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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 12, 2023



I’m afraid this one is already taken, friend.

Definitely isn’t necessary, but if you search for ‘3.5" SAS lot’ on ebay you might find all the drives you’ll need to get to 50TB for the price of a couple new SATA drives.

Yeah, you don’t want a surveillance drive. They are optimized for continuous writes, not random IO.

It’s probably worth familiarizing yourself with the difference between CMR and SMR drives.

If you expect this to keep growing, it might make sense to switch to SAS now - then you can find some really cheap enterprise class drives on ebay that will perform a bit better in this type of configuration. You’d just need a cheap HBA (like a 9211-8i) and a couple breakout cables. You can use SATA drives with a SAS HBA, but not the other way around.

Thank you for sharing your opinion and your brilliant advice on how to be constructive. I especially enjoyed the part where you said I shouted my comment with anger—that was really good!

Let’s flip it, then: what about this post is useful?

Lots of different hosts, multiple load balancers / ingress controllers.

Ah, that would make it easy. I can’t use a wildcard with most of my domains, but maybe I could set up subdomains to have this convenience for dev/test sites. Thanks!

I suspect it would be trivial to add a hook to dynamically create (and remove, maybe) DNS records, just haven’t tried yet.

This is a generalist community. Tell us about the app you are excited about, not its latest update. That’s all!

But I shan’t bother again.

Sulking isn’t super effective here. Unless you are responsible for a bunch of posts like this, you just had bad timing - it’s not personal.

Agreed, this is obnoxious. Release notes are only relevant to folks who are already using the software.

This community seems completely unmoderated.

Oh. Seems this is a pattern.

I definitely don’t condone people telling you to kill yourself, but the fact that you are consistently receiving negative responses in an otherwise friendly community should give you pause: you’re missing a lot of clues. Unless you enjoy being ostracized like this, it might be time for a bit of serious introspection.

I suspect, if you were to stop being an entitled asshole, “these nice people” would find it a bit easier to be nice to you.

Holy XY.

Why are you doing this? What are you trying to achieve?

Why are you doing this? Unless you have a good reason, you should probably either run Docker in a vm, or use something other than Proxmox where you can just install Docker on the host system.

Has any of this been verified by other sources? It seems either they’ve cleaned it up, or this is a smear campaign.

The /s actually makes this one more sincere.

Imagine trying to learn math without solving any problems along the way.

You must be reasonably decent at counting!

Yes - and unless you treat each enclosure as its own failure domain, it will still be a compromise, but it’s a lot better.

What an assertion - if you’re not using ZFS, how do you know you’ve “never lost a bit so far”?

Oh no.

Unfortunately I have a lot of experience with this: attaching permanent array members via USB is a bad idea. OP, if it’s not too late, and assuming you haven’t already and decided to double down on yolo, I’d recommend reading about the downsides of this approach. It is easy to find relevant discussions (and catastrophes) in r/zfs.

Thunderbolt enclosures are a bit more expensive, but they won’t periodically fuck up your shit just because.

You cannot use rsync with Backblaze, nor zfs send | recv. If these are important to you, rsync.net might be worthwhile. That’s it, really.

iperf3 showed 2.5 in both directions?

-R reverses direction

Also note it can be set up as a daemon - I like to have at least one available on every network I have to deal with.

and don’t fuck with sync writes