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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


this fits the narrative nicely but im certain a 2 percent trade for increased profits is not a loss for them

I feel like I’m being gaslit into thinking there’s this huge outbreak of antisemitism when all I’m ever reading about is Muslims being murdered?? why are we constantly talking about antisemitism and only antisemitism

down by the river from baldurs gate should be on here lol that’s such an earworm

great list though!!

foreign governments yes (Saudi) but how does the US government benefit…?

this is just… not true or at the least extremely hyperbolic

it’s sad. jersey is my home state but corruption has been so rampant there for so long it’s just kind of accepted. mcgreevy, corzine, norcross, menendez, etc.

bill pascrell is the goat though !

in typical nintendo fashion the bar for hardware is on the floor

I used to be close friends with one of their (founders?) back when he was younger

that sort of behavior used to run rampant on this video game forum we both frequented — he was always an interesting character to say the least. a shame what’s happening to so many young kids in need of mental help

have you seen what happens if you say you didn’t like it? you’re told you’re a troll, you’re negative, you “just don’t get it”, or they take your criticism and then act like the only alternative is the complete and total opposite of that and try and pull a ‘gotcha’

on one hand I would obviously LOVE for reviews (across the board, not just in gaming) to be realistic and not all be 7+/10 but I also understand why they don’t to an extent

i use word of mouth mostly but its not that all critics are bad, just what seems like most, but if you find that you consistently align with a critics opinion I’d trust them

big published reviews don’t mean anything to me and I’m surprised they do to most people. everything is an 8-10 out of 10. how do people not find an issue with that

I agree it was very boring and the writing in the intro was incredibly weak. Every time I expected that wow moment (helgen, opening the vault) i just found disappointment instead. “Wow a fight! oh I’m just randomly handed a ship? ok sick time to fly, oh it’s just fast travel. New Atlantis is about to be crazy, oh it’s just a bland city” and everything being beige didn’t help. Fallout has the cool roleplaying in the wasteland factor, Skyrim has the cool fantasy aspect, Starfield seemed to just be ‘space’ but other games (Mass Effect, Outer Wilds, hell even the first half of The Outer Worlds) did it better.

It seemed p clear they don’t feel the need to innovate or have any ambition because their dedicated fan base is so large now that they don’t really have to. Which is fine but wasn’t for me.

what lol — he doesn’t like starfield so that immediately means he doesn’t like science fiction games??

I’m a huge scifi and fantasy fan and I refunded starfield after 4-5 hrs

I’m getting so so tired of these “AI/ML bad, world is doom” articles being posted multiple times a day. who is funding these narratives??

arcane is more certainly better than tlou and I really enjoyed both

not many know it. which is why it’s bs to assume he had all of this prior knowledge. they clearly are building the accusations first and then forcing it into the lyrics.

my god my entire lemmy feed is about AI all day everyday to the point I truly hope it does gain consciousness and eats my eyeballs

wait I looked over your post history and you’re definitely a bot ! and this post is definitely generated, it seems every article from this site starts off by saying the same phrase 3 different times

this article is so bad I’m convinced you didn’t actually read it…

it starts off attributing a quote to the wrong person and then repeats that same quote two times in a row, once as a statement and then again as a quote ! lol

within minutes of linking my Facebook I got an alert that someone signed into my account from a pixel in California 🫥

normies is cringe. reminds me of way back when it started to become more socially acceptable to be nerdy and people got mad about it

it fills a lot of inches to the point where it’s unique but also approachable. reminds me a lot of dungeon and dragons mixed with dragon age/mass effect mixed with fire emblem

it’s just so worth it lol — I’m not a big app person but Sync has consistently offered such a wonderful polished experience (far far outshining most other sites native apps)

Yay!!! It looks like I have to rebuy pro but I’m ok with that

I hate when games are open world just cause. I only ever enjoy an open world when there’s an insane amount of lore like in Skyrim or Fallout, but in most games I prefer a linear gameplay or semi-open (Mass effect, Dragon Age)

At some point something happened and literally every game has to be open world now 😭

why waste your time commenting something like this?

maybe ten years ago, but it’s a lot better now. still there’s toxicity but nowhere near as bad

maybe ten years ago, but it’s a lot better now. still there’s toxicity but nowhere near as bad

you can have interest in both. the news can’t constantly keep people’s focus on things that happen every day, people stop caring. also your own article states there was action taken.

I guess I kinda understand your frustration but if you choose to look at everything from that angle you might as well not participate in the news, it will burn you out

this has been my reddit app for over a decade!!! this just made my entire day!!