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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Sounds like they want a round of layoffs but don’t want to pay severance.

With other industries, owning 5, 10, 15 other sites might be indicative of a monopoly. But there is a metric fuckton of porn online.

Edit: pardon me, a *metric fucktonne

Can you define what part of PornHub owning a lot of other porn sites makes them a monopoly? Part of being a monopoly is being anticompetitive. What has PornHub done in terms of lobbying or other anticompetitive practices which makes it more difficult for a new company sharing porn to take hold? Because there is a ton of porn online which is unrelated to PornHub.

I’m all for calling out monopolies, but I legit don’t see one here. I’m open to being wrong.

I don’t believe that the thing about actresses getting work after 22 is reliant on PornHub. Porn has worked that way for 50+ years my dude.

“Every other site”, obvs, it’s right there in the comment. You mean you’re not uploading your driver’s license to watch someone get railed?!


OP’s claim here is just BS. PornHub is in no way a monopoly or even close. It reads like someone who has literally never searched for porn on the internet. Astroturf.

Yeah, well that’s the thing: they like the idea of being against government regulations, but if it is presented to them as a moral issue, they eat it up.

Case in point: a comment in this thread loosely trying to pose PH’s response as being against states’ rights – in this case, due to the states tacitly regulating morality. I’m sure if the issue was e.g. raising state taxes, all of a sudden states’ rights wouldn’t matter.

The right wing learned a while ago that if you can pose anything as morality, there is a whole class of people that will simply lick the boot.

Unfortunately they’ll go after that next.

I’m legitimately surprised at the number of pro-government control comments in this thread, though. We are truly doomed because of the people in the back.

I’ve never, ever seen anyone lick boots harder than this.

Another way to say this: if no one can afford housing, no one retires or has a nest egg.

That’s a fact, but like, I’d prefer not to be homeless when I can’t retire.

It is far more convenient to pirate than to buy media legally, due to the extreme and purposeful fragmentation of streaming services and their constantly changing libraries. If you want people to pirate less, make your service(s) competitive.

This. At a governmental level, it isn’t a huge number for an issue of this magnitude. Enough to try and sway opinion (aka marketing), but less so for real change.

Computers are so fast now, we should just write everything in BASIC anyway

A far cry from how they used to be. I get that the market is completely different now, but for example: Nintendo of old still offered support for the NES, a console that came out in 1983-1985 depending on country, until 2004.

To my knowledge, that isn’t a consistent pattern (someone please correct if wrong).

Personally I have focused on fast SSD storage and utilized the vast, cheap, slow storage available with mechanical drives for backup.

At the end of the day, if an SSD fails, you’re effectively just screwed. If a mechanical drive fails, there is some possibility that the data is recoverable. But moreover, mechanical storage is so cheap by volume that you can just have redundant backup and never worry about it, really.

Lots of companies about to realize that they been fucking around for years and have yet to find out

Cities: Skylines 2. Hugely problematic launch, but it runs acceptably for me on Linux (just over 40fps consistently on a Ryzen 5 7600X and a 6600 XT). I’ve got all settings on high (except Volumetric Quality set to Disabled and AA set to TAA) and it honestly looks quite good, especially with DOF set to tilt-shift.

In terms of the game itself, I’m very much enjoying it. Every mechanic seems more detailed than C:S1 and there is a lot more planning needed to make a really successful city. Not without bugs but nothing game breaking. Lacks some of the annoyances in the first game (like needing water pipes everywhere).

Much, much higher cost of entry on everything and the people with the money to even approach it are mostly owned by other corporations. I don’t see this as at all surprising.

Technically yes, though in practice it depends on the disc. And also MakeMKV rips them reliably.

Argh. Missed that it was 4k. $25 for 1080p. My bad. Edited above.

The physical Blu-Ray is $25* – then at least you own it, versus the $30 price here to “buy” but actually lease.

Absolutely ridiculous pricing across the board though.

Edit: $25 for 1080p Blu-Ray, $40 for 4k.

I don’t know what it costs Epic to grab all these “exclusives”, and I know lots of people (myself included) who just wait and get whatever it is on Steam anyway. It can’t cost nothing, and it doesn’t seem to be terribly good business.

Likewise, devs must make something when Epic offers a game for free (I think?).

It does seem to me like a deep-pockets game, and I’m not sure how deep Epic’s are anymore.

Did he reverse the order making it illegal for them to strike in the future? Real question – I hope so but haven’t seen it anywhere.

If he didn’t, that’s all smoke and mirrors.

This is a great point. Gamers as a whole should not really want every game ever to be on UE, not because it’s a bad engine, but a) it’s owned by Epic, and b) that’s fucking boring.

I’m doing one more playthrough once PL comes out. I may not even get the DLC, but the enhanced mechanics that come in the update to the base game should be interesting. Perhaps closer to what was in my mind at launch (and yes, I enjoyed the game then anyway).

Agree with other commenters: this is healthy.

For me, I bought Elden Ring day one because the hype was real. It’s a good game – but not really my jam.

I explored the Yakuza series for a similar reason, and I’ve absolutely loved that. I really want to try Ishin.

I bought a PS4 Pro for RDR2. I stand by that decision, but I probably wouldn’t go that far again.

Gaming journalism is in a sorry state. I am thankful that we live in an age where I can just watch someone play something for a while. Seeing how they react and how the game flows can be a far better gauge of quality than a published review.

Of course, it also makes you run the risk of spoilers, which sucks. There are a few YouTubers out there making what I would say are fair reviews, but that could change in an instant.

This is getting a lot of flak, but I mostly agree. I have enjoyed the exploration of random planets as a pleasant aside to quests. Yes, they’re dull. It’s a lot of scanning flora and fauna, if they exist. Wandering slowly around.

But in that sense, it’s actually one of the most immersive activities in the whole damn game. If Starfield has an issue with anything, it’s immersion.

One thing I didn’t like about NMS, frankly, is that every planet seems to be teeming with life. It makes that life feel uninteresting when you find it, because there is no yin to the yang.

I’ve got both a DualSense and a Steam Controller – they’re useful for different things. AAA titles with console ports are great with the DualSense (e.g. I’m also using it for Starfield). But the Steam Controller is the one you want for strategy games or anything that doesn’t support controllers at all.

It’s also surprisingly good for flight simming, so long as you can spend the time with customizing the scheme.

At this point I’ve got the Steam Controller and 2 backups that I bought when Valve was offloading them for $5 each. It’s still one of my favorite controllers, and it’s the only way to comfortably play strategy titles from the couch without KBM on a tray table or something.

I really hope they bring out a new one, in particular if it has quadruple grips on the back like the Deck.

There are 2 versions of XeSS: one which runs on most later Nvidia and AMD GPUs and gives roughly equivalent results to FSR1, and another which only runs on Intel GPUs because it uses their equivalent of tensor cores (thus more like DLSS). I don’t ever see a scenario where anyone is going to support the second one unless Intel starts sponsoring games. And for the first, what’s the advantage over FSR1?

Ah, there it is. Boycott. Well yeah, ok.

Cyberpunk was always a shit show on console and fine on PC. I played on the latter from day 1, and it was a great game. But completely understand that the console situation was unacceptable and the need to show the company that by voting with one’s wallet.

Iirc, the original meaning of Word Processor required formatting, which Notepad doesn’t do.

But otherwise yeah, this is a non-story. No one uses Wordpad or wants to use Wordpad. Let’s focus on the egregious privacy concerns of Windows instead.