• 3 Posts
Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 18, 2023


Damn, same, nuked Traefik when v2 broke the setup I spent hours trying to figure out. I don’t think the concepts are overwhelming, but something is profoundly wrong with their documentation habits. Now someone in the comments here is saying v3 changes the way paths are read with regex? Lol, fuck Traefik, never again.

How do you set up stable diffusion to run locally? I have been trying out llama.cpp for text and was looking for a similarly easy tool to try image generation.

I’m not sure if HIPAA requires medical providers to delete your data, let’s make certain to include that. It needs to act transitively. If you request deletion, the data must be gone from everyone they passed it on to, and so on. If they send it abroad and cannot enforce the deletion, let’s have some million-dollar fines per instance.

What the fuck, I have been brainwashed. Ludd et al were legit. We could have a really nice society but somehow the average person is irredeemably stupid to not join a movement such as that.

The owner should forfeit the property if they don’t pay taxes. The only options Canada should have is if they want to gift it to this guy to get a mortgage on it and pay what’s due or sell it to get their money.

That would make sense. This current thing is one of the dumbest, most citizen-hostile laws I have ever seen, and I am saying that stuck in the US.

Why would you want a simulation version? You will get saved at “well rested.” It will be an infinite loop of put to work for several hours and then deleted. You won’t even experience that much, your consciousness is gone.

I don’t think those USB cases are priced realistically at all. For what they’re asking I may as well just buy hardware to build a NAS box.

No thanks. There are too many delusional morons that hear it and like it. Society has heard it far more than once and instead of being dismissed immediately idiots are trying to make white supremacist robots repeat it.

This has got me concerned, wondering how do you tell it’s old if the controller is replaced? Are there serials or dates on the other parts or just obvious wear?

Came here to ask about the hours. Some quick searching looked like 5 years is an average time to failure, but that might have been for lower-grade hardware?

I appreciate it. The modern world has destroyed my attention span. But I wouldn’t even need to be awake to read that one.

Yeah scrums are great, and just somehow every single company that has them is doing them wrong, it is everyone else’s fault.

Entertainment companies are morally bankrupt because of how much they take from the people actually doing work to give to CEOs. I don’t care if people get that content for free since nearly none of the revenue will go towards the creators. But they are at least somewhat reimbursing the labor that goes into the content.

The academic journals do not do any work whatsoever and charge absolutely absurd prices for access. They get free peer review from the community, they certainly don’t write any of the content. It is a moral imperative to prevent them from profiting off of other people’s work. Hope they lose all their ill-gotten gains.

Just abandon the site altogether. They do have good content but they’re user hostile.

No, you see, when the server demands something I dislike that is removing choice. And when I demand something the server dislikes that is defending freedom.

XX is always pretty specific to the search query also. They’re not even trying to hide that they robot generated a list of affiliate links.

That’s the ideal, but it’s difficult to do that with every single machine. Like even with a computer not every motherboard can be flashed with Coreboot. The closest you can get right now is probably building devices with the ESP32 chips.

Her and the magic numbers guy. What on Earth is wrong with these people?

I like the idea of joycons, like you can split it into two controllers for team games, but at the price Nintendo is attempting that drift is completely unacceptable.

Oh, neat, I’ll have to look into that more. It’s able to have some redundancy and does some sort of rebalancing on disk failures?

This was really neat, kinda boils down to “you don’t want to deal with the complexity and it’s horrifically slow.”

“As easy as buying four same-sized disks all at once” is kinda missing the point.

How do I migrate data from the existing z1 to the z2? And then how can I re-add the disks that were in z1 after I have moved the data? Buy yet another disk and add a z2 vdev with my now 4 disks, I guess. Unless it is possible to format and add them to the new z2?

If the vdevs are not all the same redundancy level am I right that there’s no guarantee which level of redundancy any particular file is getting?

I mean, yeah, I’d prefer ZFS but, unless I am missing something, it is a massive pain to add disks to an existing pool. You have to buy a new set of disks and create a new pool to transition from RAID z1 to z2. That’s basically the only reason it fails the criteria I have. I think I’d also prefer erasure encoding instead of z2, but it seems like regular scrub operations could keep it reliable.

BTRFS sounds like it has too many footguns for me, and its raid5/6 equivalents are “not for production at this time.”

How dumb would it be to run single-node ceph?
I really want to run ceph because it fits a number of criteria I have: gradually adding storage, mismatched disks, fault tolerance, erasure encoding, encryption, support out-of-the-box from other software (like Incus). But then I look at the hardware suggestions, and they seem like an up-front investment and ongoing cost to keep at least three machines evenly matched on RAM and physical storage. I also want more of a single-box NAS. Would it be idiotic to put a ceph setup all on one machine? I could run three mons on it with separate physical device backing each so I don't lose everything from a disk failure with those. I'm not too concerned about speed or network partitioning, this would be lukewarm storage for me.

It’s very clear that you want a magic solution that does what you want without any upfront effort. Please let us all know if you find one.

“What’s a technique so woodworkers can make sure their furniture fits together on the first try?”

“Measuring and marking out the plan before making cuts.”

“Hmm. No, that sounds tedious and difficult, and requires the woodworker to be proactive. No thank you.”

They will do power conditioning? My modem is such a sensitive baby I cannot plug anything else in next to it or it starts dropping packets. Would a UPS help with that? Unfortunately I cannot replace the modem, that’s the only one the ISP will give me.

Everything I read about Zig makes me like it more. This is honest dealings. Okay, I’ll try it on a microcontroller project and see how it goes.

You are correct. I hope nobody thought I am against voting. Everyone needs to vote.

What I was looking at was the All in One, yes. I didn’t realize there was a separate maintained image, thank you! I’d much rather have a single image without access to the socket at all, I’ll give that a shot sometime.

I was looking into setting up Nextcloud recently and the default directions suggest exposing the socket. That’s crazy. I checked again just now. I see it is still possible to set it up without socket access, but that set of instructions isn’t as prominent.

I linked to Docker in specific because if Nextcloud has access to the socket, and hackers find some automated exploit, they could easily escalate out of the Docker container. It sounds like you have it more correctly isolated.

It requires score voting so that, even if heavily gerrymandered, one can still meaningfully express a preference without throwing one’s ballot in the garbage.

I cannot get the app to connect to my HA with the current setup. I have Cloudflare doing email verification, and the app doesn’t understand how to collect the cookies to make that possible.

We need legislators who aren’t all literally older than cryptography. If they weren’t bought and paid for by billionaires that would be nice too.

Yeah, same, except I tunneled HA out via that Cloudflare daemon. Kinda janky because I cannot use the app with it to do locations, but I can check in on the pets from anywhere.

I’m planning to set up a legit VPN sometime soon.

What is your preferred method for backing up several TB of data?
What storage software could I run to have an archive of my personal files (a couple TB of photos) that doesn't require I keep a full local copy of all the data? I like the idea of a simple and focused tool like Syncthing, but they seem to be angling towards replication. Is the simple choice to run some S3-like backend and use CLI or other client to append and browse files? I'd love something with fault tolerance that someone can gradually add disks to. If ceph were either less complicated or used less resources I'd want to do that.

How safe is revoking a LUKS key on flash media?
I'm planning to set up LUKS on an SSD. Many guides are suggesting using a simple key to set things up and then revoke it when everything is in place. Given the wear leveling behavior on SSDs I am assuming a simple key might be able to unlock even beyond the revocation if a determined attacker has the disk. I don't want someone to be able to put the disk in factory access mode and be able to brute force attempt their way to browser cookies and email accounts. I'm going to ignore the suggestion about using a weak key to set up, but am I being overly paranoid? Am I being not paranoid enough and I should also not rely on revocation for a spinning rust disk?