With most VPN providers you can use OpenVPN clients to connect to them. But if you are asking can i host an OpenVPN server for free and use it for piracy the answer is no. The entire point of a VPN is to conceal yourself and you are not accomplishing that if ypu are hosting it yourself. You need a VPN service.
I do think that sums it up pretty well, and as other have said, the last season had a “I don’t want to do this anymore, lets wrap this up vibe” and to make matters worse, they completely abandoned so many plots that you thought had a point to them. To me it felt so obvious that during the fall of kings landing, Cersi should have flipped out and Jamie should have killed her. History repeating itself. Maybe that was just too predictable for them to actually do it, but all the character development up to that point was the perfect setup for it and they just dropped it altogether.
Keep in mind they are hacked together and were not meant for mass consumption. Here is an example of one of the scripts that contacts the gitea api and inserts the most recent 10 issues into Flames database with a specific category.
`import sqlite3 from datetime import datetime import requests import re import json from datetime import datetime, timezone
def insert_bookmark(name, url, category_id, order_id): conn = sqlite3.connect(‘/app/db.sqlite’) cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(id) FROM bookmarks")
result = cursor.fetchone()
max_id = result[0] if result[0] else 0
current_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %z')
values = (name, url, category_id, "", current_time, current_time, 0, order_id)
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO bookmarks (name, url, categoryId, icon, createdAt, updatedAt, isPublic, orderId) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", values)
max_id += 1
return max_id
def delete_bookmark(category_id): conn = sqlite3.connect(‘/app/db.sqlite’) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(“DELETE FROM bookmarks WHERE categoryId = ?”, (category_id,)) # Commit the changes and close the connection conn.commit() conn.close()
def get_recently_updated_issues(repo_urls, user_name, api_token): headers = { “Authorization”: f"token {api_token}", “Content-Type”: “application/json” }
all_issues = []
for repo_url, repo_name in repo_urls:
api_url = repo_url
# Query the Gitea API to get the issues
response = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers, params={"state": "all"})
issues = response.json()
sorted_issues = sorted(issues, key=lambda x: x["updated_at"], reverse=True)
sorted_all_issues = sorted(all_issues, key=lambda x: x["updated_at"], reverse=True)
recent_issue_titles = []
recent_issue_links = []
recent_timestamps = []
for issue in sorted_all_issues[:10]:
title = issue["title"]
link = issue["html_url"]
timestamp = issue["updated_at"]
return recent_issue_titles, recent_issue_links, recent_timestamps
repo_urls = [ (“https://gitea.example.com/api/v1/repos/user1/repo1/issues”, “repo1”), (“https://gitea.example.com/api/v1/repos/user1/repo2/issues”, “repo2”) ] user_name = “user1” api_token = “example token”
delete_bookmark(8) order_id = 1
recent_issue_titles, recent_issue_links, recent_timestamps = get_recently_updated_issues(repo_urls, user_name, api_token)
for title, link, timestamp in zip(recent_issue_titles, recent_issue_links, recent_timestamps): print(“Issue Title:”, title) print(“Issue Link:”, link) print(“Last Updated:”, timestamp) print() bookmark_id = insert_bookmark(title, link, 8, order_id) order_id += 1`
Sure, most of this is true, but only for some people. The letters still come, and people absolutely do pay damages for torrenting, especially in Germany. Meanwhile none of this is true for Usenet, there simply is no misconfiguration you can make that will result in a letter. Sure it could but at this point it’s never happened. With torrenting it can and does happen all the time. No letters, no scare tactics, no ratios to maintain (I get that you dont have to but most struggle). No secret club you have to get into. No variable speeds.
I totally agree that torrenting is awesome and it used to be the way i did everything as well. But after getting on usenet I was completely shocked and I’m never going back.