ladfrombrad 🇬🇧

not called Brad but rather a lad, from Bradford in the UK.

Enjoys breaking apps, escooters, spam rings and sometimes bones, but not my own. That sucks.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Yes, we can change, but it’s still installed and running services in the background if I recall.

You can disable or remove Chrome depending on your device

I run a simple combo of Firefox and Kiwi Browser so I get a taste of both browser engines and don’t really have any issues since I get extensions too in both.

The thing we do need to be observant about is Google Play Services and its tentacles of that sticky little system-priv framework and what it can do. AFAIK, it can still use Chrome even if disabled/removed during a Factory Reset and why there are FRP exploits using Chrome + webviews.

Goddamit, I got looking for a couple of the pubs I’ve been to down your end and ended up with the above.

Seems about right 👌

e: linky

I’ve been using this moniker for a long time and lad is a bit of a non truthy thing now 😇

Where ya from?

Definitely a fair point and I imagine it varies highly between industries/companies. I just get to see lots of redundant actions that are simply, redundant, just like the perps in the OP :(

Us and Them

No doubt - there are many of these workers in the Office but I’m also seeing many stragglers doing fuck all and also delegating jobs out that they’re themselves fully capable of doing but instead of walking 100 yards sending an email + WhatsApp.

While I don’t use WhatsApp things get cycled down other channels and it annoys me no end. I’m a busy person 80% of the time but because these leeches can’t organise their weekdays they then try their best to offload their, work.

Moar deep grumbly noises.

The music industry needs to die off already.

You know what I find it akin to in the industry I work in and I know this gonna cause some controversy - but the 9-5 Mon-Fri managers we have at work.

I work something called Continental shifts which are basically days/nights/days/nights on a A/B/C/D rota throughout the space of a month.

What I find telling is we run absolutely fine on weekend days and all our night shifts but, we have these what I’m going to call leeches (but the controversial term is…Office Drones) just like the copyright fuckwads illustrated here that suddenly appear throughout the week and are a general nuisance?

They really don’t do anything I can see that benefits the company/industry other than sending emails etc for others to send them a report that’s readily available/start bullshit investigation etc.

They make me grumble these leeches :/

I almost just want a cheap piece of crap dumb phone

Looked into a KaiOS device? Not entirely dumb, GMaps is only the web version so no voice navigation etc.

But might be something of interest to ya?

Ah I see, that’s pretty cool. Suppose it’s just the look of their website that reminded me of a knock off site or something.

While I’ve used ClamAV and knew they had a Windows app as well as other platforms I’ve never heard of the above website, and it smells funny to me.

ClamAV has been around for years, and I’d throw caution to the wind with the above Windows executable from ClamWin…


Just had a nosey, that DSM 923 (Vs 423) doesn’t have a discreet GPU.

What rules are you putting on your downloads from the arrr’s, and do you find some struggle to transcode w/ Jellyfin?

I’ve had to lower the rules since it got silly trying to transcode 80GB+ files over the puny specs of the DSMs > N100 SFF box I’m testing with, and use them solely for NAS / arrrrrs. I still need to invest a little more I think :/

That’s what I’ve been curious about, but even still on a DSM 223 & 418 I’ve found them alright to an extent running Radarr/Sonarr/Transmission.

I did however run into problems trying to use them via Container Manager aka Docker on the DSM’s.

Jellyfin thou is definitely best run on something that can transcode media and the DSM’s are definitely not cut out for that, and if your Windows PC has an Intel processor will see you having less issues. Good luck you ;)

Maybe try it the other way like I’ve done?

Put the arrr stack + qbit on your Syn drive, mount the shares via NFS, and then use Jellyfin on your Windows PC?

edit: or, like you’re saying you’re wanting qbit behind your Mullvad put that on your Windows PC and tell Sonarr/Radarr that’s where the Download Client is

Are you running Jellyfin on the NAS as well as the arrr stack?

Also which Synology NAS do you have exactly and as someone else asked, what client / box are you using to access it with?

I’ve got a couple of Synology boxes and only run Radarr/Sonarr/Transmission on them and that’s it - Jellyfin is on another SFF PC and I’ve also been thinking of taking Transmission out of the Syn boxes since it nails them on large & multiple downloads.

Dreamplayer on Android and Android TV is pretty cool for TVH servers, albeit they want you to pay for each app and have a rather appropriate username

But as others have said LiveTV on Jellyfin sucks and can be used instead with VLC and other apps / resources.

I’d be curious how many account holders in the UK have actually been prosecuted for copyright infringement.

In nearly two decades with the same ISP (Telewest > Blueyonder > VirginMedia) I’ve had a grand total of two emails from them with no teeth in it, and still download what I want from public trackers to this day.

I get an actual letter from them? Yay, free toilet paper!


edit: Links edited out with codebase instead for context

Who the fuck are these guys OP?

I prerecord like a minute ahead of the show starting and sound / video are both well.

But what happens is the audio mutes as soon as the starting credits roll. I don’t exactly get how they’re doing it since my TV’s DVB receiver plays it just fine.

I checked my HD recording of the new Attenborough Mammals show, and that did have audio so I’ll have to keep an eye ear out for it happening again.

I have a few TVHeadend servers running on Rasp Pi’s and have noticed some of the newer HD titles broadcast over DVB-T2 has the video stream but actually mute the audio. Frozen Planet on BBC was the most recent one I noticed.

SDTV streams are fine but they now mute the HD streams somehow on certain newer titles 🥺


I make my own thank you very much. Sticker packs are a right of passage to navigation on Telegram. We also have the gif game.

I think we’ve lasted 20mins of replying in gifs to each other, in context. Is a very hard “game”.

Yeah, more my point is I was curious if Telegram has previously taken down private groups Vs public ones (I’ve seen a fair few of these obviously since they adhere to DMCA requests) but have never seen a private group taken down.

To be honest Telegram doesn’t ban private groups “for piracy” and only takes out public groups that receive a DMCA.

I think the above user is pointing out a rather fun fact - if you’re in some of the many private groups where shit is shared freely…those wanting to ban it don’t like the fact that they can’t see in those private groups.

Like, is there any evidence of private groups being monitored by media corps or their lackeys in gov?

How about I just downvote you for harassing someone and making off topic comments to the thread?

We’ve had a no piracy rule over in the Android subs/communities for years and the funny thing is, by time we ever got to someone trying to post a pirated APK the community themselves tore them a new arsehole.

Easiest rule to enforce when the community will absolutely hiss at you. Love em.

edit: a fun talking point I suppose is YouTube, and its app. We got a lot of people arguing that Newpipe ‘was piracy’ and I even had many debates with other members/mods about is it, or isn’t it piracy?

My view it’s a website that you can parse even with other tools like yt-dl, and if wanted to stop use of Newpipe / Revanced whatever they could in the blink of an eye.

So let me get this straight.

You’re being purposely opaque (aka, those in the knows comment) with sharing information around here?

Wouldn’t it be conducive sharing context here instead of a 4 character title most people (will use their preferred search engine) in the first place will have to search for?

Is curious.

I share one of my TVHeadend servers with someone in India so they can watch BBC and other DVB/FTA content without having to jump through hoops/VPN’s for the many streaming apps that are restricted to UK only IP’s.

Come at me, Channel4?

:) You do know that bot is banned in right?

And to be fair, it is unsolicited bot spam (I miss BotDefense) although it ultimately is up to the admins and mods in this…instance and there is always the possibility of useful bots. Blanket blocking them via your profile seems a bit, meh, e: especially if you want to invoke one which is always the better way?

It was interesting as a concept, but streaming torrents have never been the optimal way

While this is true to some extent, I never had an issue with BitCast (Casted, torrents) until Google didn’t like it and banned it (edit: wait, have they unbanned that or is it visible to me because I had it prior installed?), even though they allow other torrent clients such as Flud etc.

Maybe they didn’t want Cast™ to be associated with arrrr’s but it worked well for me, especially for well seeded seas.

edit II: RIP

is available still to my Google Account because I had it prior. Time to play and see if it works still.

eIII: no bueno :(

DDOS is terribly illegal

Bro… We are in a piracy community… And shit is only illegal if you get caught in general.

Sailors do not enable abuse nor condone getting yourself locked up.

That’s stupid 101.