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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


This is sometimes true. However, e.g., about 4% of the farmland in California is used for alfafa, which is just for livestock. Alfafa is also a very water intensive crop.

Additionally, there are other uses that livestock corn feed could be put to if there weren’t so many damn cows, so it’s not like we’d be throwing away megatons of silage if it weren’t for cattle.

World population increase + westernization of diets in China outweigh the tiny number of vegans in the western world. Your math doesn’t check out.

It takes less land and water to feed someone wheat, soy or corn than to feed them beef, chicken or pork.

Honestly, there should be weight classes for awards like this. Best game under $20 full price or over $50 for each category. Sure, BG3 is a masterpiece, but it also had $100 million investor cash up front. Comparing the score from BG3 to whatever Danny B is working on right now isn’t a fair comparison, and my dude deserves more awards

This is exactly my thought. In Skyrim, every tree stump looked like it had the benefit of a beauty pass by an artist. In Starfield, it’s very clear that most of the ground was never looked at before I got there, and there’s no reason for me to look at it now

I was genuinely hoping the Dems might choose to back, e.g., Bergman in exchange for some concessions. We would have had a less crazy, more competent speaker in that case.

Have you played Everspace and Everspace 2? They’re more arcade-y but they scratch the same itch for me. The core gameplay is just fast paced space dogfights

Clearly, European powers and the US are going to work the Israel half of the problem and Saudi Arabia and Turkey can work the Palestinian half of their problem. With enough participation in the process, perhaps Iran will even shut up long enough for it to work.

Perhaps France, the original defense partner of Israel? Or Germany, who supplies all of Israel’s navy?

It may surprise you to learn that ‘people’ and 'not people’s are treated differently under the law

That doesn’t make it “not copyright Infringement”, that just makes it an efficient compression algorithm. With the right prompt, you can recover copies of the original.

This past year I’ve really enjoyed The Wandering Village and Airborne Kingdom. Both are slower paced with a very unique aesthetic

Slipways is pretty awesome. Easy to learn, hard to master.

On mobile, it’s included with Netflix – I played it at no extra cost

What’s a console except a small computer with an HDMI port for your tv and a Bluetooth adapter for your controllers?

I am reminded of the saying: climbing a mountain is not 1% of the way to outer space

This is objectively false. One party deals entirely in culture warfare with no idea how to govern. The other at least tries to interface with real world problems.

All this “we” shit smacks entirely too much of cis het white middle class privelage

I mean, maybe? But in the meantime, don’t cite them as primary sources, ok?

Not every game is available, but lots are, including game pass if you have that.

Cloud gaming is where it’s at. $10/month gets you access to an enterprise class rig with a 3080 card.

When you dismantle an empire, citizens die.

Also, it won’t be West that does it. It will be Desantis.

West has no power and no hope of victory, so he can say whatever the duck he wants. The rest of us have to be realists.

I work for a large agency of the US government. We get the “choice” between chrome and edge.

Dude, touch some grass. You’re being way too aggro at someone explaining why a person might use a particular browser

BG3 actually has micro transactions

No it doesn’t. There was a preorder bonus that was free if you preordered. If you didn’t, and you want the art and music, then it’s $10.

I’m up voting just because I’m now wondering what xkcd fanservice would look like


I own every game they’ve ever released, but the expectation they’ve built over the last 20 years is that their games spend a year being trash, at least

Because we have memories long enough to remember literally every game Bethesda has released this millennium

The model is intended for commercial use, uses the entire work and creates derivative works based on it which are in direct competition.

Steam takes 30%. If they thought they could drive people to their standalone launcher they would be doing that

Climate change really has to be solved in this generation. You’re thinking too long term, we don’t have that kind of time.

Additionally, not all children of climate sociopaths become sociopaths. The planet increasingly makes a convincing argument even for those who weren’t taught to hear. That’s why the old propagandists have to ramp up their effort

As another poster mentioned, this isn’t dog whistling. I think it’s close to the card says moops

Also there is the famous quote by Sartre:

Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.