I’d rather be sleeping.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


I wonder if an automated setup would play it without caring about the extension. If someone had something like Sonarr dropping episodes on a Plex drive, for example.

The amount of niche old Canadian cartoons I’ve found thanks to dedicated pirates…

“What were you doing?”

Not working.

Here’s the menu for anyone who can’t watch the video right now.

Looks great. I can’t see giving up my modded Wii for this, but if you’re only interested in GameCube games anyway it seems like a good solution.

Remember when xbox was the console? Like, the weird anime kid had a PS3 and everybody else had 360s. How did they lose that much of a lead?

I bought a wireless 360 controller when they were current, and an Xbone controller around when the slim launched. Guess which one still works.

Nothing like relaxing with my beavers after a stressful day.

You can’t have it both ways.

I get what you’re saying, and I agree with you, but I think they’ve proven that they absolutely can have it both ways. 99% of people just don’t care.

Constant recalls and warranty issues. Every generation is “we definitely fixed everything this time” until five years pass and they start to fall apart again. Their engines are made of tinfoil.

I’ve been an Xbox Guy™ since the 360 launched, but I have a PS5 this generation. I don’t want to shill it too hard but the exclusives are great, I’m glad I switched.

I appreciate the help but unfortunately have no idea how to do that. Before this, my only real experience was Plex on Windows and light desktop usage on Linux, so I’m pretty green.

I did configure nginx in the tutorial.

Matrix: Unexpected error resolving homeserver configuration.
I followed [this guide](http://www.nickmasso.com/projects/matrix-setup/) to set up a Matrix server on my Pi. The only hiccup I ran into during setup was under "Setting up Synapse server," step 11, the "Registration" section wasn't present in homeserver.yaml. This server is meant to just run bridges to WhatsApp/Facebook/etc. so I wasn't too worried, and forged ahead. I'm getting the title error when trying to connect via Element. [Federation Tester](https://federationtester.matrix.org/) gives the following error: >Get "https://[my ipv6 address]:8448/_matrix/key/v2/server": dial tcp [my ipv6 address]:8448: i/o timeout (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) Any help would be very much appreciated.

Especially when they are just a series of on-rails missions with “ride a horse through this forest for five minutes” breaks in between.

I saw Timberborn getting shilled a bit on here so I’ve been checking that out. Lots of fun so far. The droughts keep absolutely wrecking me, though.

If anyone’s on the fence, its definitely worth your time to check out.

Why not? Genuine question. If a bunch of people go under and their houses hit the market, supply increases, homes get cheaper.

Look on the bright side. If enough people default on their loans, I might be able to buy a house one day.

Even as someone who usually isnt a fan of the genre, this was fantastic.

When COVID started really popping off, management at my old job gathered all the technicians together in the shop. They read a bunch of names off a piece of paper while everyone stood around confused, then they said “If you heard your name, this is your last day with the company.” Absolutely heartless.

They then put out a canned public message about how hard the decision was, and how every employee is a member of the family.

You’ve been playing since 2014 and it’s still in early access? Isn’t that kinda weird?

Either way, I’ll check it out. I’m a sucker for MMOs.

This looks great! I’m excited.

To anyone who comes along and hasn’t played GW2: Go check it out. Its a fantastic MMO with inoffensive monetization and one of the best online communities I’ve come across. I always shill it whenever I get the chance.

I think a lot of it comes from us being sold the idea that the ultra-rich got where they are through hard work and intelligence. “The American Dream,” etc… When things like this happen, it proves that the ruling class are just as stupid as any Joe-blow off the street.

It happened in water… Maybe WaterGate? Have we used that one yet?

This is super impressive. Ill definitely be putting this on my handheld.

Are you looking at it in browser or an app? Looks fine in Jeroba.