• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


That’s not the point, I never said if I like it or not. Your answer didn’t help the other guy Why do you like it? He said why he doesn’t. Explaining your point of view may help people enjoy the show.

Your answer is " Just because"

This is a non answer, did you like the costumes, the acting? Was the script bad the dialogue stilted or plot contrived?

Companies are deathly afraid of introducing a new main character in the same series, her story was finished in the first one, would have been good as a mentor for a new character. Maybe MGS2 scared the market

As far as I remember, the name was coopted after the fact so the original intent was there

Cant really get into Mihoyo games on my commute
Been playing mostly Marvel Snap and Match 3. Apparently Mihoyo have expansive games that take hours, but I haven't found one that is pick up and play for commuting. Which ones do you recommend?

There’s a whole generation of players now who never got to experience Soul Reaver. Brilliant writing by Amy Henning, amazing voice cast.

People lauding Lords of the Fallen dual world forgot that Soul Reaver did it first.

At this point the closest thing would be a Zelda/ Dark Souls hybrid which we haven’t seen?

I can’t buy the deck in my country, you can buy the rest almost everywhere in the world

It’s a contemplative movie about a guy and him never having met his father, having a child of his own and traveling across a destroyed world and seeing how the survivors cope.

The sci fi stuff is just a layer over it, if they can make the themes and symbolism work

Yakuza Gaiden, the ending is a gut punch and leads hopefully to a good ending for Kiryus story. A love letter and greatest hits of the Yakuza series.

You could skip through the side quests as they are mostly a repeat of earlier games.

R&D as an analogy, if the game does something new, creates a new experience then it’s worth extra because you can’t get it anywhere else until poor copies appear in a few years

Replayability and Flow. Length doesn’t matter look at AC games. But I could re run RE games or Respec new build in Elden Ring and feel the rush of making decisions on the fly and anticipating the dodge when an enemy could almost touch me

Beauty, same as movies I guess when you get to experience people’s creativity, not in overproduced generic stuff like Amazon or Apple TV shows or Asscreed, but when there is a good art direction. Good design beats out fidelity any time

Replaying RE2 remake while waiting for Re4r DLC. Surprised to find a new mode there that I don’t have any memory of, it was added later I guess. Problem with being a patient gamer is that mod support stops and the game is updated and breaks it.

Tried the demo for System Shock remastered and finally started Jet Set Radio with the release of the spiritual successor. They did not age well for me, but I could see why they were popular back in the day

Don’t know when you were 13, but there was this great run from 7 to 10. Then 12-15 kinda flopped and for some reason 11 and 14 were MMOs. So there was a whole era where it was nothing to get excited about.

7 remake was hype though.

Had a really good run, probably the best since I was a kid. Elden Ring into Hifi rush into RE4 remake, Tears of the Kingdom and the Rift Apart.

Probably never gonna match this again for the next decade, but not sure what to play next

2 Nintendo games I think this year? Pikmin 4 and totk

In the end game of Tears of the Kingdom. The systems for collection are really obtuse. I’m pretty sure I have all of the Shrines, but still missing a couple of hearts. Also have to look around for quest starters by teleporting all over

It’s for console ports. They have a power button…so on PC you’ll need to go to that button created specifically to quit to desktop

2023 might be the best year for sequels and worst for new IPs
It's a really weird, happy and sad state of affairs. You had Elden Ring, bunch of great indie games in 2022. Then in 2023. Capcom hits it out of the park with SF6 and Remake4. Tears of the Kingdom came out. Then Baldur's Gate 3, a sequel 20+ years later. Metroid Prime remastered. Dead Space remake. Diablo 4 This was following Forsaken, Redfall, Gollum. Then you have Atlas Fallen recently with bad reviews I'm having fun, but it seems indie Devs are having more success with original IPs and smaller scopes

It’s meant more for fans of the IP. If you’re not, like me, it’s a very generic open world game, especially after completing Elden Ring