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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 03, 2023


All those services block IPVanish and Proton. They want my data not my money.

How do you come to that conclusion from their blocking of commercial VPNs? Sure, of course they want your telemetry as well, but it’s mainly due to the copyright owners/distribution agreements.

Why would you ever want to rename the file though? The extra tags are useful, eg for when searching matching subtitles or remembering quality without needing to check ffprobe.

Do they actually do that in the majority of cases, or just a few to scare people? Germany is really weird on IP law…

admitting that they might need to if they were forced to. That is extremely reasonable.

It’s not though? The reasonable result would be to simply shut down in that jurisdiction.

You can comply with the law whilst not having anything to provide the law. Such as Mullvad does.

You mean they got a shock letter that says “pay us, or we’ll take you to court”? Just throw that junk mail away.

My ISP uses CGNAT but I have a public static IP from them. 10+ years of heavy usage and not a single letter.

Controversial take: TOR shouldn’t be used to download large amounts of pirates stuff.

Maybe only controversial amongst entitled filesharers (read: those who are simply too lazy or cheap to use something else). The Tor project has been recommending against this since even before 2010: https://blog.torproject.org/bittorrent-over-tor-isnt-good-idea/

Yeah, task interruptions and task switching is awful for productivity. That’s why I love WFH and will never voluntarily go back to the office.

Why don’t you run the update service? Or if you do, how does the few seconds it takes to apply the update really impact you? I never even realize it apparently updates so much as it doesn’t nag or anything.

something Mozilla doesn’t even dare, as that’s where they get all their Google money from

Or because they’re aware that it’d be a huge waste of time and money? It’d be a lot of work to build a search engine anywhere near as good as the existing alternatives, so it’d give worse user experience and waste time.

Does your university allow you to use VPNs? Do they have any acceptable use policy? It’s unlikely they’ll care if you download a few cars, but they’ll probably get mad if you’re just trying to maximize bandwidth used for fun and wonder why you’re using so much.

Fix the tags as mentioned by the others. MusicBrainz Picard for example works quite well for this if you want to do it automatically.

No, you should absolutely not abuse Tor for filesharing, especially not for torrents or other large P2P downloads.