• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Just do what I do and put it in that deep cupboard above the fridge. Then forget about it for literal years by mistake. It’s doing wonders for my health. Just wish I could do a version of that for my bad sleep schedule.

That boat sailed with Murdoch buying out all the news companies and beaming his rags and “news” channels around the western world after he conquered Australia. He used his power to weaken laws that used to hedge against this kind of nonsense.

Heh, the first step in a long series of steps towards orbital shipyards and coriolis-class space stations.

The future is looking bright.

Collector limpet failed :(

Programming limpet drone

Collector limpet failed

Programming limpet drone

It’s so cute, I love their cute little facial expressions :)

Red rescue team, if you haven’t played a pokemon mystery dungeon game before. I played the DS version (blue rescue team) and loved it.

I love how half of the US tries to ban rifles, and when one side’s violent, insane rhetoric nearly gets one of their own candidates gunned down with the exact rifle, they tell the other side to calm down, lmao.

Your candidate is unmoored from reality, and he’s going to get domed by one of your own incels sooner rather than later. Work with us on gun safety already. Among like…everything else.

If I were you, I’d grab an ebike before tariffs on them go up. It can be a major gamechanger in a city. Saves a lot of money on gas and parking fees if you just want to hit the beach/park/commute to work. Kicking myself for not buying one sooner. Radpower, Juiced, and Aventon have pretty affordable options, and my car has been pretty much left alone most of the spring and early summer.

Grabbed one for $1,200 and have put 624 miles on it in the past three or so months.

*human porn.

Google can’t even block yiff with safe search, lol. AI has incredible difficulty with evaluating furry porn. Which means that Mitch McConnell is going to live out his final days looking at anthropomorphic hyenas that could benchpress a fridge and have 11 inches of freedom, lmao.

Generations of southerners and people in the central US are going to be looking at considerable amounts of yiff if conservatives have their way.

Russia and China always do this shit, it’s going to be very problematic when one of their poorly trained pilots screws up and kills a bunch of people and themselves.

Galaxy On Fire 2 was great, but Elite Dangerous on PC later kicked the absolute crap out of it.

Whales spend tens of thousands of dollars on p2w bullshit. It’s all unregulated gambling.

We only started pirating after Amazon refused to let us play movies we paid for because our hardware was too old for their DRM. It was a 2014 PC made of recycled parts. At the time, it was less than 10 years old. We pirated the same movie and realized it was easier to find, higher quality, and surprise, surprise, capable of playing on a PC we kept out of the landfill.

When I see anti piracy measures that punish people that don’t pirate, such as massive performance hits or privacy violating features, it makes me want to pirate more.

Subaru offer a certain set of keys for it iirc. Their software is absolute garbage though. Either get an older model or one with physical AC controls.

I like the idea, but I agree with others; a slide out landscape keyboard would be more convenient.

I think had they released it on PC, it would have been a bit better, since the vehicles could be built larger and have a further despawn distance without big frame drop penalties. (And frame drops in certain environments). I’m glad for the enemy variation and liked the bosses better in totk. But next game, I hope the gameplay is wildly different and they take some risks with the story. I’d love to see parts where you play as Zelda or something.

The deep rock board game is so fun. And I hate board games and inwardly groan when someone suggests a board game, lol.

The only game that was kinda a bummer was Tears of the kingdom. The sky world was just copy/pastes with nothing but some robots. I wanted the hot bird people up there or something.

The underground was dead and had a few POIs but was basically just those same annoying ninjas from the first game who disguise themselves as civilians. I liked the story and characters in botw2 better. The map was largely unchanged from the first game. Some of the missions were better. Gannon actually getting a plot was cool. The enemies were better this go around. The gmod bits were cool, but caused the game to run like shit. The game also ran at like, 22 fps the entire time anyways. The shrines were as meh as the first game, which were already so dull I’d look up guides just to get more hearts/stamina.

…it should have been a $25 DLC instead of a $70 game.

It was a solid 4.5/10 for me, mostly just on the amount of rehashed stuff for a $70 game, which should have blown my balls off for waiting six years and $70 later. I hope the next Zelda game is more like Twilight Princess.

Isn’t that what E3 also was? xD

All of these award ceremonies and cons are just advertising for the latest games or games that are releasing soon. Companies aren’t building games out of charity, but because they make money for their shareholders and occasionally, a private company.

What’s app is also Facebook.

So facebook, threads, What’sapp, Instagram are all FB owned lol. They need to be broken up for being that huge.

Probably because the Ottoman empire would just crush everyone’s cock with a rock if they so much as started anything. I highly doubt anyone around there voted for the Ottoman empire to occupy their lands and take their resources, haha.

Generally, strongman rule makes things pretty peaceful. Vlad the impaler had a low crime rule, but he also impaled 20,000 enemy troops in a “Forest of the imapaled” and also impaled any criminals, which somehow kept crime remarkably low. But it wasn’t exactly a happy rule, and people cheered when he was eventually ambushed, beheaded, and (fittingly) impaled on the walls above Constantinople…ironically by Mehmed II, ruler of the Ottoman empire. xD

He fought the Ottoman empire’s encroach his entire life and ended up getting ambushed and dying stupidly. But he went down in legend for being crazy hardcore (and his wife, queen Justinia too, who was absolutely mental as well, iirc)

Forever war. Back in the day, the stronger side would just kill everyone in a march to the sea, salt the earth, and nothing would grow there for 300 years until humans finally scraped the dirt and made a small community again. It’s been happening over every religious war, every empire, and every tribe for all time.

Now, we don’t do that. But that means bad blood and prolonged conflict essentially forever, in a long simmering he said/she said involving beheadings and rockets. Best thing we can hope for is either a Korea situation, or some sort of “we’ll make this area into a national park where everyone can visit”, but neither side wants to live anywhere else, and hell will freeze over before all the Palestinians or Israelis are welcomed into the neighboring countries with open arms, lol.

My last bit of hope died when I learned that Hamas executed one of their generals on the rumor that he might have had sex with a guy. The fact that they stripped someone of their 1,000 person command, whipped him, forced him to not sleep, and then shot him three times over something so trivial is a really, reallllly bad sign for any hint of a two state solution. Or worse, cohabitation in a host country. They hate each other to an extreme I didn’t think was possible.

Could be worse, lol. Russia is sending all their young people on a one way ticket to snoozetown in Ukraine while releasing hardened criminals into the streets without jobs. China is gonna have like…a 30 year age gap and no women because of the one child policy. And their housing market, built on staggering levels of debt, is now reaching the breaking point, as they hit market saturation and can’t sell new buildings to offload old debt. Iran is killing and brutalizing their young people who are starting to get really pissied off about religious BS and the terrible economy.

I’d stay where you are. As we shift to a multipolar world from a unipolar one, things are gonna get dicy, wars and climate change-wise. Canada ain’t perfect, but it’s pretty good overall.

Why the US is falling behind- a lack of R&D, particularly around computers, emerging technologies, and education. And how we are starting to reinvest in critical R&D again for things like vaccines and chips. This article discusses the history of American research and technology and how it lifted tons of other countries up by investing in R&D and modernizing education for everyone.

Bummer to hear it’s not using Steam. After seeing Bethesda screw up modding with Creation Club, I have low hopes for Paradox’s attempt, considering they already monetize the shit out of their games.

(Not op)

It’s an interesting read. I’m sure there are better sources, but the 40s-80s were a crazy time, with basically all of their neighbors declaring war on them, Israel managing to hold off five different countries, then the UN stopping the war only to have egypt or syria re-arm and try again. I didn’t know that the USSR was also helping and hindering at various points. Basically all Jewish peoples immediately fled all Arab countries, peppered with other countries whenever there was a rise in anti-jewish sentiments (eg, in Russia).


While the subsystem of 5e isn’t my favorite, Baldur’s Gate 3 has an insanely good RPG system and every sidequest feels pretty unique. No radiant quests like 2077 or Bethesda games Sure, the sex scenes could be a bit better, and I’d like more dialog once you become the best of friends with people, but it’s still amazingly deep with great voice acting and tidbits of stories in various places and situations.

I recommend it if you haven’t played it yet! It’s definitely my game of the year.

They cap the time you can listen to something on a paid subscription? Lmao, their podcasts already suck and are annoying to navigate, and tend to get mixed between music in the UI. Can I pay money to just have a music service?

Also, ebooks and audio books are digital, so any caps (like data caps) are entirely arbitrary.

As much fun as werewolf penis is, I want real story development, haha. Questlines, explore the affliction, marginalized werewolf underground societies, maybe even a remote village where everyone, men/women/children are werewolves and/or other types of were creatures? I feel like there’s plenty to explore aside from the yiff and relationship type stuff!

Shit, if they haven’t started it yet, it better not be coming out in 2026. I want at least four years of peaceful development without them rushing it and burning out the devs. I want good stories and plenty of werewolf content. And no gamebreaking bugs like Cyberpunk, whose campaign got glitched for me.

War fucking sucks ass. We should be focusing on science, education, and preservation of the different species on this planet. If we actually focused our efforts, we could be mining asteroids and building large space stations within mere decades.

However, there’s also not a whole lot of room for that when your unwashed, idiot neighbors get a bunch of nuclear-tipped missiles and decide to launch rockets over your country for food concessions, since they spend literally all their budget on nuclear research.

It also is a bit of a bummer when a larger neighbor decides that all of your bases belong to them.

The world (or, if we make it this far,) the stars will always have the dumbasses of the galaxy, like the Putins, the Xis, and the Kim Jong Uns seeking to cling onto a ratty postage stamp of power, and will tear down everything to cling to it. It’s everyone’s responsibility to make sure that it doesn’t happen; that they aren’t allowed to destroy everything for 15 minutes of power.

So that’s why we have war. It’s shitty, a massive waste of time, effort, and resources, but we have to drag that son of a bitch out whenever someone gets the ass and decides that the modicum of power they have is not enough anymore.

Although I still hate DisplayPort’s latching, makes it so hard to unplug cables in tight spaces

As a counterpoint to this, I’ve had GPUs with “tired” HDMI ports in tight spaces. They wiggle ever so slightly, and unplug themselves by half a millimeter. Suddenly, a monitor or AVR will stop working, but it might not be obvious if you are watching TV through a PC. (For example, HDMI connections: PC (Unplugged) -> AVR -> TV (HDMI passthrough).

The locking connector means you don’t get those annoying issues where the TV looks like it’s having issues, but it’s actually due to a loose cable on the PC - AVR connection. Lots of troubleshooting sometimes.

If you do hate the latches, they make flat ones too

What if you can’t access gplay for various reasons? (Non-stock OS, geographic lockout, etc etc)

Are you just straight-up boned when 14 rolls around? Genuinely curious