matter of turning the tide, I’d love to see more tech companies competing to be the most accessible for repairs.

They need to get with the goddamn program and start actually making solid moves with clear results. Michigan and Minnesota have been successful in this recently, at least. The vast majority of establishment Dems haven’t fought for anything but the status quo for decades. That’s a fair percentage of the reason we are in this mess in the first place, because in their eyes even if Trump isn’t doing the right thing, he’s at least doing something different. It’s shitty logic, but it is hard to argue with when the alternative keeps being old white guys that don’t want to offend corporations.

I hope I have the wherewithal to maintain my convictions at that age. Perhaps that’s naivete, but I never became conservative, either.

To answer your question, most people aren’t against age limits. But the elderly are the single strongest voting population and the people already in power won’t do anything against their own interest without significant voter follow through.

Who could blame the greatest minds from being entranced by a mysterious “X”?

It’s important to note that she didn’t do it alone. There have been a lot of grassroots activists working diligently to combat the gerrymandering and to rouse usual nonvoters in conservative-leaning areas. Not taking anything away from Big Gretch, she’s been doing really well, but it’s a team effort that everyone can contribute to.

I agree, but there is definitely a limit to the degree of frivolous side quests. I’m playing TotK here and there, and some of the quests/objectives are basically punishment. I liked the koroks in BotW, but a lot of the new ones can fuck right off.

As a former librarian and bookseller, never trust that any rightwing political book (or "history " book) is an actual best seller. Their audience is too cheap to buy and hates libraries too much to borrow in big numbers.

Happens a lot. Just like for women or PoC, the idea is if you can fully integrate and be a loyal party member, you can reap the benefits as “one of the good ones.” FD Signifier has a great video about black conservatives in US politics. Problem is, conservatives look for enemies inward once the exterior ones are eliminated.

I wish more game reviews touched on stuff like this. Thanks! I’m in a bit of a spot financially, so can’t take advantage of current Steam sale, but I’m definitely planning on getting 2077 since the new revamp.

If anything highlights the fact that most of the justices are partisan hacks, it is acting like snowflakes over what ought to be the bare minimum of ethical guidelines. There are stricter rules in place for minimum wage jobs.

Just more enshittification. Glad I cancelled last month, you don’t get to tell me who is or who isn’t in my household.

I’m from MI, nonreligious, and I live in an area with a decent Muslim population. This wasn’t inevitable. There are a lot of places across the state, and across the country, that really rely on these sorts of coalitions of voters to stand against conservative strongholds. Religion aside, it’s just a bad political move. They’ve splintered their supporters and really raises the question of if they can keep their gains. Really a damn shameful “cut off the nose to spite your face” situation.