Trying to spread the idea that humans need to evolve beyond our current stage based on mutual exploitation and learn to again live on this planet sustainably and without coercion.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 21, 2023


You tried to get organized and moved it here. It says “alpha” and “test” but it’s the real one, ready for production.


Thanks! I’m a Gitea user for years and was not aware of this. I was planning my own Gitea server, I will now forgo gitea for forgejo.

And we should call it out every time rather than accept it as normal and stop talking about it.

Great idea! It’s up to us to preserve culture, we can’t leave it to those only motivated by profit otherwise cultural history will be lost when it becomes unprofitable.

And since we’re not coordinating, I’d better make sure I preserve the bits of culture important to me.

It probably doesn’t matter in most cases, especially software RAID. I’ve had proprietary storage system vendors recommending being very careful about identical disks but that could just be salesman crap.


Choosing a high-level language would limit your world so all of those are out. I could make my own high-level language if absolutely necessary from Zig but the reverse is not possible.

Zig > C as it’s easier to write safer more secure code while being as fast or even faster than C, and usable in embedded and other places only C is normally used. In fact, I can create C binaries with my Zig compiler.

Zig > Rust because actually writing safe Rust code would use all my time and sanity so would end up writing unsafe Rust, but then what’s the point.

Zig > Go because Go is slower, higher level, and backed by one of the most evil entities to ever exist.

This is a way better perspective

(pedo drag queens) they do seem exceedingly rare

This is because interest in expressing one’s fabulousness and interest in abusing kids are radically different things. People become drag queens because they are too fabulous to be contained by a single gender and they have to hold it in with Spanx. People become religious leaders because they are trusted positions of power which can provide an opportunity for them to abuse kids and other vulnerable groups with little risk of consequences.

These are interesting thought experiments.

If I live in say Oregon, and own 20 acres in Montana. Am I responsible for an hourly or daily sweep of my distant property to ensure no CSAM exists lest I be held responsible? Would I need to hire guards to ensure nobody uses a hole in a tree on my property to stash CSAM otherwise be responsible?

IMHO, it is or should be more what’s reasonable. Obviously hourly sweeps of acres or property is ridiculous but if you run a magazine stand then it should be have some processes to ensure what is sold is legal. Similarly, so long as a lemmy server operator is running by current best practices and isn’t grossly negligent it seems like a bad idea to hold them responsible. As time goes on, best practices will evolve better methods of keeping shit out.

TBH, my worry is that the owners of Reddit could pay some bad actors to post CSAM to lemmy servers to take out their competition.

You’re a regarded one. I won’t bother to answer such dumb questions.

This is just like how someone could put printed CSAM behind a bush in my yard or something and some authorities could decide to hold me responsible.

Blair White too, she’s too disgusting to put a link though, I won’t subject y’all.

If inbound port 25 is blocked you simply cannot run a mail server, it would just be a mailbox.

If it’s just outbound 25 blocked, pay a few bucks for a relay service and send mail to the relay on the submission port or over SSL.

Write a shell script, for example, a script that uses rsync to back up your computer to another over SSH. Then make it rotate your old backups.

There’s a Firefox extension called SingleFile that’s great for saving/archiving entire web pages.

You’re using “anarchy” as analogous to “chaos”. Embrace each other rather than a group that claims power using violence.

Eventually one might come to the conclusion that there is no way to have people in power and it not be abused.

And a bunch of items you really don’t want to order even if they are technically on the menu.

I think -J is newer and may not work if you have distro versions older than like 5 years (eg. Centos 7 or before). There is a less convenient syntax that does the same thing though

$ ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p bastion-host" remote-host


This is a common pattern, typically called a “jump host” or “bastion host”.

a script to cat my priv key through the relay

When it comes to security, I typically recommend against rolling your own. SSH already has agent forwarding option to do this securely and the -J option to accomplish the same without even needing to forward the key. The agent can seem complex at first, it’s actually pretty simple and worth learning.

Feel free to message me if you have more questions, I’ve got lots of experience w/ SSH.

Check out Crystal, it’s like static typed Ruby.

Are you initiating SSH connections from all these hosts?

If you just need to SSH to these hosts, use a single key and copy the public key only to the hosts you need to connect to. If you don’t want to copy the pubkeys to target hosts, use LDAP + SSSD or certificates.

Then, if you do need to initiate connections from these hosts and use an SSH agent you can forward your agent and SSH to another host

client> ssh -A host1
host1> ssh host2
client> ssh -A host1
host1> ssh -A host2
host2> ssh -A host3

Oh really? Is this from like not having to contact google analytics for every action?