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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 20, 2023


Now we can learn the secrets of Stop n Swop

Feels like we’re 20 years too early for that, but I hope it works out well. That’s the inevitable long term solution.

It should be assumed by default that data collection is almost always non-consensual.

Pretty sure they blocked everyone else if they haven’t been blocked already. They’re basically already blocked by everyone lol.

If searching for programmer socks didn’t already put them on that list

5 mins a day is a lot? There just be a big disconnect here, because like you said, this same act is taking you hundreds of hours.

Damn you want to hook me up with some of that unlimited resin you have? That runs out in 5 minutes for me!

Genshin Impact is my main game, I prefer the really polished open world combat, and down to earth stories with an amazing emphasis on being culturally accurate.

Also the game literally has no grind, so idk wtf the other user is saying. 95% of the content is done non-repeatable. Character’s are time gated by an energy system, but there game is incredibly easy and it’s nothing worth worrying about.

The first thing you need is your pirate ship and your crew. Pirates steal, so I recommend just going to a nearby port and cause a mutiny. You’ll need a pirate crew for this, so you’ll need to go to your local tavern and bribe a few scallywags with some coin and beer. Before you set of to see, I recommend you get up to date on your sea shantys and have a large stockpile of cannonballs. Have fun sailing the seas!

Wanna link the actual video instead of screenshooting some random discord chatter?

Loads by default for me on Firefox Android, and I can see the embed just fine.

Woah buddy, no need to be so threatening to these innocent web pages

I also use it for Esc which is really convenient for Vim

Why do you think it’s not a good idea to use your own domain? I’ve been doing it for years with Tutanota, it’s great.