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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


That’s what aliases / functions in .bashrc (or whatever shell you use) are for. You don’t need to always write the full code.

EDIT: Looks like .bashrc hurt you guys.

Welcome to Capitalism, please leave your cash by the front desk, and remembered, no refunds!

It’s his younger brother Williams, tho.

Yeah, you can basically tokenize anything ad absurdum. This kind of highlights how carbon tokens are just a PR move and nothing else.

Well, if big companies can get carbon credits, why can’t I? Biking a few miles a day should yield me some, shouldn’t it? Because I’m not using a car? Sure, I breathe more, but it’s still less CO2 than by using a car.

Everyone know JavaSript is a Java, but you don’t have to compile, so you script in it.


I haven’t used much Git since I started using IntelliJ IDEs. True, I had to fix some issues when the IDE just refused to do its thing, but IIRC it was one specific situation where I cherry picked changes that I already had, where it got stuck on cherry picking.

Well, some games are dependent on online mode, or don’t make sense in offline mode. Especially MMOs. In the end, it’s just shutting down the game servers.

Got any specific names?

Steam at least promised the games be playable without needing Steam to be online.

If you generalize enough, everything is a ticking time bomb. Some may have a low amount ticks left (lifespan or a hamster) and some quite big (lifespan of the Sun).

Entropy is non negotiable.

This website is deprecated.

It’s kept around mainly for historical reasons.

I’ve tried Docker Swarm because Kubernetes seemed like an overkill for a cluster of 4 small-ish servers. There have been several issues (networking for example) that took me two days to solve - by reinstalling the machine completely.

There are some hoops and hurdles along the way, some command will just literally brick your cluster without any notice whatsoever (like removing the second manager, leaving only one and cluster stops responding, but you get no warning that’s gonna happen).

Also secrets, where there is no simple way to manage them, or replace them. You can’t just replace a secret, you have to remove and recreate it. Which means turning off the service or creating a new secret with a different name and do a rolling update, which is just annoying to do every time unless you can afford a robust CI CD pipeline code that does it automatically.

Ooooh, I just checked and I am indeed not running the AIO. Must be a new thing, and I though I had it because I didn’t set up much, but I really just used a premare docker-compose.yml, which is why I didn’t remember any advanced setup. It still uses multiple containers.

I stand corrected.

What do you mean no internal IP? I can access the instance on my local network via RPI address no problem.

EDIT: Realized I didn’t use AIO. Sorry.

There are, that’s why I am not buying another Switch (my last one bricked itself, lost all my saves), and rather using the Steam Deck

Non-monospaced font for programming. Ya’ll know this is satire.

Probably because it’s easier to fuck up. With piping to xargs, you are forced to put the delete command last.

IntelliJ suite for web development. Its a little resource heavy, but has all the features baked in.

Those are radio buttons, tho. But nice work with fieldsets 👍

I was specifically talking about Docker+UFW. Of course the possibilities are endless.

UFW does work with Docker, but requires some tweaking. IIRC you have to disallow Docker to modify IPTables and then add a rule to forward all traffic to the Docker network of your choice. It’s a little finicky but works.

The best validation for a valid email address is always sending a verification mail. I’ve rejected countless MRs that contained ad-hoc regex email validation copied from the internet. I’d allow a check for it to contain an @.

Theoretically, any registrar can hijack your domain.

Good on you seeding useful stuff. Last time I had to get my ratio up on a private tracker I had to seed download 50GB and seed close to 1TB of granny porn.

I liked everyone’s faces, when they asked where I got such a good ratio, that is was all granny porn lol.

Well, it’s only a small step from there. Still, it’s dumb and it’s hard to trust the cars nowadays. Hell, some of them may be already infected and waiting for order 66.

White - light. Black - no light. White knight - good. Black knight - bad.

These two colors have a meaning. It has fuck all to do with skin color. And if you do, then you are helping to enable “useless racism” in the form of “this offends the black community”, while literally nobody gives a fuck.

Its a useless change in the sake of changing things. Everyone is tech eants the superstar and wants to say “Hey, you are using X (not Twitter in this case)! I made that, noice.”.

If someone decided to change it next week to primary, would you be for or against it?

It speaks to deep rooted butthurtness of USA boomers and constant need to enforce their stupid ass rules to others. It’s not racist, neither are blacklist or whitelist.

And nobody is really demanding people stop using “master”, so far as I am aware

GitHub, GitLab, and git itself, are all using main as the default name of the default branch, by default.

The question is, who will venture deep enough and understand all the hurdles like the car self-bricking after even trying to peek at the SW or HW.

Not everyone. Also, they should just give them their private range IPs for the lols (, etc.).

The circle of life continues, and literacy goes down. AI cannot proofread, it merely says “these letters usually go with these”. AI screws up, people get taught shit language, they use it, it gets used as training data, rinse and repeat.