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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Imagine comparing furries to homophobes lol. Sit down you goofball.

Prior to a public lawsuit, they were probably still in damage control mode and still wouldn’t have disclosed a lot. That’s pretty standard million dollar corporation shit.

Yeah I can’t tell if the internet is just a pedantic place or if it’s the same people that made reddit insufferable coming here.

I know I just described the same thing…

Linus calling you to belittle your management of the sudoers file is the FOSS form of swatting lol.

No idea, I found it somewhere a decade ago and have been using it. I think I’ve only seen someone with it like one other time. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Someone ran ‘systemctl restart networking’ while SSH’d into the probe.

It’s not working, you need to uninstall.

I would just use arch. Got nothing against Manjaro tho.

I don’t think Tails, backtrack, kali, and similar distros were ever intended to be daily drivers. I’ve only used them as live ISOs to leverage their very specific toolkits.

The fact that the favorite OS of the tech conservative is an Arch based distro and and a Debian based distro instead of pure Arch or Debian makes this meme inaccurate.

So the half-cocked product release strategy doesn’t work and its time to punish labor for the mistakes of executives.

Yeeaaah I have been using Orion for a little bit and it seems pretty good on desktop at least.

It’s just chrome with different pitched bells and whistles.

Give me some WebKit based alternatives or something interesting…

It’s 2023 and these tech bozos are still pushing crypto… lol

I honestly do think he is really really dumb. People love to tell me that he actually does know stuff about rockets or whatever, but c’mon…

People that think he invented something. The same people that think Elon Musk is a genius who invented EVs.

Mastodon has been a fun replacement for twitter, but I don’t really use it to keep in touch with real life friends, I use it to meet new internet friends and keep up on niche topics/hobbies. I have no interest in a Facebook replacement tho. The format of Facebook is lost on me at this point and anyone who I want to keep in touch with since leaving Facebook has my phone number. As for family, I see them for holidays and it’s more than enough for me.

I haven’t gotten any sort of notification about this and I use the app every day. I would hope they say something directly to users through the app and not just do it.

In my opinion, using windows server is only a disadvantage. Linux is the preferred server OS for almost any application. You will find a larger knowledge base online for both Linux and running all that software in Linux. Windows really only has a place as an exchange server IMO, and even then you can find a better option probably.

That being said, I will also recommend Debian.

my favorite part is that humans have created an orbiting pile of garbage.

Was using moonmoon for a long while but it’s been abandoned for a longer while and I recently switched to FreshRSS. So far so good, it has support for fever api, so I can sync it up to Unread on my iPhone.

Mine is running on a VPS with 1vCPU and 1GB of RAM, it is mostly okay except for going OOM on occasion. Luckily it’s just me in this instance right now lol. You may want to opt for more RAM depending on your planned usage tho.

Reddit is firmly in the “only SEO matters” stage, so they are definitely falsely reporting engagement even more so than they always were.

If you don’t have one already, I suggest keeping an on this account for updates to various pi inventory.


For me it wasn’t about the money, I pay for plenty of things in order to escape ads. The CEO all but came out and said that they don’t care about anything except money… That’s just business and I understand it, I don’t like it, but I understand it.

The issue I saw was Reddit made no attempt to understand the situation third party app devs were in, or to honestly work with the devs to find an equitable solution. That much has been clear before the CEO began to gaslight both the devs and the users about it.

It makes sharing the media easier and the more media is shared, the less people have to buy it or pay to stream it. It’s just an attempt to throw a wrench into a situation that is gonna happen anyway.

Is it safe to assume that nothing comes of this… Just like every other “hacker group” pretending they hacked some major entitity for a good cause?

Oddly enough I go through phases where I just level up a character on WoW. It’s mindless for me and I can just zone out and watch TV while playing.