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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Oh hey it’s the guy who’s definitely not an egg. Definitely not. He just finds excuses to dress up like a woman all the time to make fun of trans people.

He definitely hates doing it. Ew. Yuck. Haha so funny look at men wearing women’s clothes. Haha let’s film another. Ooh let my try on this cute sports bra…

Vista was a nightmare 8 was awful

Windows has consistently released 1 good, 1 bad for a long time now.

The thing is I think win11 is terminal. It’s just forever windows because they can milk it for ads without needing to iterate.

As an off instance user: great decisions! Strong migration makes for strong communities.

Assassination attempts don’t correlate with wins per se. Neither does debate performance.

Because none of the crew can step foot on American soil. It’s a Singaporean vessel with an Indian and Sri Lankan crew. They don’t have visas and so they’re denied entry.

The bureaucracy of DHS knows no limits and has no compassion.

Thanks for the clarification on reputable vendors! I’ve always wondered where the right place to buy lithium was.

I’m not able to watch the video at the moment: is it ARM instead?

I think arm architecture are only going to become more prevalent with the success of the M line macs

I’m not sure how much the tiktok ban will be balkanization so much as just the death of the product. It’s popular in the EU but not nearly to the extent as the US market.

No idea who would step into tiktok’s shoes in the advent of a ban. Hopefully not any of the big players - their offerings all blow compared to TT.

Aka if you void your warranty and crack your phone OS - something that Apple fights at every turn. If you run your phone in unsafe and unfriendly ways then you can do something Android supports natively by default.

See! They’re totally the same guys! Buy iPhones 🤡

I generally feel like the opposite is true. I have more stability issues because of the weird half fucked hacks that I’ve installed over 7 different attempts to use the CLI to make my computer hallucinate small rainbow dogs.

Thats not what happens with a nuke - they threaten the owner and take everything: backups included.

I mean Nintendo would nuke the forums too.

Their lawyers don’t fuck around. They’re as bad as Disney.

Unless you’re a forum hosted in someplace like the Netherlands or Russia you’re in range for Nintendo’s nukes.

Slay the Spire 2 is amazing news and the best possible outcome for the original.

They’ve gone off unity. STS is one of the more popular indie games and now it has full Godot implementation. It’s huge for the foss community. It’s huge for MegaCrit, the fully indie studio with no investors to answer to.

Very excited for sts2

What do you mean their day is half an hour?

My e-reader battery barely flutters after several hours of reading.


If a company has decided to use reddit as the only way to get real support you have 2 choices: use reddit or stop using the product.

At this point that’s their defacto official platform.

Just because I hate Salesforce with the red hot passion of a thousand suns doesn’t mean that I refuse to call a help line.

Make a reddit account, ask your questions, then leave. Ideally all with ublock origin running so they don’t get any ad money.

That’s true of basically all problems you deal with in programming. Unless you’re truly bleeding edge you’re working on a solved problem. It’ll be novel enough that you can’t out-of-the-box it but you can definitely use the tools and paths everyone else has put together.

Part of why I like kotlin as a language. It has so many tools built right in.

What part is the myth?

Which batteries are “high quality”?

Cause it happens… Pretty regularly if you’re not limiting charging. The older the battery the more likely.

This isn’t something you should fuck around with either: if it pops it’ll burn too hot to extinguish and could take out your house.

Because over time the battery degrades, swells, and becomes a fire risk.

Keeping it only 80% charged can help mitigate it but not fully.

My part of the hiring cycle they’ve already gotten past the pipeline / bots. I’m there to do architecture and design questions 😉

But I do read every resume.

It’s fair to point out that not all development is Internet connected, but ~58% of developers work in web dev.

5% in desktop apps

3% in mobile

2.4% in embedded

And then of the remaining I’d be shocked if few of their domains excluded Internet facing devices.


But you’re right to point out development isn’t a monolith. Professionally though: anyone working in a field where cybersecurity is a concern should be thinking about and knowledgeable of cybersec.

Yeah it was a weird ask to be fair.

Thankfully android lets you calculate those views separately from the draw calls so all that math was contained to measurement calls rather than calculated on draw.

I’m confused where cybersec sits in your sandwich analogy. If every time you sold a sandwich someone could use it to steal all the money in your business you’d probably need to know how to prevent reverse sandwich cashouts.

I’m not talking about advanced, domain specific cybersec. I don’t expect every developer to have the sum total knowledge of crowd strike… But in a business environment I don’t see how a developer can not consider cybersec in the code they write. Maybe in an org that is so compartmentalized down that you only own a single feature?

I mean I’m not sure how to use matrices to draw the path of 5 out of 6 sides of a hexagon given a specific center point but there are some surprisingly basic shapes that don’t exist in Android view libraries.

I’ll also note that this was years ago before android had all this nice composable view architecture.

Idk I’m not sure I’d trust any dev who doesn’t consider cyber security in their coding. So much development is centered around security whether that’s auth or input sanitization or SQL query parameterization…

If you’re working on an internal only application with no Internet connectivity then maybe you can ignore cybersec. But only maybe.

There’s a wide variety of types of programming. It’s nice that the core concepts can carry across between the disparate branches.

If I’m doing a particular custom view I’ll end up using sin cos tan for some basic trig but that’s about as complex as any mobile CRUD app gets.

I’m sure there are some math heavy mobile apps but they’re the exception that proves the rule.

The scholastic discipline deserves that kind of nuance and Dijkstra was one of the greatest.

The practical discipline requires you build your work around specific computers. Much of the hard earned domain knowledge I’ve earned as a staff software engineer would be useless if I changed the specific computer it’s built around - Android OS. An android phone has very specific APIs, code patterns and requirements. Being ARM even it’s underlying architecture is fundamentally different from the majority of computers (for now. We’ll see how much the M1 arm style arch becomes the standard for anyone other than Mac).

If you took a web dev with 10YOE and dropped them into my Android code base and said “ok, write” they should get the structure and basics but I would expect them to make mistakes common to a beginner in Android, just as if I was stuck in a web dev environment and told to write I would make mistakes common to a junior web dev.

It’s all very well and good to learn the core of CS: the structures used and why they work. Classic algorithms and when they’re appropriate. Big O and algorithmic complexity.

But work in the practical field will always require domain knowledge around specific computer features or even specific computers.

… Which makes it even less credible legally.

Unless you’re getting C-suite level emails saying they’re not going to do it, don’t trust them.

And even then you should be ready to sue.

You’ll probably save money in the long run using a pi.

This is my job. I’m a staff level software engineer who previously worked at Google. My entire career has been writing Android apps.

Permissions are integral to phone app development and contacts is a specific permission that is heavily locked down.

So yes: I can possibly know and I have literally read the source code.

Unless you’re trying to insist that Discord developed a new 0 day that lets them bypass both Android and iOS operating system locks and then decided to use it to scrape contacts while giving you an option to turn it off?

Cause if that’s your supposition you’ve got a bad case of magical thinking.

There are 2 possibilities:

UI bug or you’ve given it access to your contacts. There are 0 other possibilities.

This is literally my job.

I’m a professional app developer.

This was enabled because you enabled it. Nobody else is experiencing this my guy.

If you didn’t give it permission it can’t read contacts. That’s an explicit permission request on both iOS and Android: You can’t just scrape someone’s contacts.

Yeah especially whether Java “runs on 1 billion devices” 😂

The question is why a new codebase in greenfield is still using basic Java 11 on a new 2023 project.

Yeah it can be slightly hairy because Java does a terrible job with nullability. I’ve also done an incremental migration of an android codebase to Kotlin.

Personally I think being forced to declare the nullability of a field is something backend developers should do more of. It helps eliminate some of the foot guns that otherwise get built into the code base.

I’m a bit of a kotlin fanboy though, I’ll admit.