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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Probably makes 7 figures working for big pharma though

they must have dialup or live in the middle of nowhere

more people would buy a $3000 Apple monitor than VR. Lest we forget they sold a $1000 monitor stand and $700 pc wheels. I just looked and the Pro Display (XDR? what the hell is that?) is $5000. A 32 inch 16:9 display.

Framerate unlocking mods on PC for other From games have had major issues. The studio still has terrible practices with tying animations to framerates, damage to framerate, etc

So an electric car might hold 100 kWh. To charge that in 1 minute you would need 6000 kW of power, or 6 MW. Typical “rapid” chargers today do 350 kW and these are the kind that are difficult to find. A nuclear plant makes around 1,000 MW so if you had 166 cars charging at once you would overload one.

The bigger issue I would see is the heat created from dumping all that energy in at once. And can a US outlet even provide that much power?

This comment doesn’t show it but this is a good time to uninstall your hard drive, throw in a new one, and install Linux

I haven’t been able to get more than 480p on Youtube Movies on Windows. I bought them back when it was called Google Play Movies.

Pretty sure you can lose all your money in a casino regardless of how you earn it

No we get pure ethanol for the lab in plastic bottles

does the neural network actually run scripts or is it pretending

Bioengineering is inherently dangerous with a high likelihood of disrupting Earth’s ecosystems, killing millions of people, etc. if you do something wrong. A key safety step, as they discuss in one of the movies, is making their organisms unable to reproduce so they can’t increase their populations unchecked. Which they failed to do. In real life there are people creating new viruses and there is no amount of security that makes that kind of work completely safe.

Noo it’s just a movie about dinosaurs you can’t just point out that it critiques science and capitalism, we love science and capitalism!!

300,000 every week… is this really a feature not built into Java Script?

your blunder has cost the world untold μW

the future unifying metric for productivity should be joules per line of code. If you cost more than a machine you get laid off

or better yet a QR code to scan in the Discord App. Great way to get your account credentials stolen

I’m gonna need new eyeballs if the graphical abstract (f) is HRTEM

yeah whoever wrote this press release chopped off some of the data

If content is sent to your pc then there is a way to save it, regardless of how they try to hide that

they drastically reduce … quality for short term acceleration

Western society is built on this principle

they have the memory controllers built into their processors now. So adding memory is even cheaper, it just takes the modules themselves

probably about as well as Twitter becoming “X, formerly known as Twitter”

shared workplace

the next guy won’t be able to use the ethernet either

It would be less of a problem. But most of the media I consume is younger than that, and yet it is still at risk of going away at any moment. Nobody wants to even sell digital copies, except for the ones on CD, DVD, etc. Most of the time your only option is a “license” to access it, or a monthly subscription. A couple of years ago I “bought” the new Blade Runner on Google Play. Turns out now you can only watch above 480p on their approved devices. Which does not include my PC, my main device. The same goes for the streaming services, you get shafted on quality if you aren’t using a “smart” tv.