Signal Private Messenger is free open source, works on everything. Your grandma could use this.
I have slowly migrated all of my friends and family to this over the last few years.
All of the big ‘encrypted’ messengers like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger use the Signal Protocol under the hood but insert their own shady business and tracking defeating a lot of the purpose.
There are other perhaps more anonymous options like SimpleX or XMRchat but they are not practical nor needed for most threat models.
Matrix is not quite mature enough but is a better option than discord for gaming communities.
Signal everyday. I would not recommend Telegram. DYOR.
My APAP machine has a sim card and unless I am careful to not disable airplane mode every time I start it up, it will send all of my health data to company that I have signed no agreement with.
I explicitly declined to agree to the privacy policy of the company that sold it to me.
If I find my data in a breach, lawyers will be involved.
If anything comes of this and we get a comprehensive single payer system it will so many positive effects as we adjust over the course of a decade.
Something that not many people consider is the effect on business owners and labour:
business owners will have a lower overhead for their employees insurance
Labour unions will have better bargaining power because of this cost reduction.
…We’ve all been doing that for years.
Snowden implicated Google and Apple in 2013.