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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


I’ve always wanted something like that, very cool!
Any plans to incorporate customizable cloud saves? I’m envisioning listing files and registry keys, maybe fetch a starting point off PCGW to give users an idea of what to expect and whatnot.
Linux client support would be great too, the Steam Deck could make great use of this.

Always sad to witness folks losing their jobs, but I guess we all saw this coming. Here’s hoping they all manage to land on their feet.
That said, I have to wonder what that second game was going to be about. Codename “It’s Magic”, probably something involving Gandalf or another Wizard? 🤔

Great pick, I keep meaning to check them but they sure can look daunting these days

Yup, that’d also be the case for people like me who stick with Windows for gaming compatibility/convenience reasons and critical GPU features the Linux drivers just don’t implement (looking at you, DLDSR). That, or just anyone with a GPU, I suppose, assuming the hardware market would look remotely like it does nowadays by then.

Ohh so that’s what it was lol, I’d assumed it was auto saving at first as well but got confused when it didn’t seem to generate an actual new save slot. At any rate, I reckon it’s a good thing it was generous enough that I didn’t even register it had limits in place to begin with.

Looking forward to the crew interactions too, seems ripe for a fun time since the game doesn’t take itselt too seriously and they all look interesting and seem to have fun abilities.

I’ve played several, mostly games I’ve been following so no huge surprises. My highlights were:

Lies of P
Great soulslike built on a grim take on Pinocchio. Borrows a lot from Bloodborne, oppressive and interesting world, satisfying combat.

Sea of Stars
Super charming JRPG I’ve been looking forward to for a while, great pixel art, fun combat system with timed hits, great music.

Very similar to a Mega Man Battle Network game, but combat leans more towards the turn based side of the spectrum. Has some Undertale influences as well. The art being as cute as it is might turn some off, but it’s a plus for myself.

Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew
Strategy game from the folks behind Shadow Tactics and Desperados. You control undead pirates with unique and fun abilities, and the game encourages you to rewind time as needed to experiment and play around.

Honorable mentions go to Eternights and Viewfinder. Fantastic games all around, the following months are looking great!

Sweet, definitely not a type of implementation I’d expect on top of the fediverse so that makes it even cooler!
Looks super well thought out, especially love the robust import feature and federated book metadata. I’ll have to check it out sometime soon.

Just checked and was able to get it to install on my end, OP might have updated it in the meantime.

I hadn’t caught that, nice! Super glad they’re finally branching out a bit more anyhow, looks pretty solid.

Those are crazy high scores even taking into account my already high expectations, dang. The wait until it comes to PC is going to be extra excruciating this time around…

It’s a neat project and it definitely helps in specific cases, but I don’t think it’ll change much when it comes to the overall picture because it’d still require coordinated effort by the folks managing their discord servers.
Server admins/mods would have to go out of their way to manually set this up so it’s effectively opt-in, and I have a hunch there isn’t much of an overlap between people who care about open, searchable discussions and people who choose to host them on discord servers. Maybe for discoverability’s sake? Not sure.

Oh, huh. Came here to ask which bug but I see now lol. I had no knowledge of this post’s existence beforehand so yup, probably.

Fuck yeah, that was my go-to app for like a decade right up until the great reddit migration. I’ll very gladly pay for Pro all over again!

I gotta say, upon closer inspection Yunohost looks way more elegant and complete a solution than I was picturing. Figured it’d mostly be premade apps ready to install but there’s also built-in LDAP + email, let’s encrypt certificates, integrated security features, the list goes on and on. If the execution is even remotely as smooth as the documentation suggests, Yunohost sounds great!

Yeah, new season looks like last season part 2 which is fine honestly considering their business model but I hope the next one mixes things up a little harder

P.S.: To the bone!

Brainstorming a bit, I think wiring up InfluxDB, Grafana plus some convenient way of inputting all those data sources sounds ideal. As a time series database, keeping track of how data evolves over time is InfluxDB’s whole thing, Grafana or similar would be for visualizing said data. I guess the complicated part would be getting your data sources to write to it in a convenient way, not sure if there’s a generic enough project out there already.
Looking around a bit, not too dissimilar to what this blog post has done.

Haven’t been playing much but will get some Deep Rock Galactic action later today for the new season content, if that counts. It’s my one evergreen game I keep coming back to whenever there’s an update lol

Shapez rocks! Excited for the sequel too, dev updates have been looking great.

I tried tons of personal knowledge management apps and eventually settled with Logseq. It’s incredible if you’re more of an outliner, the workflow just fits me like a glove. I just dump everything into daily journals and let the connections arise from there as I go.
My one big complaint is you can’t self host a self contained web version of it (meaning you still have to open a local working folder even if you do host your own, which defeats the purpose imo), which then forces you to either sync between devices manually or use their paid service. Since there are Windows and Android apps I make do with Syncthing, but it’s unnecessarily clunky.