• 7 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


It doesn’t affect the performance. It may increase the loading time a bit, but it doesn’t affect anything else.

I saw a really cool concept for “Anti piracy” some time ago. It works by having a lot of little achievements which represent you progress. So each time you start the game it checks for which achievements you have and the loads your progress according to your achievements.

Sie the stupid animal that crawled out of the water so we evolved into humans, who can pirate digital goods.

I generally mean good sites to stream.

And thanks for the tip.

Streaming (TV) series online
What are your secret tips for streaming different series online. I only need 1080p but I'm also fine with 720p.

Chat gpt is also great if you have problems with Linux. It is my nr 1 trouble shooting tool.

OK, so I downloaded and installed your mentioned crack. The problem is, that if I run it with wine the game doesn’t work. I mean, it works fine, but this one dude doesn’t talk to me and at one point my vehicle just drives against a wall. Haven’t tried running it in steam yet.

Gabe was right, piracy is a service problem.

That’s it. The great availability of streamed music(and downloaded for a fair price) is the reason why there aren’t that much people who pirate music anymore, since it’s easier to get it the legal way.

Yes. Otherwise it wouldn’t even run at all. The setup.exe ran fine but the skyrim.exe didn’t run at all.

How to install Skyrim
I downloaded the game files, mounted the .iso files and added the game to setup.exe to my steam library and installed the game under the mountpoint. When i click play in steam i just get back to the installer. Running the SkyrimSe.exe in steam(located in the CODEX directory) doesnt work. I use Arch Linux.

Got my first popup today, but apart from it being annoying literally nothing changed. Still no ads.

Where to get Minecraft for Arch Linux from?
Arrrr my fellow pirates. Since I'm very unexperienced with the seas I ask for you guys, where can I get Minecraft from for Arch Linux. It's not because I'm not willing to pay 20€ but because Microsoft is a giant bitch and I'm not willing to put money in their mouth(especially after they changed their privacy policy).

In terms of real programming languages its Java, since it’s the only thing I know.

Alternatively Bash, since I like the simplicity and it’s very useful as a Linux user.

How to install Starfield
Arrrr my fellow pirates, I wanted to install Starfield, but I seriously don't know how. I already downloaded a .rar file, but I don't know what else to do with it. I run Arch Linux.

Can anyone give me a full guide on how to get this to work on Linux(Arch btw), since I have absolutely no clue on how to do this stuff.

Using OpenVPN for sailing the sees
I thought about using OpenVPN for piracy, since it's open source and can be easily set up on Arch Linux. Does anyone know about the quality of it or if I should use another VPN?