• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


I have two problems with this.

  1. I consider Razer the most over-hyped and over-priced peripheral producer. The products I’ve seen were not bad, but did cost at least twice as much as their feel suggested. I don’t want to support this.
  2. Tilt-wheel. Every mouse I’ve held that had tilt wheel was PITA in the long run. I probably grip the mouse wrong, but I very often tilted the wheel instead pressing the button.

Soldering should be fine, this will probably end up as long winter evening project at some point. Was it possible to re-use gliders after dismembering the mouse?

Swelling problem won’t be fixed as easy. The material of the wheel just expanded, the rubber is twice as big as new one to the point it can’t fit in its hole in the mouse. Internet is full of the same problems, it was either defective batch or it reacts with some specific agent in some people’s sweat. Never the less, the only way is to replace the whole wheel. Need to find out which of my friends have a 3D printer…

Wireless mouse with silent switches recommendation
Hello, not sure whether this is right place to ask, but I'll ask anyway. I'm looking for mouse replacement, but I do need the mouse to be quieter than your usual "click click clik", as I often use it in the evening in a room with other people sleeping. Usage is about 50:50 office and single player gaming, so I don't need *the best* sensor tracking or the fanciest RGB (I nor need nor want that at all), I just want well working, silent mouse. I hold my mouse mostly in claw/fingertip grip, so I can't operate something big, Deathadder-like. Ambidextrous shape is fine (maybe even preferred), as long as it has 2 thumb buttons on the left side. I used to have Logitech G305 which was almost perfect, except for 2 things: 1) very loud clicks and 2) mouse wheel got nasty swollen over time to the point it stopped rolling at all. I'm using something people describe as "PWNAGE symm 2 clone" from local store brand, that is exactly what I need (smaller shape, silent), but its sensor is somehow starting to act weird after like 3 years? It's been discontinued so I can't buy replacement one. Or if you know better place to ask (other than /r/...), I'd be glad. Thank you very much!

I can’t think of how p2p messengers even could have webapp.

Slavery is ok, because negroes are not people.

Holocaust is cool, because Jews are not people.

Killing children is fine, because Ukrainians* are not people.

*everyone who’s not Russian

Well, technically yes, but why pay even a couple quids when I already have purchased the game on PC? Of course there’s this “To support the dev!” but honestly… How much he’s going to make from such a purchase after all?

This is why I find Steam Deck the most tempting handheld console, because it can play (almost) all the games I’ve purchased over last decade on both Steam and GOG. I’m no Nintendo fanboy so I can happily live without Mario or Zelda.

Exactly. Not only the games are still (even after many years) very expensive with not that much “steam sale” level of discounts or various humble/fanatical bundles, it’s Nintendo’s behavior that is the most off putting part in the equation.

I really do like the idea of switch and might be a potential buyer, but… as a long time PC user woth zero console experience I’ll pass. I don’t want to (re)buy games that seems to be quite overpriced on Nintendo. So if anything, I’d be buying Steam Deck.

Try Vikunja, it might tick the box for you.

Tbh Apple Vision pro was probably designed to add more visual spam, not reduce it…

Thank you, will have to check the docs… I remeber someone told me it can’t import folder structure, but it’s been a while.

How does it store images? Does it make one huge pile and sort it by metadata and external db magic?

That is brilliant and that’s shat I love about old Fallouts.

Well, since I’m not native speaker I sometimes tend to miss some words/context without reading “subtitles” during voiceovers. On the other hand I’m glad there’s voiceover because it usually helps with immersion.

Fail to progress reminds me of my playthrough of Fallout 1 with very low INT character. Some conversation were priceless. It was usually things like “Mmmhm, unga bunga, huh” from my character and then sigh from the NPC like “Oh no, another village idiot…” I highly recommend to at least check some of these low int conversations on youtube - hillarious.

Nice, thank you. This should be very helpful in case I won’t have time to play at all. Which is what sometimes happen, life is life, so you never know…

Thank you for heads up. Will definitely give it a try.

I manage to play usually about 4 nights a week, so about day or two between sessions. This should be okay.

Reading all the comments, it looks like DE might be great pick for this interrupted play through. Glad to hear that, because everyone says it’s a great game.

Even though I have games like Skyrim or Kingdom Come at my account, it’s almost impossible to dig into those with this kind of gaming schedule. LA Noire was really great game for this.

Glad to hear that. Although I’m not fast reader (not even in my mother tongue) I like reading when it is meaningful. I chewed through Planescape: Torment after all…

As for time, I’m not strictly limited to exactly 1 hour. It’s just I simply can’t play 5 hours straight like a teenager can… so one hour was an estimate. Sometimes it’s an hour, sometimes it’s two.

After all it looks DE should be ok and this short burst shouldn’t spoil it. Thank you.

Is Disco Elysium playable in short bursts?
Hello, I just finished the game I was playing (Book of Demons, would give it 7/10) and I'm looking what to play next. I don't have as much time for gaming as I used to (job, children, etc.) so I usually have about an hour at the evening to play. Some games are tough to fit into this because it breaks immersion too much and everyday having to remember when I left just to quit soon after is just... tedious? Wrong? Idk and I don't want to spoil good games with it. My friend gifted me Disco Elysium for christmas and it looks ver promising. But is it possible to squeeze it into this schedule? Or does it break the game too much? Thank you for your input.

Well, I remembered it wrong, it’s only 100 TB written. Still quite a lot IMO. Reads are 300 TB+ though.


Yep, it’s a lot, but it should be right. Hope I did not misread the numbers. It runs quite write-heavy warehouse and cash register store database, running 24/7. I don’t have the drive by me now, but I’ll try to remember and post pic on Monday when I’m back to work.

Yeah, I get that. But since it’s (basically) XMPP, can’t it be used with such as Converse.js?

I wonder how does this differ from plain XMPP? There are tons of XMPP clients for every imaginable device, includong browser ones.

We have hundreds of Samsung 860/870 EVOs in operation at my work now. All of them are working reliably in both windows and linux machines running 24/7 for years. Some more heavily used (local postgres db) are probably not in the best condition, but still working. Speaking of mostly 250 GB ones.

We used to buy OCZ brand. First OCZs (Vertex 3) were amazing, some of them are still in work for 10+ years. Vertex 460 still great, again, some are still in use. But ever since Toshiba came in and old models were replaced with Trion models, it went to shit. Some of those models in the same environment started to fail (and I mean critical failures, like no OS after reboot or missing data etc.) after less than a year. Some of them still run in less critical PCs with light use, but do I trust the brand? Hell no.

I just checked one 250 GB OCZ Vertex 3 running for ~10 years with Crystaldisk. It has over 220 TB written, 300 TB read, and crystaldisk still shows roughly 40% lifetime left. It ran in badly wented, really dusty Dell Optiplex with Windows XP.

Edit: Personally I also have good experience with Crucial/Micron too, but that’s just based on home use for storing music, documents, steam games and not much else.

I know that and that’s why I’m so sad about it. Some of my best friends are from Slovakia and they feel exactly like you - despair.

I’m so sad what happened to Slovakia. With Pellegrinis win it’s now oficially run 100% by state mafia :-(

Well, this one is a bit special case. One of a generation…

I hate these post containing only youtube link. I’m interested in the matter, but often times I can’t simply play video be it youtube or piped/invidious. Why is it so difficult to past at least short resume, TL;DW, … ?

This is exactly the game that came to my mind when reading title. I loved old Mafia, but the remake? It’s not a bad game, but it lost like 90% of atmosphere original had. Like those cop chases that are utter joke that doesn’t belong to the game.

The more I discover about US election system the more confused I am, lol. This is like some form of centuries old comedy and not like current event real president may come from.

What is caucus day? How is it important? How is it connected to winter? What am I missing here as your average european?

And if investors are not dumb fu*ks, the would want something like “average expediture per user” and that’s another point for me!

I never stated I’m not acting silly. It’s true I don’t really like Epic nowadays so why not state my opinion this way? It’s a bit of a twist in “vote with your wallet” after all.

The games are not free, someone has to pay for them, at least something. And if it ain’t me…

Luckily EGS doesn’t even work on linux :-) Heroic is vastly better anyway.

You should redo them then.

I claim every free game Epic offers, not because I actually want to play them. I claim all those games because it costs Epic money. And that is my goal.