Blame this on the misfortune of your birth.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Damn, this is more accurate than horoscopes. You got me.

Waluigi for Kart and Mr. Game and Watch for Smash. I have no idea what this says about me.

There must be a mistake, Fallout: New Vegas with 80 mods isn’t on here. I’ll have to write a letter to the editor.

I remembering stumbling into this book at a shop a while back, reading the synopsis on the back and then the first page thinking “This should be fun.” I was not prepared for how enthralling and deep the story went. Perfect travel book, loved reading it on flights. Would be amazing to see it adapted as an HBO show, especially the hunt in the forest towards the end. I was laughing so hard!

It’s un-modded. If you custom build your class instead of choosing a preset you can name it whatever you want. The good ol’ days.

I remember it having initial difficulties due to optimization problems on most platforms. It’s almost like what they’re really saying is “We see how much time and effort it would take to remake it properly, and we aren’t willing to give that to developers because SHAREHOLDERS.” An excuse which an executive from Larian recently commented on and provided some useful insight towards.

I thought the packaging would have an extra tag on it that would get scanned as you left? Uniqlo already does something similar at their locations. You just dump clothes in a bucket and the tag (can’t remember if they’re RFID or what) is automatically registered and added to your bill. Just make a tunnel variant and have people go through single file or something. They’re already scanning people’s palms to pay for Christ’s sake.

That’s slave labor, is what it is. Despicable.


Here for you, buddy.

Fellas, if their butthole looks like a hypnotic vortex; that ain’t a butthole, it’s a portal to an extra dimensional Freudian TV show.

Enhancer for YouTube gives you options to have shorts displayed as standard videos with all that that implies.

It gave its life for academic achievement, there is no finer death for hardware. o7

Have you seen the Amazon show at all? How did you feel about it?

Honestly, it’s stuff like this that’s got me wanting to move out of California so I can responsibly own firearms. I might sound crazy, but there’s no fucking way some bootlicker is coming through my front door.

Holy fuck, these are government sanctioned black shirts. I don’t want to be sensationalist, someone please tell me I’m wrong or misreading this or something.

This always makes me so happy to read. I’m glad technology can still have some whimsy to it, even though the story is dated.

It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion trying to read it. I can’t look away…

Oh shit, totally forgot this came out yesterday. I’ve been looking forward to the release for months! Thanks for the reminder.

I see this bot as useful for new people trying to get into the community. Don’t downvote, but provide corrections to whom it may concern. This is a really cool resource.

My condolences to his family, that must have been a horrifying experience and I’m sorry for their loss. Human moment out of the way, I almost thought this was an Onion article. That headline is hysterical.