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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 09, 2023


Wow you’re insane. “I know, I’ll discredit the woman who just pointed out that it’s hard to her credit in my field as a woman ”

Python is just glorified shell scripting

Absolutely not, python is an actual programming language with sane error handling and arbitrarily nestable data structures.

I don’t like the indentation crap

Don’t be so superficial. When learning something, go with the flow and try to work with the design choices, not against them.

Python simply writes a bit differently: you do e.g. more function definitions and list comprehensions.

Great point, but this part of the quote is still dumb as rocks:

Coding is just kind of like the language that we talk to computers. It’s not necessarily the skill in and of itself. The skill in and of itself is like, how do I innovate? How do I go build something that’s interesting for my end users to use?

Sure, if you have a big workforce hand-coding UI, you might replace some of them by better tools. But things like that are a fraction of a fraction of the responsibilities developers have

Huh, I really like code like that. Having a multi-step process split up into sections like that is amazing to reason about actual dependencies of the individual sections. Granted, that only applies if the individual steps are kinda independently meaningful

To adapt your example to what I mean:

Baz do_stuff(int count, boolean cond) {
	Foo part1 = function1(count);
	Bar part2 = function2(cond);
	return function3(part1, part2);

This allows you to immediately see that part1 and part2 are independently calculated, and what goes into calculating them.

There are several benefits, e.g.:

  1. if there is a problem, you can more easily narrow down where it is (e.g. if part2 calculates as expected and part1 doesn’t, the problem is probably in function1, not function2 or function3). If you have to understand the whole do_stuff before you can effectively debug it, you waste time.
  2. if the function needs to be optimized, you know immediately that function1 and function 2 can probably run in parallel, and even if you don’t want to do that, the slow part will show up in a flame graph.

If you read the article, you will see that two thirds (so also his voters) take the hush money trial seriously.

The both-sidesing was already telling. Sometimes the only “controversial or alternative viewpoints” are just idiotic conspiracy drivel and should be presented as such (or not at all)

A vote for a 3rd party is a vote for the opponent. Everyone says this. I simply do not buy it.

That’s the part you got wrong. The voting system means that no 3rd party has a chance. Therefore you’d effectively abstain. And that means you don’t vote to keep the candidate you hate more out of the office.

And if you really think that Trump isn’t worse in every way to your interests as a leftist, you live in a deep hole under a rock.

Trump would also support Israel. And since a third party has all the chances of a particularly small popsicle in hell, that means there’s no choice for or against supporting Israel. So you’re doing the only reasonable thing.

Not everyone becomes a joyless spoilsport.

Outer Wilds can get similar when you have transcended beyond the existential dread of lonely death in space. It’s spooky at times, but death is cheap, so you just look forward to the next attempt.

I guess you can always just add an assert not data.isna().any() in strategic locations

I mean, the essential difference of no node_modules is shared, as are workspaces.

I think pnpm is more manual, but therefore less magic than yarn. More compatible, less stuff just works

That’s the one that’s like Yarn’s global cache, but without compression, right?

Finally there’s a way to have gradients that don’t look like shit.

Defining them to interpolate in a suitable color space instead of the completely inappropriate sRGB is great!

It’s a heavy duty hilt that’s easily detachable by a small recessed switch labeled “any”.

(It does its job very well as long as you don’t opt out of using it)

Use an autoformatter for all code (both in the editor on save/type and as CI check).

There is no problem anymore.