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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Is that really the best way? I believe studies have shown that harsher punishments don’t deter crime.

I don’t usually find myself agreeing with Danielle Smith but I certainly support this initiative. There are many things to criticize her about, but I don’t think this is one of them.

Edit: this feels like a weird piece for the CBC to put out.

To be fair, you originally brought up Israel/Palestine in your initial post.

Ottawa’s plan is to have owners of banned guns place the unloaded and secured weapons in government-issued boxes

I agree. Although I’m not sure why you think I’m angry? Your original comment is ambiguous and could be perceived either way.

I don’t think it has anything to do with the education system. It’s simply that the commitment involved in the request is much higher than normal. I don’t read every 50-page article or 2-hour video I come across. But I can be compelled to when the value proposition is higher than normal.

Wow what a fantastic video. I’m so glad I didn’t check the timecode.

I’d not heard of this essay, I’ll have to check it out. Thank you for sharing.

I completely disagree. Based off of your comment it seems that you did not absorb the article whatsoever.

There are many good examples in the article of Peterson presenting opinion as indisputable fact and obscuring ideas with complex language. Particularly when he is challenged based on those ideas.

Not to mention the examples of how he treats children and others. It is an absolutely wild read. Lengthy but eye-opening.

Edit: it also exposes how the ideas that his core philosophy is built on are simplistic at best and often flat out wrong or intentionally disingenuous.

The article above does a good job of providing many examples and a breakdown. It’s long, but worth it.

I’m sharing this article because it changed my perception of Jordan Peterson, and exposed him as intellectually dishonest at best and more likely a fraud artist. Starting with essentially his dissertation. It is a long read but it is incredibly well researched and written:


Please read this: https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/03/the-intellectual-we-deserve

Not only does Jordan Peterson say dumb inflammatory shit, but he’s also apparently an intellectual fraud.

I could definitely see this person being a troll. What’s wild though is that it seems the linked article was written in earnest.

What I said and what you said are not the same thing.

However, you win the gold medal for mental gymnastics.

Looking forward to reading the comments section of this article right after I finish my broken glass cocktail.

Language will evolve naturally over time. But to claim that hoping your children are intelligent/physically healthy is a form of eugenics is absurd. If QAnon was left-leaning, this is the kind of shit they would say.

I don’t currently use macOS, but macOS support is typically about 7 years, sometimes up to 10. Apple supports the 3 latest versions of its operating system.

Mainstream Windows support seems to be about 1-3 years.

I’d also be curious to see the inter-province migration statistics for the rest of the country

Putting these numbers into perspective, here are the immigration stats by province:

  • Prince Edward Island: 2,665
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: 3,490
  • Nova Scotia: 12,650
  • New Brunswick: 10,205
  • Quebec: 68,685
  • Ontario: 184,725
  • Manitoba: 21,645
  • Saskatchewan: 21,635
  • Alberta: 49,460
  • British Columbia: 61,215
  • Yukon: 455
  • Northwest Territories: 235
  • Nunavut: 45


I can’t wait to play this! Quake II and Quake III Arena are my all time favourite games. God they were just so cool when they came out. Quake II especially was light years beyond anything else out at the time. And they were FAST too!